Library /sys$common/syshlp/TCPIP$FTP_HELP.HLB  —  GET
    The GET command does the following:

    o  Copies remote files to the local host.

    o  Copies files from a DECnet node.

    To use this command, you must have an FTP session with a remote

    DCL Format

      GET  remote_file [ local_file ]

           [ /[NO]CONFIRM ]

           [ /FDL]

    UNIX Format

      get  remote_file [ local_file ]

      mget  remote_files

1  –  Parameters



    Name of the remote file to copy.

    o  To copy multiple files, separate the file names with commas or
       plus signs.

    o  When you specify multiple remote files, you cannot specify a
       local file name.

    o  To copy a file from a remote DECnet node, use the full
       specification: node name, device, directory, and file name.


    Optional. Default: Same name (without any device or directory

    New name for the copied file. You cannot specify a local file
    name if you specify the following:

    o  Multiple remote files

    o  Wildcards in the the remote file name

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /CONFIRM

    Optional. Default: immediate execution.

    Asks you for confirmation before executing the copy operation.

2.2    /FDL

    Optional. Default: no secondary file created.

    Uses a secondary file with the copied file's OpenVMS RMS record
    attributes (if you previously entered a PUT/FDL command). The SET
    TYPE command determines the type of file:

    o  Specifying ASCII results in a sequential file with variable
       records. Select this type when transferring ASCII text files.

    o  Specifying IMAGE results in a sequential file with fixed
       records of 512 bytes. Select this type when transferring
       non-ASCII files such as executable image files.

3  –  Examples

    1.FTP> get "/seasons/standings/spring.deliveries" SPORTS.TXT
      200 PORT command successful
      150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for spring.stats.

      Copies the UNIX file spring.deliveries to an OpenVMS host,
      where it is named SPORTS.TXT.

    2.FTP> GET spring.deliveries SPORTS.TXT

      Copies the same file (spring.deliveries) when it is in your
      remote working directory.

    3.FTP> mget *.doc
      200 PORT command successful
      150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for cast.doc;1 (,27)
      226 Transfer complete.
      local:cast.doc;1   remote: cast.doc;1
      1222 bytes received in 00:00:00.01 seconds (70.19 Kbytes/s)
      200 PORT command successful
      150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for director.doc;3 (,28)
      226 Transfer complete.
      local: director.doc;1   remote: director.doc;3
      90 bytes received in 00:00:00.01 seconds (5.49 Kbytes/s)

      Copies all the UNIX files ending with doc.

    4.FTP> get/confirm *.*;*
      Get EDTINI.EDT ? [Y or N] [Y]: Y

      Before executing the copy operation for every file in the
      remote default directory, FTP asks, one by one, to confirm
      that you want to copy each file.

      To confirm mput, mget, and mdelete operations, use the FTP
      prompt command before entering the mput, mget, and mdelete

        FTP> prompt
        Interactive mode on.
        FTP> mget C*
        Get CHRONOS ? [Y or N or Q or G] [Y]: y
        200 PORT command successful.
        150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for CHRONOS (,2150) (1596
        226 Transfer complete.
        local: WORK1$:[VANA]CHRONOS.;2  remote: CHRONOS
        1596 bytes received in 00:00:00.04 seconds (31.80 Kbytes/s)

    5.FTP> get/fdl feahers.dis

      Copies and preserves the record attributes of feathers.dis. (A
      put/fdl command was entered previously.)
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