VMS Help  —  SET  IMAGE  Qualifier  /FLAGS

    Specifies which image attribute flags to turn on or off. The
    original flags are set by the OpenVMS Integrity servers Linker
    at image link time. The possible keywords are listed below with
    a brief description. For more information about the image link
    flags, see the HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 Release Notes.


       Beware of modifying the flag values unless you are very
       knowledgeable about the internals of the image.

    Keyword          Description

    [NO]CALL_DEBUG   Call Debugger at startup.
    [NO]DBG_IN_DSF   Debug records in debug symbol file.
    [NO]DBG_IN_IMG   Debug records in image file.
    [NO]EXE_INIT     Image has a pointer to EXE$INITIALIZE.
    [NO]IMGSTA       Call SYS$IMGSTA.
    [NO]INITIALIZE   Image has a pointer to LIB$INITIALIZE.
    [NO]MAIN         Image has a main transfer address.
    [NO]MKTHREADS    Enable multiple kernel thread use.
    [NO]NOP0BUFS     No P0 buffers for RMS image I/O.
    [NO]P0IMAGE      Image is loaded only to P0 space.
    [NO]SIGNATURES   TIE Signatures are present.
    [NO]TBK_IN_DSF   Traceback records in debug symbol file.
    [NO]TBK_IN_IMG   Traceback records in image file.
    [NO]UPCALLS      User thread upcalls are enabled.
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