/sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  SHOW  CLUSTER  Qualifiers  /ENDING

    Specifies the time that the SHOW CLUSTER session is to end. You
    can specify an absolute time, a delta time, or a combination of
    the two. Observe the syntax rules for time values described in
    the OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic Date.

    Use this qualifier with the /BEGINNING and /OUTPUT qualifiers to
    run SHOW CLUSTER without direct user intervention.

    You can specify time as absolute time expressed as [dd-mmm-
    yyyy[:]][hh:mm:ss.cc], or a delta time expressed as [dddd-
    ][hh:mm:s.cc], or a combination of the two. Observe the syntax
    rules for time values described in the OpenVMS User's Manual or
    the online help topic Date.
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