/RAD=n /NORAD MODIFY/RAD=n affects only the entry for the specified resource affinity domain (RAD). The value of n is the RAD you specify. Usage Rules o Do not use MODIFY/RAD=n to change the size of a reservation for an entry without a specified number or to change the state of the /ZERO or /PAGE_TABLES flags. (Flags are always consistent for all entries in a given reservation.) o To change the RAD assignment for an entry, specify /RAD=n to identify the entry you want to change and /NEW_RAD=nn to identify the new RAD. Use only /NEW_RAD=nn (without the /RAD qualifier) if the old entry did not have a RAD assigned. o Use MODIFY name /NORAD if you no longer want to tie memory for this reservation to any specific RADs. SYSMAN compresses multiple entries into a single entry for an unspecified RAD with the total memory size as the sum of all RAD entries for this reservation.