A symbol in the operator field can be either a permanent symbol or a macro name. MACRO-64 searches for a symbol definition in the following order: 1. Macro and conditional directives: .ELSE .ENDC .ENDM .ENDR .IF .IF_FALSE (.IFF) .IF_TRUE .IF_TRUE_ .IIF (.IFT) FALSE (.IFTF) .INCLUDE .IRP .IRPC .LIBRARY .MACRO .MCALL .MDELETE .MEXIT .NARG .NCHAR .REPEAT 2. Previously defined macro names 3. Permanent symbols (instructions and other directives) This search order allows most permanent symbols, except conditional directives and macro directives, to be redefined as macro names. If a symbol in the operator field is not defined as a macro or a permanent symbol, the assembler displays an error message.