Library /sys$common/syshlp/DECNET_MIGRATE.HLB  —  COLLECT  STATUS
 This optional parameter causes a polling status message to be displayed
 after the specified number of nodes have been polled.  This allows
 you to monitor the progress of the information collection operation.

 The status message indicates:

   o The number of nodes polled up to this time.  Nodes are polled based
     on a list of node addresses obtained from one or more network routers.

   o The number of addresses in the node address list that have been
     skipped over, because they are equivalent to addresses that have
     already been polled (DECnet-Plus allows any node to have more than
     one node address).

 If not specified, the default is to report the polling status after
 each node is polled (STATUS=1).  If a polling status report is not
 desired, specify "STATUS=NONE".

 Example:  COLLECT CONFIG_01_23_90.DAT STATUS=5
           COLLECT CONFIG_01_23_90.DAT STATUS=NO
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