Library /sys$common/syshlp/DBG$UIHELP.HLB  —  DEBUGUI  ha_type_cs
  Most of the work you do in the heap analyzer is accomplished through
  context-sensitive pop-up menus.  The menu items available on the Type
  Histogram are as follows:

      Action             Function
      ------             --------

      Display Type       Displays the segment's type definition
                         in the Information Window.

      Go to Type         Moves the cursor to the segment's type
                         in the Views-and-Types Display.

      Do Not Use Type    Adds the segment's type to the
                         Do-not-use Type List.

  For information on other heap analyzer screen locations and pop-up
  menus, click the 'On Context' menu item in the heap analyzer Help menu,
  then click the location of interest.

  For information on using the heap analyzer, see the 'On Window' menu
  item in the heap analyzer Help menu.
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