/sys$common/syshlp/MAILHELP.HLB  —  EDIT  Qualifiers



    When you select EDT as your text editor, the /COMMAND qualifier
    indicates the name of an EDT startup command file (EDTINI) for
    ini-file specification. If you do not specify a startup command
    file for ini-file specification, the default EDTINI.EDT file
    set up for the DCL command EDIT/EDT takes effect. This qualifier
    cannot be specified if you are using an editor other than EDT.

2    /CREATE

    The /CREATE qualifier is used to create a file. Mail prompts you
    for a file name when you do not specify one on the EDIT command



    When you select EDT as your text editor, the /JOURNAL qualifier
    specifies jou-file-spec as the name of a journal file. This
    qualifier cannot be specified if you are using an editor other
    than EDT.

4    /OUTPUT


    Specifies out-file-spec as the name of the output file. Use the
    /OUTPUT qualifier when you want to save the current file as a new
    file that has a different name.

5    /READ

    The /READ qualifier indicates that neither a journal file nor an
    output file will be created. If you do not specify an existing
    file and you are using the EVE editor, Mail creates a new file.
    If you do not specify an existing file with the /READ qualifier
    and you are using the EDT editor, Mail displays "Input file does
    not exist" and returns you to the MAIL> prompt. When you use
    the /READ qualifier, enter the QUIT command to end the editing
    session. If you enter the EXIT command, you are prompted for a
    file specification.


    When you select EDT as your text editor, the /RECOVER qualifier
    indicates that you want to recover a previous editing session
    that was prematurely terminated. The /RECOVER qualifier will work
    only if there is an existing .JOU file. This qualifier cannot be
    specified if you are using an editor other than EDT.
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