Add address towers to a node registration.

     ADD [DECNET] NODE node-name
         TOWERS {tower-set}
         [ DIRECTORY_SERVICE dir-service ]
         [ PHASEIV_PREFIX addr-prefix ]
         [ REVERSE_DIRECTORY rev-dir-name ]

 This is used when a new address tower is available on a node, and the
 addressing information needs to be added into the node registration in a
 directory service.

1  –  NODE

 This specifies the name of the node whose address towers are to be

     NODE node-name

 The node name must be the fully specified name for the node in the
 directory service.  For example:

     For Local:      NODE MailHub
     For DECdns:     NODE MyCo:.Sales.MailHub
     For Phase IV:   NODE MLHUB


 This specifies the directory service that contains the node registration.

     DIRECTORY_SERVICE dir-service

 The service must be one of:


 If not specified, the default service type is used.  This default can be
 displayed or changed using the SHOW or SET DEFAULT commands.

3  –  TOWERS

 This specifies the set of one or more address towers to add to the node

     TOWERS {tower, tower, ...}

 Each address tower in the set has the format:


 Fields can be omitted from left to right, and assume a default value.

     Transport can be either TP4, TP4=tsel, or NSP, and defaults to NSP
     if the N-Sel in the address field is "20", and to TP4 otherwise.

     Address can be either an NSAP value or a Phase IV address value.
     If a Phase IV address is specified, an NSAP is constructed using
     the specified address and the Phase IV prefix value.  The N-Sel
     value is always "20".

 Assuming that the Phase IV address prefix value is "49::", some examples
 of address towers are:

   Abbreviation                      Fully Specified
   ------------                      ---------------
   1.5                               NSP/49::01:AA0004000504:20
   1.5+39:840                        NSP/39:840:01:AA0004000504:20
   39:840:01:AA0004000504:20         NSP/39:840:01:AA0004000504:20
   39:840:01:AA0004000504:21         TP4=DEC0/39:840:01:AA0004000504:21
   TP4/39:840:01:AA0004000504:21     TP4=DEC0/39:840:01:AA0004000504:21

 Examples of address towers using normal default values for a DECnet
 Phase IV node and for a DECnet-Plus node might be:

   TOWERS={2.54, 39:840:01:080043A751F4:20, 39:840:01:080043A751F4:21}

 See the ADDRESS_TOWERS topic for details about the address towers.


 This specifies the AFI, IDI, and preDSP to use when constructing an
 NSAP from a Phase IV address.  This is used when a Phase IV address is
 specified in an address tower.

   PHASEIV_PREFIX addr-prefix

 For example:

     TOWERS {1.5} PHASEIV_PREFIX 39:840:800AB738

 results in the following NSAP being used to represent the DECnet Phase IV


 An alternate way of expressing this is:

     TOWERS {1.5+39:840:800AB738}

 The advantage of using the PHASEIV_PREFIX method is that the address
 prefix is applied to all Phase IV addresses without being specified
 multiple times.

 If not specified, the default Phase IV prefix is used.  This default
 can be displayed or changed using the SHOW or SET DEFAULT commands.

 See the PHASE_IV_PREFIXES topic for details about Phase IV prefix values.


 This specifies the base directory or name entry to use when creating
 the reverse address mapping links to the node name (also called the
 back translation links).

     REVERSE_DIRECTORY rev-dir-name

 The links under this directory are used to map NSAP values to their
 respective node names.  These directories are used only for the DECdns
 directory service.

 If not specified, the default reverse directory is used.  This default
 can be displayed or changed using the SHOW or SET DEFAULT commands.

 See the NAMES_AND_DIRECTORIES topic for more information on directories.
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