Library /sys$common/syshlp/EDTHELP.HLB  —  SET  AUTOREPEAT
 The SET AUTOREPEAT (abbreviated SE AUTOREPEAT) command enables EDT's use
 of the DECARM VT100 control sequence to prevent keypad, function and
 arrow keys from repeating faster than EDT can update the screen.  If you
 do not want EDT to manipulate the VT100's autorepeat feature, use SET
 NOAUTOREPEAT (abbreviated SE NOAUTOREPEAT).  On some VT100-class
 terminals, SET AUTOREPEAT can cause the arrow keys to repeat at the rate
 of 2 per second rather than the usual 30 per second.  With SET
 NOAUTOREPEAT the arrow keys repeat faster, but the screen is not updated
 for each repeat of the arrow key, since EDT skips intermediate updates
 if it gets behind.

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