Library /sys$common/syshlp/EFI$HELP.HLB  —  SHOW  CHAIN  Description
    The SHOW CHAIN command is a diagnostic, and used to review the
    contents of the FAT disk structures.


       Not immediately useful to users. This command is solely
       intended as a low-level disk diagnostic and debugging tool.

    EFI$CP> show chain
    Cluster chain for <LOGIN.COM>

    File Attribute(s) : 0x00000020
                      : Modified; Archive Needed
    File Size         : 7418 Bytes, 15 sectors
                      : 250 bytes used in partially-written last sector
    First cluster     : 0x00000006

          --- Cluster : Next Cluster ---
           0x00000006 : 0x00000007
           0x00000007 : 0x00000008
           0x00000008 : 0x00000009
           0x00000009 : EOC

    Allocated Storage : 4 clusters
                      : 16 sectors
                      : 512 bytes per sector
                      : 4 sectors per cluster

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