Library /sys$common/syshlp/DBG$UIHELP.HLB  —  DEBUGUI  ha_show_type
  The heap analyzer allows you to hide (and then, show again) the display
  of a segment type in the Memory Map by doing one of the following:

   -  Toggling the Show toggle button and clicking the Apply button in
      the Views-and-Types Display.

   -  Selecting the Show or Hide menu item and clicking the Apply button
      in the Views-and-Types Display.

  This feature can be useful when you need to isolate a segment or
  segments in the Memory Map in order to see them better.

  For information on other heap analyzer screen locations and pop-up
  menus, click the 'On Context' menu item in the heap analyzer Help menu,
  then click the location of interest.

  For information on using the heap analyzer, see the 'On Window' menu
  item in the heap analyzer Help menu.
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