Library /sys$common/syshlp/TECO.HLB  —  Flags  ET
  Value  Meaning if set

      1  Type-out is in pass-all mode
      2  Terminal is a scope
      4  Terminal has lower-case; accept lower-case
      8  ^T reads with no echo
     16  Cancels ^O on output
     32  ^T reads with no wait (^T returns -1 if no input)
     64  Unimplemented by TECO under OpenVMS...
    128  TECO aborts if an error is encountered
    256  Output is truncated to the terminal's width
    512  "W" commands are supported for this scope terminal
   1024  Unimplemented by TECO under OpenVMS...
   2048  Unimplemented by TECO under OpenVMS...
   4096  Terminal is an 8-bit terminal
   8192  Accept accent grave (`) as ESCape for command input
  32768  Traps CTRL/C's (reset if CTRL/C is typed)

  Multiple values may be combined in the ET flag
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