Library /sys$common/syshlp/TCPIP$FTP_HELP.HLB  —  PUT
    The PUT command does the following:

    o  Copies local files to a remote host.

    o  Copies files to a DECnet node.

    File names are copied in lowercase without version numbers.

    To use this command, you must have an FTP session with a remote

    DCL Format

      PUT [ /CONFIRM | /CONVERT | /FDL | /RAW]   (local_file [

                                                remote_file ] )

    UNIX Format

      put  local_file [ remote_file ]

      send  local_file [ remote_file ]

      mput  local_files

1  –  Parameters



    Name of the local file to copy.

    o  To specify multiple files, separate the names with commas.

    o  To use wildcards, first enable parsing (see the ENABLE PARSE

          put file_name.ext - Copies the latest version
          put file_name.ext;* - Copies all versions

    o  To copy a file to a remote DECnet node, use the full
       node name, device, directory, and file name.


    Optional. Default: same name, same case, no version number on
    UNIX systems.

    Name of the new file on the remote host. You cannot use

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /CONFIRM

    Optional. Default: immediate execution. The /CONFIRM qualifier
    must immediately follow the PUT command, without a preceding

    This qualifier asks you for confirmation before copying the file.

2.2    /CONVERT


    Translates the internal file-formatting characters of Variable
    Forms Control (VFC) files. The /CONVERT qualifier must
    immediately follow the PUT command, without a preceding space.

2.3    /FDL

    Optional. Default: no secondary file created. The /FDL qualifier
    must immediately follow the PUT command, without a preceding

    Creates a secondary file with the file's OpenVMS record
    attributes. The SET TYPE command determines the type of file.

    o  Specifying ASCII results in a sequential file with variable-
       length records. Select this type when transferring ASCII text

    o  Specifying IMAGE results in a sequential file with fixed-
       length records of 512 bytes. Select this type when
       transferring non-ASCII files, such as executable image files.

2.4    /RAW


    Maintains block mode of files regardless of the TCPIP$FTP_
    RAW_BINARY logical name definition. The /RAW qualifier must
    immediately follow the PUT command, without a preceding space.

3  –  Examples

      200 PORT command successful
      150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for sales.lis.2 (,1028)
      226 Transfer complete
      local: DISK3$:[TRANS]SALES.LIS;2  remote:  sales.lis.2
      3634 bytes sent in 00:00:00.01 seconds (394.31 Kbytes/s)
      200 PORT command successful
      150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for sales.lis.1 (,1029)
      226 Transfer complete
      local: DISK3$:[TRANS]SALES.LIS;1  remote:  sales.lis.1
      3634 bytes sent in 00:00:00:01 seconds (394.31 Kbytes/s)

      Copies all versions of the local file SALES.LIS to the remote
      UNIX host.

      o  File names are copied in lowercase.

      o  OpenVMS file version numbers become the last element of the
         copied files.

      o  Semicolons are converted to periods.

      o  If the Store Unique feature is toggled on (sunique), when
         you copy a file to an OpenVMS host, the host FTP server
         gives the file a new, unique version number. When you
         specify the version number of a file to be copied (PUT)
         to a remote UNIX host, the file retains the version number
         on the remote host, with the semicolon (;) replaced by a
         period (.). The UNIX host adds another version number to
         the file name as well. For example, if you copy (PUT) file
         BASES.TMP;2 to a UNIX host, the file name on the UNIX host
         will be bases.tmp.2.1.

    2.FTP> PUT/FDL STAT.BCK "cygnet.bck"
      200 PORT command successful
      150 Opening data connection for cygnet.bckfdl (,1028)
      226 Transfer complete
      local: cygnet.bckfdl  remote: cygnet.bckfdl
      21700 bytes sent in 00:00:00.03 seconds (662.23 Kbytes/s)
      200 TYPE set to IMAGE
      200 PORT command successful
      150 Opening data connection for cygnet.bck (,1029)
      226 Transfer complete
      local: STAT.BCK  remote: cygnet.bck
      8152 bytes sent in 00:00:00.12 seconds

      Copies the local file STAT.BCK to a UNIX host, giving the copy
      the name cygnet.bck. Also creates a secondary file with the RMS
      record attributes of file cygnet.bckfdl.
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