/sys$common/syshlp/REGCP$HELP.HLB  —  MODIFY  VALUE  Qualifiers  /DATA

    Specifies the data for the value. The value can be:

    o  A string (for example, /DATA=COSMOS)

    o  An array of strings separated by a comma and enclosed in
       parentheses (for example, /DATA=(COSMOS,Noidea)

    o  A longword in binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal format.
       %B, %O, %D, and %X, or 0B, 0O, 0D, and 0X prefixes specify
       the format.  The default is decimal.

       Examples: /DATA=%X1A0FCB (hex)
                 /DATA=0X1A0FCB (hex)
                 /DATA=%D1234 (decimal)
                 /DATA=1234 (decimal, by default)


       If you specify /DATA, you cannot specify the /INPUT qualifier.
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