The DECNET_LOC_REGISTER utility provides system managers with functions
 to help manage node names in the DECdns local namespace.

 These functions aid in:

   - Creating an initial local name file containing node information to be
     loaded into the DECdns local namespace.

   - Recreating the local name file from the names that are currently
     loaded in the DECdns local namespace.

   - Getting the full tower sets for node definitions that have only simple
     addresses defined, by directly querying the indicated nodes.

   - Loading the information contained in the local name file into the
     DECdns local namespace, using default tower sets when the real tower
     set information is not available.

   - Using the information contained in the local name file to register nodes
     into a DECdns distributed namespace.

   - Clearing all names from the DECdns local namespace when its use is no
     longer necessary.

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