/sys$common/syshlp/EVE$HELP.HLB  —  GO_TO

  Puts the cursor at a specified marker. Using MARK and GO TO makes it
  easier to move around in a large buffer or between buffers.


     The following commands put an invisible mark at the current position,
     naming it CHAP ONE, and later return to that position:

        Command: MARK chap one
        Command: GO TO chap one

  Usage notes:

  o  If the marker you want to go to is in another buffer, GO TO puts that
     buffer into the current window and then moves the cursor to the marker.

  o  If you are using two windows in EVE and the marker is in another buffer
     in the other window, GO TO moves to the other window and puts the
     cursor on the marker. This makes it easier to toggle between two
     buffers or different parts of the same buffer. For more information
     about using multiple windows in EVE, see help on Windows.

  o  Marker names are not case-sensitive (you can use uppercase, lowercase,
     or mixed case). Also, you can abbreviate the marker name. If more than
     one marker name matches your request, EVE shows a list of the matching
     names to choose from---see help on Choices Buffer.

  o  To find out names of markers in the buffer, use the SHOW command.

  o  Reusing the same marker name cancels the previous mark. For example, if
     you mark one location as HERE and later mark another location as HERE,
     the first marker is canceled.

  o  Markers are NOT saved in the output file from session to session.

  Related topics:

     MARK     SHOW
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