/sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  CREATE
    The CREATE command performs the following functions:

    o  Creates a sequential disk file or files (see subtopic "file").
       Included under the CREATE subtopic, file, is information on
       the following qualifiers: /LOG, /OWNER_UIC, /PROTECTION, and

    o  Creates one or more new directories or subdirectories (see

    o  Creates a new, empty data file using the specifications of an
       FDL file (see /FDL).

    o  Creates a virtual mailbox named MBAn and assigns an I/O
       channel number to it (see /MAILBOX). (Alpha/Integrity servers

    o  Creates a new logical name table (see /NAME_TABLE).

    o  Creates a window that emulates another terminal type (see
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