1    /TYPE


    Indicates the subtest for the data test.  There are four subtests:

    SINK   Indicates a sink test. The default test type.
    SEQ    Indicates a sequence test.
    PAT    Indicates a pattern test.
    ECHO   Indicates an echo test.

2    /SIZE


    Indicates the data message length in bytes. The lower bounds are 0 for
    a sink or echo test; 4 for a sequence test; and 5 for a pattern test.
    The upper bound is 4096 bytes for all tests. The default size is 128.



    Indicates the duration of the test. There are three units of time
    for this parameter:


    The number specifies the duration of the test. The default unit is
    /SECONDS=30. The maximum test duration is 3,600,000 seconds or 1000 hours.
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