In OpenVMS, executive and user images are loaded into dynamically assigned address space. To help you associate a particular virtual address with the image whose code has been loaded at that address, SDA provides several features: o The SHOW EXECUTIVE command o The symbolization of addresses, described in the Using_Symbols help topic o The READ command o The SHOW PROCESS command with the /IMAGES qualifier o The MAP command The OpenVMS executive consists of two base images, SYS$BASE_ IMAGE.EXE and SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS.EXE, and a number of other separately loadable images. Some of these images are loaded on all systems, while others support features unique to particular system configurations. Executive images are mapped into system space during system initialization. By default, a typical executive image is not mapped at contiguous virtual addresses. Instead, its nonpageable image sections are loaded into a reserved set of pages with other executive images' nonpageable sections. The pageable sections of a typical executive image are mapped contiguously into a different part of system space. An image mapped in this manner is said to be sliced. A particular system may have system parameters defined that disable executive image slicing altogether. Each executive image is described by a data structure called a loadable image data block (LDRIMG). The LDRIMG specifies whether the image has been sliced. If the image is sliced, the LDRIMG indicates the beginning of each image section and the size of each section. All the LDRIMGs are linked together in a list that SDA scans to determine what images have been loaded and into what addresses they have been mapped. The SHOW EXECUTIVE command displays a list of all images that are included in the OpenVMS executive. Each executive image is a shareable image whose universal symbols are defined in the SYS$BASE_IMAGE.EXE symbol vector. On initialization, SDA reads this symbol vector and adds its universal symbols to the SDA symbol table. Executive image .STB files define additional symbols within an executive image that are not defined as universal symbols and thus are not in the SYS$BASE_IMAGE.EXE symbol vector. You can enter a READ/EXECUTIVE command to read symbols defined in all executive image .STB files into the SDA symbol table, or a READ/IMAGE filespec command to read the .STB for a specified image only. To obtain a display of all images mapped within a process, execute a SHOW PROCESS/IMAGE command. See the description of the SHOW PROCESS command for additional information about displaying the hardware and software context of a process. You can also identify the image name and offset that correspond to a specified address with the MAP command. With the information obtained from the MAP command, you can then examine the image map to locate the source module and program section offset corresponding to an address.