
    Specifies the value of the identifier to be listed. The following
    formats are valid for the value-specifier:

    IDENTIFIER:n     An integer value in the range of 65,536 to
                     268,435,455. You can also specify the value
                     in hexadecimal (precede the value with %X) or
                     octal (precede the value with %O).

                     To differentiate general identifiers from UIC
                     identifiers, %X80000000 is added to the value
                     you specify.

    GID:n            GID is the POSIX group identifier. It is an
                     integer value in the range 0 to 16,777,215
                     (%XFFFFFF). The system will add %XA400.0000
                     to the value you specify and then enter this
                     new value into the system RIGHTSLIST as an

    UIC:uic          A UIC value in the standard UIC format.
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