Library /sys$common/syshlp/DBG$HELP.HLB  —  DEBUG  Command Summary, Additional Commands
    The following commands are used for miscellaneous purposes:

    HELP                   Displays online help on debugger commands
                           and selected topics
    (DISABLE,ENABLE,SHOW)  (Disables, enables) the delivery of
    AST                    ASTs in the program, identifies whether
                           delivery is enabled or disabled
    (SET,SHOW) EVENT_      (Establishes, identifies) the current run-
    FACILITY               time facility for Ada, POSIX Threads, and
                           SCAN events
    (SET,SHOW) LANGUAGE    (Establishes, identifies) the current
    SET MODE [NO]SEPARATE  Controls whether the debugger, when used
                           on a workstation running VWS, creates a
                           separate window for debugger input and
    SET OUTPUT             Controls whether debugger output, except
    [NO]TERMINAL           for diagnostic messages, is displayed or
    SET PROMPT             Specifies the debugger prompt
    (SET,SHOW) TASK        Modifies the tasking environment, displays
                           task information
    (SET,SHOW) VECTOR_     Enables or disables a debugger vector mode
    MODE                   option, identifies the current vector mode
                           option (for vectorized programs).
    SHOW EXIT_HANDLERS     Identifies the exit handlers declared in
                           the program
    SHOW MODE              Identifies the current debugger modes
                           established by the SET MODE command (for
                           example, screen mode, step mode)
    SHOW OUTPUT            Identifies the current output options
                           established by the SET OUTPUT command
    SYNCHRONIZE VECTOR_    Forces immediate synchronization between
    MODE                   the scalar and vector processors (for
                           vectorized programs)
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