This function updates the addressing information for a registered node
 in a directory service.  It reads the node's addressing information
 directly from the node, using network management, and modifies the node
 registration to contain the correct addresses.

 If an explicit node name is entered, the address to use to connect to the
 node can also be explicitly entered.  If an address is not specified, the
 currently registered addresses for the node are tried.  If none of these
 result in a connection, an error is reported.

 If the node name contains a wildcard, an address cannot be specified.  In
 this case, the currently registered addresses for each matching node name
 are tried.  If none of these result in a connection for a particular node,
 an error is reported for that node.

1  –  Directory Service

 This field specifies the directory service that contains the node
 registration to be updated.  The service must be one of:


 The service type can be abbreviated, as long as the abbreviation is

2  –  Node Name

 This field specifies the name of the node to be updated.  The node name
 can be one of:

     The fully specified name for the node in the directory service.
     The Phase IV synonym for the node.

 The syntax of a fully specified name depends on the directory service
 being used.  Examples of fully specified names might be:

     For Local:      MailHub
     For DECdns:     MyCo:.Sales.MailHub
     For Phase IV:   MLHUB

 An example of a Phase IV synonym for any of the above might be:


 Wildcards are allowed in the node name using an asterisk (*).  For

     For Local:      Mail*
     For DECdns:     MyCo:.Sales.Mail*
     For Phase IV:   ML*

 The wildcard character can come anywhere in the last part of the name.
 Only a single wildcard character is allowed.

3  –  Remote or Local

 If an explicit node name is entered, with no wildcard characters, the
 node can be identified as being remote or local.  The following field
 values are allowed, and can be abbreviated, as long as the abbreviation
 is unique.

   REMOTE    Indicates that the node to be updated is a remote node.  In
             this case, a node address must be supplied in the appropriate
             field, and a remote network management connection is used to
             obtain the node's full tower set.

   LOCAL     Indicates that the node to be updated is the local node.  In
             this case, a local network management connection is used to
             obtain the node's full tower set.  There is no need to supply
             a node address.

 If this field is left blank, a default of REMOTE is assumed.  If the node
 name contains a wildcard character, the value must always be REMOTE.

4  –  Node Address

 This field is used to specify an address to use when establishing a
 network management connection to the node.  This parameter can be
 specified only if an explicit node name is entered, with no wildcard

 Once the connection is established, the node's tower set is obtained
 and is used to update the directory service entry.

 The address value can be one of:

     One of the node's NET or NSAP addresses
     The node's Phase IV address

 An NET is an NSAP address value with an N-Sel value of "00" (indicating
 that it is independent of the type of transport service in use on the
 node).  If you specify an NSAP instead of an NET, it is converted to an
 NET before it is used.

   DNA format:  <afi>:<idi>:<predsp>-<locarea>:<nodeid>:00
   OSI format:  <afi><idi>+<predsp><locarea><nodeid>00

 Examples of NETs might be:

   DNA format:  39:840:0001:AA-00-04-00-05-04:00
   OSI format:  39840+0001AA000400050400

 If the node has a Phase IV address, that can be used instead of an NET.

   Format:      <area>.<nodeid>

 This is internally converted to an NET, using the Phase IV prefix value.
 The Phase IV prefix value can be specified with the Phase IV address,
 or set as a default using the preferences form.

 Examples of a Phase IV address might be:

   1.5                                Uses the default Phase IV prefix
   1.5+39:840                         Uses an explicit Phase IV prefix

 If a value is not specified, the currently registered addresses for the
 node are tried.  If none of these result in a connection, an error is
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