DECdns provides a local naming option for defining DECnet node names.  The
 local namespace is accessible only from the node it is created on.

1  –  Invocation

 The DECNET_LOC_REGISTER utility is normally invoked using the RUN command.
 It can also be invoked using a foreign command symbol.  For example:

     $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DECNET_LOC_REGISTER         !Invoke the utility

     $ LOCREG :== $SYS$SYSTEM:DECNET_LOC_REGISTER !Foreign command symbol
     $ LOCREG                                     !Invoke the utility

 If a foreign command symbol is used, a command line can be passed directly
 to DECNET_LOC_REGISTER on the invocation command line.  For example:


2  –  Namespace Setup

 To use the local namespace, you must:

  1) Use the CREATE command to create a local name file that describes the
     nodes you need to register.  This file contains node name and addressing
     information for the nodes you need to access.

  2) Use the GET TOWERS command to obtain the full addressing tower sets
     for any node definitions that have only simple addresses specified
     (this is optional, and is used to help make network connection
     establishment more efficient).

  3) Use the LOAD command to load the information contained in the local
     name file into the DECdns local namespace.  This makes the name and
     address information available for use by DECnet.

  4) Use NET$CONFIGURE to set DECnet to use the DECdns local namespace, by
     specifying LOCAL: as the namespace name.

  5) Edit the local name file, and use the GET TOWERS and LOAD commands,
     whenever you need to add, change, or delete node definitions.

3  –  Adding and Removing

 To change node information, you must edit the local name file and add,
 modify, or delete node definitions.  A description of how to enter a node
 definition is placed at the top of the file when it is first created.  This
 information should not be deleted.

 When adding a new node to the text file, specify the addressing information
 either as a simple address or as a partial DECnet-Plus addressing tower set.
 Specifying the tower set makes network connection establishment more
 efficient.  If you do not know the tower set for a node, specify the simple
 Phase IV address or NET (network entity title) and use the GET TOWERS
 command to obtain the real tower set.

 Once the node (or nodes) has been added to or removed from the text file,
 use the LOAD command to make the change to the DECdns local namespace.

4  –  Obtaining Help

 The HELP command allows you to obtain help for any command and command

 While entering a command, you can also obtain the list of options available
 at that point in the command.  To do this, type a question mark (?) at the
 end of the command line.  This lists the available command options, and
 prompts you for the desired option (if any).

5  –  Termination

 The EXIT command causes DECNET_LOC_REGISTER to terminate execution.  The
 Ctrl/Z key combination can also be used.

 If a command was specified on the invocation command line, the utility
 exits immediately after the command has been processed.
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