Library /sys$common/syshlp/NET$MGMT_HELP.HLB  —  about  Refresh display
     Certain changes that occur are not immediately reflected in the display.
     Examples of such changes include:

     -  Changes to the entity tree structure that occur when subentities or
        instances are dynamically created or deleted during the normal
        operation of DECnet-Plus, for example, changes in NSP Ports.

     -  Changes that occur as a result of some independent network
        management action.  For example, another manager may be running
        NCL on the same node and making network management changes.

     -  Changes to counter values.

     As a result, you may occasionally wish to refresh the display. To
     refresh any subentity within the entity tree, simply collapse
     and re-expand its parent.  To refresh counters, it is necessary to
     perform the Zoom action again.

     If you attempt to perform an action on an entity that no longer exists, an
     informational message will be displayed, and the parent entity will
     automatically be refreshed.
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