Library /sys$common/syshlp/LMCP$HLB.HLB  —  CONVERT_LOG, Parameters

    The file specification of the transaction log whose records are
    to be copied.

    The CONVERT LOG command uses the following defaults:

    o  If you omit the disk and directory, the CONVERT LOG command
       looks for the transaction log in the directories pointed to
       by the logical SYS$JOURNAL, which must be defined in executive
       mode in the system logical name table.

    o  If you omit the file type, the CONVERT LOG command uses


    The file specification of the new transaction log to be created.

    For DECdtm services to use the transaction log, the file must
    have a name of the form SYSTEM$node.LM$JOURNAL, where node is the
    name of the node.

    The CONVERT LOG command uses the following defaults:

    o  If you omit the disk and directory, the CONVERT LOG command
       creates the new transaction log in the first accessible
       directory pointed to by the logical SYS$JOURNAL, which must
       be defined in executive mode in the system logical name table.

    o  If you omit the file type, the CONVERT LOG command uses
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