NCLHELP.HLB  —  pass  event_dispatcher

1  –  outbound_stream

    Sets the filters to pass the specified events for the entity
    instance or class. It causes the named events to be passed.

    pass [node node-id] event dispatcher -
       outbound stream simple-name ...

    See the appropriate filter type below for command examples.

1.1  –  global_filter

    pass [node node-id] event dispatcher -
       outbound stream simple-name -
       global filter ((class-name[,class-name...]), event-name )

    Global Filter

    Specifies a class name, excluding all instance names
    (for example, node, mop, circuit), and identifies the event to be
    passed.  To pass all events for the class, specify "all" instead
    of an individual event.


    pass event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream -
       global filter ((NODE,CSMA-CD,STATION), Unavailable User Buffer)

    pass event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream -
       global filter ((NODE,Event Dispatcher), All )

1.1.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  illegal element

    The command did not include a class-name or instance-name
    argument, or an argument contained one of the following illegal
    elements: wildcard, node name, node class, illegal class.

 o  entity class not supported (OpenVMS)

    The Event Dispatcher is not registered with EMAA.  The NET$EVD
    process is probably not started.  For instructions on how to
    restart the Event Dispatcher, refer to

 o  no such object instance

    The specified event dispatcher outbound stream instance does
    not exist.

1.2  –  specific_filter

    pass [node node-id] event dispatcher -
        outbound stream simple-name -
        specific filter (instance-name, event-name )

    Specific Filter

    Specifies an entity including instance name, and names the event
    to be passed. To pass all events for the instance, specify "all"
    instead of an individual event.


    pass event dispatcher -
      outbound stream local_stream -
      specific filter (Node LOCAL:.LAMCHP Event Dispatcher -
        Outbound Stream local_stream, Events Lost)

    pass event dispatcher -
      outbound stream local_stream -
      specific filter (Node LOCAL:.LAMCHP MOP Circuit CSMACD-1, All)

1.2.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  illegal element

    The command did not include a class-name or instance-name
    argument, or an argument contained one of the following illegal
    elements: wildcard, node name, node class, illegal class.

 o  entity class not supported (OpenVMS)

    The Event Dispatcher is not registered with EMAA.  The NET$EVD
    process is probably not started.  For instructions on how to
    restart the Event Dispatcher, refer to

 o  no such object instance

    The specified event dispatcher outbound stream instance does
     not exist.

2  –  sink

    Sets the filters to pass the specified events for the entity
    instance or class. It causes the named events to be passed.

    pass  [node node-id] event dispatcher sink simple-name ...

    See the appropriate filter type below for command examples.

2.1  –  global_filter

    pass  [node node-id] event dispatcher sink simple-name -
       global filter ((class-name[,class-name...]), event-name)

    Global Filter

    Specifies a class name, excluding all instance names (for example,
    node, mop, circuit), and identifies the event to be passed.  To
    pass all events for the class, specify "all" instead
    of an individual event.


    pass event dispatcher sink local_sink -
       global filter ((Node, Event Dispatcher, SINK), All)

2.1.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  illegal element

    The command did not include a class or instance argument, or
    an argument contained one of the following illegal elements:
    wildcard, node name, node class, illegal class.

 o  entity class not supported (OpenVMS)

    The Event Dispatcher is not registered with EMAA.  The NET$EVD
    process is probably not started.  For instructions on how to
    restart the Event Dispatcher, refer to

 o  no such object instance

    The specified event dispatcher sink instance does not exist.

2.2  –  specific_filter

    pass  [node node-id] event dispatcher sink simple-name
       specific filter (instance-name, event-name)

    Specific Filter

    Specifies an entity, including instance name, and name the
    event to be passed.  To pass all events for this instance,
    specify "all" instead of an individual event.


    pass event dispatcher sink local_sink specific filter -
       (Node LOCAL:.LAMCHP Event Dispatcher Sink local_sink, all)

    pass event dispatcher sink local_sink specific filter -
       (Node LOCAL:.LAMCHP Event Dispatcher Sink local_sink -
         Inbound stream EVD$IBS$0000, all)

2.2.1  –  Exception Messages

 o  illegal element

    The command did not include a class or instance argument, or
    an argument contained one of the following illegal elements:
    wildcard, node name, node class, illegal class.

 o  entity class not supported (OpenVMS)

    The Event Dispatcher is not registered with EMAA.  The NET$EVD
    process is probably not started.  For instructions on how to
    restart the Event Dispatcher, refer to

 o  no such object instance

    The specified event dispatcher sink instance does not exist.
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