/sys$common/syshlp/EVE$HELP.HLB  —  NEW

  Creates a new buffer, putting it into the current EVE window, with the
  cursor at the top of the new buffer.


     1.  Use the NEW command.

     2.  The new buffer is named MAIN. If a buffer named MAIN already
         exists, EVE prompts you for the name of the new buffer to create.

  Usage notes:

  o  The new buffer has the same margins, tab stops, and other settings as
     the $DEFAULTS$ buffer---see help on Defaults.

  o  To save your edits, use the SAVE FILE AS or WRITE FILE command and
     specify the output file. Or, on exiting, EVE asks if you want to write
     out the buffer if it has been modified (see help on EXIT).

  o  To create or edit another file, use GET FILE, OPEN, or OPEN SELECTED.
     Each of these commands creates a buffer with the same name as the file
     you specify.

  o  Buffer names are not case-sensitive on VMS. For example, MEMO.TXT and
     memo.txt specify the same buffer. Wildcard characters in buffer names
     are treated as regular characters. For example, you can (perversely)
     create a buffer named *.

  o  For information about using multiple windows in EVE to view and edit
     different buffers, see help on Windows.

  Related topics:

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