This specifies the identification of the node to be de-registered.

     NODE node-id

 The node identification can be one of:

     The fully specified name for the node in the directory service.
     The Phase IV synonym for the node.
     One of the NET or NSAP addresses for the node.
     The Phase IV address (and optional Phase IV prefix) for the node.

 Wildcards are allowed in names and addresses.

1  –  Names

 The node to be de-registered can be specified using its full name or
 its Phase IV synonym.

 The syntax of a fully specified name depends on the directory service
 being used.  Examples of fully specified names might be:

     For Local:      NODE MailHub
     For DECdns:     NODE MyCo:.Sales.MailHub
     For Phase IV:   NODE MLHUB

 An example of a Phase IV synonym for any of the above might be:


 Wildcards are allowed in the node name using an asterisk (*).  For

     For Local:      NODE Mail*
     For DECdns:     NODE MyCo:.Sales.Mail*
     For Phase IV:   NODE ML*

 The wildcard character can come anywhere in the last part of the name.
 Only a single wildcard character is allowed.

2  –  Addresses

 The node to be de-registered can be specified using one of its NETs (or
 NSAPs), or its Phase IV address.

 An NET is an NSAP address value with an N-Sel value of "00" (indicating
 that it is independent of the type of transport service in use on the
 node).  If you specify an NSAP instead of an NET, it is converted to an
 NET before it is used.

   DNA format:  <afi>:<idi>:<predsp>-<locarea>:<nodeid>:00
   OSI format:  <afi><idi>+<predsp><locarea><nodeid>00

 Examples of NETs might be:

   DNA format:  NODE 39:840:0001:AA-00-04-00-05-04:00
   OSI format:  NODE 39840+0001AA000400050400

 If the node has a Phase IV address, that can be used instead of an NET.

   Format:      <area>.<nodeid>

 This is internally converted to an NET, using the Phase IV prefix value.
 The Phase IV prefix value can be specified with the Phase IV address or
 the PHASEIV_PREFIX parameter, or set using the SET DEFAULT command.

 Examples of a Phase IV address might be:

   NODE 1.5                           Uses the default Phase IV prefix
   NODE 1.5+39:840                    Uses an explicit Phase IV prefix
   NODE 1.5 PHASEIV_PREFIX 39:840     Uses an explicit Phase IV prefix

 Wildcards are allowed in the NET or Phase IV address using an asterisk.
 The wildcard character must replace either the node id, or the local
 area and the node id.  For an NET containing a wildcard, do not specify
 an N-Sel value.

   39:840:0001:*   (or 39840+0001*)   Wildcard the node id
   39:840:*        (or 39840+*)       Wildcard the local area and node id

   1.*                                Wildcard the node id
   *.*                                Wildcard the area and node id
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