NCLHELP.HLB  —  NCL Introduction
    This help section describes how to use the Network Control
    Language (NCL) command line interface on HP DECnet-Plus for
    Tru64 UNIX and OpenVMS nodes. You should be familiar with the
    concepts and terminology of the entity model of network
    management, as described in the DECnet-Plus Network Management
    manual.  This hierarchy of manageable entities is also
    described in this help utility under HELP ENTITY_HIERARCHY.

1  –  Invoking NCL

    Methods of invoking NCL differ depending upon the operating system.

1.1  –  Tru64 UNIX

    There are several ways to invoke the interactive NCL utility:

    1. Enter ncl at the shell prompt. The NCL prompt appears:

       % ncl <Return>

    2. Enter an NCL command line.

       % ncl any ncl command <Return>

       After the command executes, you return to the shell.

    3. Redirect a command script into NCL.

       % ncl <scripta

       where scripta is the name of a script that contains a sequence
       of NCL commands.

    4. Execute a shell script containing NCL commands. Your shell
       script can use the exit status returned by NCL commands.

       % ncl_filename

       The following C shell script demonstrates this:


       ncl show routing circuit circuit-1 all attributes
       if ( $status != 0 ) then
        echo ""
        echo "This ncl command failed."
        echo ""

       This sample script uses the exit status from an NCL command
       to determine whether or not to echo a message. If the command
       fails, the shell script echoes the message.

    Other NCL operations include:

    o  To abort an NCL operation, press <Ctrl/C> at the ncl> prompt.

    o  To continue a long command to the next line, use a hyphen as
       the last character in the line. The _ncl> prompt is displayed
       on continuation lines:

       ncl> set node moosie routing manual network entity titles -
       _ncl> { 49::00-0c:08-00-2b-12-34-56:00, -
       _ncl>   49::00-0c:08-00-2b-12-34-57:00 }

    o  To include comments in NCL shell scripts or as part of a
       command line in the interactive utility, use the exclamation
       point (!) or pound sign (#) character. NCL ignores hyphens
       within and at the end of a comment line.

    o  To exit from NCL, enter exit, quit, or press <Ctrl/D> at the ncl>

1.2  –  OpenVMS

    There are several methods of invoking the interactive NCL

    1. Type RUN SYS$SYSTEM:NCL at the DCL prompt $:

       $ run sys$system:ncl <Return>

    2. Define a symbol at the DCL prompt (or insert the symbol
       in your login file) and then type NCL at the DCL prompt as

       $ ncl :== $ sys$system:ncl <Return>
       $ ncl <Return>

    3. Enter an NCL command line.

       $ ncl any ncl command <Return>

       The system executes the command and returns you to the $


          The third method works only if you define a symbol at the
          DCL prompt or insert the symbol in your login file.

    4. Enter MCR at the DCL prompt:

       $ mcr ncl <Return>

    5. Enter an MCR command:

       $ mcr ncl any ncl command <Return>

    The NCL> prompt indicates that you are using the NCL utility.
    When you receive this prompt, you can enter NCL commands.

    Other NCL operations include:

    o  To abort an NCL operation, press <Ctrl/C> or <Ctrl/Y> at the
       NCL> prompt.

    o  To continue a long command to the next line, use a hyphen as
       the last character in the line. Place the continuation hyphen
       between attributes in a list. The _NCL> prompt is displayed on
       continuation lines:

       NCL> show node 0 osi transport delay factor, delay weight,-
       _NCL> maximum receive buffers, maximum network connections,-
       _NCL> maximum remote nsaps

    o  To indicate comments that are not to be read by the system,
       use an exclamation point (!) anywhere in a command line.

    o  To exit from NCL, type exit or press <Ctrl/Z> at the ncl>

2  –  Creating Logs

    To keep a record of the commands entered during an NCL session,
    use the NCL logging facility.

    All information printed out in an NCL session is stored in the
    log file after logging is enabled. This information includes
    commands, output, and error messages. All information except
    for the commands are preceded in the file by a comment symbol,
    so this file can be used as an NCL script in another session.

    Use the set ncl logfile and enable ncl logging commands to begin
    NCL logging. For example:

    ncl> set ncl logfile filename.ncl
    ncl> enable ncl logging
    ncl> show node 0 session control application fal all attributes

    After saving the NCL commands to a log file, use the NCL log file
    as an indirect command file to be invoked (during subsequent NCL
    sessions) with the do control verb or the at sign (@) symbol.

    For example:

    ncl> enable node 0 session control
    ncl> do setup_applications.ncl

    To display the name of the log file, enter show ncl logfile. For
    Tru64 UNIX, the utility returns the default log file name if one
    was not previously set. For OpenVMS, the default file type for an
    NCL log file is .ncl. The utility returns an error message if a
    log file does not exist.

    Use the disable ncl logging command at any time to turn off NCL
    logging or exit NCL.

    Commands saved in an NCL log file can be executed during
    subsequent NCL utility sessions. However, you must ensure that
    the proper context for the commands in the log file has been
    established. Check the contents of an NCL log file before running
    it in the utility.

3  –  Common Commands

    Refer to HELP <verb> for brief descriptions of the most
    commonly used NCL commands.  The commonly used verbs are:

       add and remove
       create and delete
       disable and enable

    These commands have the same effect on any entity to which
    they are applied.

    In addition to these NCL commands, there are a number of
    commands that apply only to specific entities; for example,
    the rename command for the Node entity, or the dump command
    for the Device Unit entity.

4  –  Abbreviation of Commands

    All NCL commands are made up of the same components:  keywords,
    values, and punctuation. Keywords and punctuation are the
    parts of the NCL syntax that remain the same for every network;
    values are the parts that change depending on the particular
    configuration of a network. Values include entity instance
    identifiers and attribute/argument values. In general, you cannot
    abbreviate values, but you can abbreviate keywords as long as the
    abbreviation is unique. A misspeling may cause NCL to treat an
    entity name as if it were an attribute name. However, if spelled
    correctly, it recognizes multiword keywords. For example:

    ncl> show node finance routing circuit *

    can be abbreviated to:

    ncl> sh n finance r c *

    Where finance identifies which node is being used, therefore it
    cannot be abbreviated.

    Values cannot be abbreviated. For example, the following two
    commands are not equivalent:

    ncl> show node finance name
    ncl> show node f name

    The latter command tries to communicate with node f, not node

    Notice that, the following command line is ambiguous:

    ncl> s n finance r c * probe rate

    The command is ambiguous because the abbreviation s could stand
    for either the set or show command.

    However, if the value itself consists of keywords, then it can
    be abbreviated. For example, the data type EntityClass, by
    definition, contains keywords representing the various entity
    class names. These keywords can be abbreviated in the same way
    as normal keywords, as long as the abbreviations are unique
    (unambiguous).  See Appendix B of the DECnet-Plus Network Control
    Language Reference for more information on data types
    and keywords.

    As another example, note that the following two commands are
    equivalent. Both pass all events received by the event dispatcher
    from the routing entity.

    ncl> pass ev d out s local_stream gl f ((r), all)
    ncl> pass event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream -
    _ncl> global filter (( routing ), all)

    On Tru64 UNIX, the period character (".") can be used as an
    abbreviation meaning "the entity specified in the previous
    command."  For example:

     ncl> create routing circuit circuit-1
     ncl> enable .

5  –  Syntax

    An NCL command can contain the following elements, in the order

    verb [entity name] [,argument/attribute] [,prepositional_phrase]

    and as demonstrated in the following example:

    ncl> show node routing circuit ethernet-1 -
    _ncl> all status,by user=harry, password=truman

    This command shows the current values for all status attributes
    for routing circuit Ethernet-1 on node with
    access control information supplied. The components of this
    command are:

    o  Verb (or directive): show

    o  Entity name: node routing circuit
       ethernet-1, where:

       -  node is the global entity class

       - is the instance name for class node

       -  routing identifies the module to which this entity belongs

       -  circuit is the entity class

       -  ethernet-1 is the instance name for class circuit. The
          entity name reflects the full naming hierarchy for the

    o  all status, an attribute specifier

    o  by (preceded by a comma), a prepositional phrase

    o  user=harry, password=truman, user name and password used for
       access control on the remote node

    A comma must separate more than one attribute or argument and
    must always precede a preposition. For example:

    ncl> show node moosie session control port * all status, all -
    _ncl> counters, with direction = outgoing

    If the command is directed to the local system, it is not
    necessary to include the node entity's class/instance in the
    command. For example, this command would create the specified
    entity on the local node:

    ncl> create routing type endnode

5.1  –  Data Types

5.1.1  –  boolean

   The boolean data type has two values, true and false, in an
   undefined order.

   On output, the strings appear as true and false. On input,
   the words true or false may be abbreviated to a single
   character and are not case-sensitive. The boolean data type
   does not support the use of wildcard symbols.

5.1.2  –  counters

   All counters for an entity are created together and a time
   of creation is associated with the block. The following
   counter types are defined:

   Type            Modulus

   Counter16        2[16]

   Counter32        2[32]

   Counter64        2[64]

   If no modulus is specified, or if the type Counter is
   specified without reference to a modulus, the modulus
   2[64] is assumed. The counter is displayed as an unsigned
   integer. It cannot be set to zero.

   In DECnet-Plus, when a counter reaches its maximum value,
   its next value is zero. Counters never latch (as they
   did in Phase IV). Consequently, there is never any need
   to reset or zero the counters. This is called "wrapping
   counters" because the values wrap around to zero (they are
   like true modulo 2**n integer values).

   NCL and other network management applications are able
   to cope with wrapping counters and can still compute
   counter differences, even if the second sampled value of
   the counter is less than the first because of counter wrap.
   The implicit assumption is that any counter with n (where n
   is a power of 2) distinct possible values cannot be changed
   more than n times between samples. Since all DECnet-Plus
   counters are 64-bit counters, the number of possible values
   is 2 raised to the 64th power, which is a 20-digit decimal
   number. Very few counters will ever exceed 32 bits, and it
   does not appear likely that a 64-bit counter will ever wrap
   once, let alone twice.

5.1.3  –  DTE address

   A DTE Address is an X.25-defined address of some data
   terminal equipment (DTE). It is represented as a
   latin1string whose length is 0 to 15 digits or wildcard
   characters. Wildcard characters can be embedded: the
   asterisk (*) matches any sequence of zero or more digits;
   the question mark (?) and percent sign (%) match any single

   The user-visible syntax of a DTE address is {digit-
   wildcard}. For example, 5084865322 is a DTE address.

5.1.4  –  entity_name

   The entity name data type holds an arbitrary name of
   an entity. It is usually used as a pointer, so that an
   attribute (or argument) can refer to another entity.

   Entity names appear in two forms: as a full-entity-name,
   which includes both the global and the local portion
   of the entity's name, and as a local-entity-name, which
   includes only the local portion of the entity's name. A
   local-entity-name is always assumed to be subordinate to
   the node executing the directive. A local-entity-name is
   a convenient method of describing the configuration of the
   components that comprise a node.

   Entity names can be wildcarded.

   An entity class (the sequence of classes) is also a defined
   type, both as a full class name and as a local class name.
   For example, routing circuit csmacd-c2 is a local entity
   name. Neither the full or local class name has a defined
   order, but allow wildcarding in the same manner as an
   entity name.

   Refer to HELP ENTITY_HEIRARCHY for further information.

5.1.5  –  EthernetProtocol

   The EthernetProtocol data type consists of two octets,
   Octet #0 and #1. Octet #0 is transmitted first.

   The user-visible representation is a pair of octets (each a
   hex-digit) separated by a hyphen (-). For example 60-03 is
   a valid Ethernet data type.

5.1.6  –  filespec

   Wildcard symbols may be supported, as defined by the target

   A file specification appears in one of three forms,
   depending on the characters it contains. While most file
   specifications can be entered and displayed as simple
   names, the inclusion of certain punctuation characters
   or any control character makes the interpretation of the
   file specification ambiguous. The following three forms of
   a file specification may be entered or displayed:

   o  Simple File Specification

   A file specification is a simple file specification if
   it consists solely of the following characters:

   alphanumeric Aa to Zz     hyphen -
   and 1 to 9

   dollar sign $             underscore _

   period .                  brackets [ ]

   angle brackets <>         backslash and slash \ /

   asterisk *                percent sign %

   question mark ?           colon :

   semicolon ;

   The file specification may be input directly as a quoted
   file specification or as a binary file specification. On
   output, it is displayed directly.

   o  Quoted File Specification

   When the file specification consists of any of the
   latin1string character set, but is not a simple
   file specification, then the file is a quoted file
   specification. On input, a quoted file specification
   is displayed as a latin1string or as a binary file
   specification. On output it is displayed as a

   o  Binary File Specification

   If the file specification is not a simple or quoted file
   specification, it is a binary file specification. Binary
   file specifications are entered and displayed as an
   octet-string. For example,

   '01'H      (a^A)

   The filespec data type for a file specification should be
   compatible with the transference of file specifications
   in the DECnet DAP protocol. Since file specifications are
   interpreted according to the file system at the target
   entity, there is no guarantee that a file specification
   for one operating system will be acceptable to another. The
   target implementation defines the ordering of filespec.

5.1.7  –  fullname

   The fullname data type represents globally distinct names
   and does not have a defined ordering. It does support
   wildcarding. The supported symbols include the asterisk
   (*), which matches any sequence of zero or more characters,
   and the question mark (?), which matches any single
   character. For example, phasev_nsp.usa.mass.admin.fred
   is a full name.

   For more information, refer to the DECdns Management Guide.

5.1.8  –  hex_string

   A hex-string represents a string of zero or more
   hexadecimal digits (also called semi-octets or nibbles).
   A hex-string differs from an octet-string only in that
   it allows for an odd number of hexadecimal digits. Two
   hex-strings are equal if they have the same length and
   hexadecimal digits. Ordering is defined as with an octet-
   string, except the comparison is by hexadecimal digit
   rather than by octet. The hex-string data type does not
   support wildcards.

   Enter the hex-string as follows:

   ' {hex-digit} ' h | % x { hex-digit }

   On output, the hex digits A to F are displayed in
   uppercase. For example, 'AABBCC'h is a hex-string.

   On OpenVMS, the %X format must be used to specify hex
   strings in NCL foreign commands. Commands using the ''H
   format for hex strings can only be issued at the NCL>

5.1.9  –  ID802

   An ID (or System ID or LAN Address), is a 48-bit quantity,
   uniquely assigned over space and used as an Ethernet or
   IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD address (and for other purposes).

   An ID consists of six octets (48-bits) numbered from zero
   to five. When transmitted on an 802.3 LAN, the least
   significant bit of Octet #0 is transmitted first and the
   most significant bit of Octet #5 is transmitted last.

   The user-visible representation of a system ID is six
   octets, each displayed as a pair of hexadecimal digits
   separated by hyphens (-) in the order 0,1,2,3,4,5. For


5.1.10  –  IEEE802SNAPPID

   The IEEE802SNAPPID (IEEE 802 Sub-Network Access Protocol
   (SNAP), Protocol Identification) consists of five octets
   numbered from zero to four. When transmitted on an 802.3
   LAN, the least significant bit of Octet #0 is transmitted
   first, and most significant bit of Octet #4 is transmitted

   The user-visible representation is five octets, each
   displayed as a pair of hex digits separated by hyphens
   (-) in the order 0,1,2,3,4. For example,


5.1.11  –  implementation

   An implementation data type identifies the components that
   make up an entity and their implementation versions. An
   implementation is a set of components, where each component
   is a record containing a registered component name and
   a version. The version field may be of any base type,
   although it is recommended that the common version or
   version-with-edit data type be used. The data type used
   for the version field is registered with the component


   ncl> show imp

   Node 0
   at 2003-04-10-11:08:20.290-04:00Iinf


       Implementation                    =
             Name = OpenVMS Alpha ,
             Version = "V7.3-2    "
             ] ,
             Name = HP DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS ,
             Version = "V7.3-2  3-APR-2003 12:17:03.79"

5.1.12  –  integer

   The integer data type represents signed or unsigned integer
   values. The signed integer values may range from -2[31]
   to +2[31]-1, following the normal ordering. The unsigned
   integer values may range from 0 to +2[32]-1, following the
   normal ordering. Remember the following:

   o  Both signed and unsigned integers may be represented in
      4 bytes.

   o  Accepted integer syntax should be followed when entering
      the integer values.

   o  Wildcard symbols are not supported.

   o  Ordering is supported.

5.1.13  –  latin1string

   The latin1string type represents general, printable
   strings. These strings can be of any length (including
   zero). The characters in the Latin 1 set are described in
   ISO DIS 8859/1 Latin Alphabet Nr 1.

   Only printable characters appear in a Latin1String. ASCII
   control characters (00 to 1F, 7F, and 80 to 9F (hex))
   cannot appear.

   On OpenVMS on input and output of attributes, the string
   is embedded either quote characters (") or apostrophe
   characters ('). Double the quote character to embed a
   quote within a string delimited by the same type of
   quote character.

   On Tru64 UNIX, you are not required to embed the
   string in quotes.

5.1.14  –  Network Layer Addresses

   Network layer addresses in DNA may be of four types:

   o  Complete Network Service Access Point (NSAP) address.

   o  Network Entity Title (NET)-NSAP address with the
      selector set to 00.

   o  Area address-NSAP address minus the last seven octets.

   o  Address prefix-leading substring of an area address.

   None of these data types have a defined ordering or
   support wildcarding. Refer to the DECnet-Plus
   Introduction and User's Guide for your operating system
   for a description of the parts of a DECnet-Plus Network
   layer address.

5.1.15  –  node_name

   The node-name is used to represent names of nodes using
   either a full-name or a Phase IV node name. The only
   difference between a node-name and a full-name is that a
   node-name also be a Phase IV synonym.

5.1.16  –  null

   The null data type is used when the set of possible values
   is empty. This is used only to indicate that an entity
   class has no instance identifier, and then (to make the
   CMIP protocol complete) a null value is sent.

   The null type cannot be assigned to an attribute or

5.1.17  –  object_identifier

   The object-identifier data type represents registered
   values of the ISO object identifier. Ordering is undefined
   and wildcarding symbols are not supported. For example, represents a registered value.

5.1.18  –  octet_and_octet_string

   The octet string data type is used to represent arbitrary
   data (octets). It is displayed as a hexadecimal string
   (that is, HI-n in old NICE form). The length of an octet
   string is variable, without a maximum, and may be zero.

   The octet data type represents a single byte (8-bits) of
   data. While similar to an octet-string of length 1, it
   has a slightly different user-visible representation. The
   ordering of octet is defined by considering an octet as an
   unsigned 8-bit quantity. Two octets are equal only if they
   have the same length and the same octets.

   On output, the hex digits A to F are uppercase.

   The octet data types do not support the use of wildcard

   The user-visible representation of an octet-string appears
   as follows:

   ' {octet} ' h | % x {octet}

   For example, %x89ABCDEF or '89ABCDEF'h are valid

5.1.19  –  Phase4Name

   The Phase4Name data type is used for Phase IV-style node
   names. It is a Latin1String whose length is restricted
   from 1 to 6 characters from the set A to Z, or 0 to 9, at
   least one of which is a letter. The type is ordered as a
   normal character string. Node names can contain wildcard
   symbols: the asterisk (*) matches a sequence of zero or
   more characters; the percent sign (%) matches any single

   For example, LEAF97 is a Phase4Name.

5.1.20  –  Phase4Address

   The Phase4Address data type is used for Phase IV-style
   node addresses. It is an unsigned, 16-bit integer where the
   least significant ten bits (bits 0 to 9) encode the local
   address and the most significant six bits (bits 10 to 15)
   encode the area number. Local address is an integer from
   1 to 1023 and area number is an integer from 1 to 63. The
   area number zero and the local address zero are reserved to
   represent all areas and all local addresses, respectively,
   and are represented by the asterisk (*) character when
   user-visible. Phase4Address data types are ordered by the
   value of the equivalent unsigned integer.

   For example, 4.83 is a Phase4Address.

5.1.21  –  presentation_address

   The presentation-address data type defines the format
   that should be used for all presentation addresses in OSI

   This data type is a Latin1string. Its values must conform
   to the following syntax (shown in BNF). This syntax is an
   extension of the Internet standard for representing OSI
   presentation addresses.

   <presentation-address> ::= [[[ <psel> "/" ] <ssel> "/" ]
                              <tsel> "/" ] <network-address-list>

   <psel>         ::= <selector>

   <ssel>         ::= <selector>

   <tsel>         ::= <selector>

   <selector>     ::= '"' <otherstring>  '"'           1
                  | "#" <digitstring>              2
                  | "'" <hexstring> "'H"
                  | ""

   <network-address-list> ::= <network-addr> [ "|" <network-addr> ]
                          | <network-addr>

   <network-addr> ::= <network-address> ["," <network-type> ]

   <network-type> ::= "CLNS" | "CONS" | "RFC1006"      3

   <network-address>      ::= "NS" "+" <dothexstring>  4
                          | <afi> "+" <idi> ["+" <dsp>]
                          | <idp> "+" <hexstring>          5
                          | RFC1006 "+" <ip> ["+" <port>]  6

   <idp>          ::= <digitstring>

   <dsp>          ::= "d" <digitstring>                7
                  | "x" <dothexstring>             8
                  | "l" <otherstring>              9
                  | "RFC1006" "+" <prefix> "+" <ip> ["+" <port>
                  ["+" <tset>]]
                  | "X.25(80)" "+" <prefix> "+" <dte>
                  [ "+" <cudf-or-pid> "+" <hexstring> ]
                  | "ECMA-117-Binary"
                  "+" <hexstring> "+" <hexstring>
                  "+" <hexstring>
                  | "ECMA-117-Decimal"
                  "+" <digitstring> "+" <digitstring>
                  "+" <digitstring>

   <id>           ::= <digitstring>

   <afi>          ::= "X121" | "DCC" | "TELEX" | "PSTN"
                      | "ISDN" | "ICD" | "LOCAL"

   <prefix>       ::= <digit> <digit>

   <ip>           ::= <domainstring>                   10

   <port>         ::= <digitstring>                    11

   <tset>         ::= "TCP" | "IP" |  <digitstring>    12

   <dte>          ::= <digitstring>

   <cudf-or-pid>  ::= "CUDF" | "PID"

   <decimaloctet> ::= <digit> | <digit> <digit>
                      | <digit> <digit> <digit>
   <digit>        ::= [0-9]

   <digitstring>  ::= <digit> <digitstring>
                      | <digit>

   <domainchar>   ::= [0-9a-zA-Z-.]

   <domainstring> ::= <domainchar> <otherstring>
                      | <domainchar>

   <dotstring>    ::= <decimaloctet> "." <dotstring>
                      | <decimaloctet> "." <decimaloctet>

   <dothexstring> ::= <dotstring>
                      | <hexstring>

   <hexdigit>::   ::= [0-9a-fA-F]

   <hexoctet>     ::= <hexdigit> <hexdigit>

   <hexstring>    ::= <hexoctet> <hexstring>
                      | <hexoctet>

   <other>        ::= [0-9a-zA-Z+-.]

   <otherstring>  ::= <other> <otherstring>
                      | <other>

   1  Value restricted to printed characters

   2  US GOSIP requirement

   3  Network type identifier (the default is CLNS)

   4  Concrete binary representation of network (NSAP) address

   5  ISO 8348 compatibility

   6  RFC1006 preferred format

   7  Abstract decimal format for domain specific part (DSP)

   8  Abstract binary for DSP

   9  Printable character format for DSP (for local use only)

   10 Dotted decimal notation ( or domain name

   11 TCP port number (the default is 102)

   12 Internet transport protocol identifier (1 = TCP and 2 =

   Keywords can be specified in either uppercase or lowercase.
   However, selector values are case sensitive. Spaces are

   Note that you can find more information about network
   (NSAP) addresses in the Introduction, Planning, and Glossary

   The following examples illustrate the use of this data

   1. "my_psel"/"my_ssel"/"my_tsel"
   /LOCAL++x0001aa000400d90621 "my_psel"/"my_ssel"/"my_

     These examples both specify the same presentation
     address. The first example uses the LOCAL authority
     and format identifier (AFI), which does not have an
     initial domain identifier (IDI). The two plus signs
     (++) indicate that the IDI is missing. By default, the
     network type is CLNS. The second example uses the value
     of the LOCAL AFI, which is 49.

   2. "256"/NS+a433bb93c1,CLNS|NS+aa3106,CONS

   This is a presentation address which has a transport
   selector, (no presentation or session selector), and
   two network addresses. The first network address is
   CLNS (for a connectionless network) and the second
   is CONS (for a connection-oriented network). These
   network addresses are specified in concrete binary form.
   This form can be used only when the concrete binary
   representation of the network address is known.

   3. #63/#41/#12/X121+234219200300,CONS

   This presentation address has presentation, session and
   transport selectors, and a single network address which
   consists of an AFI (X121) and an IDI (234219200300).
   There is no domain-specific part.

   4. '3a'H

   This is a network address for X.25. Note that, because
   CONS is not specified, the network type defaults to

   5. RFC1006+,RFC1006

   This is an RFC1006 address. The address is not an ISO
   network address but the combination of an IP address and
   a TCP port number, which is 519 in this example. The IP
   address can be specified as either a DNS domain name or
   an IP address. For an RFC1006 address, the network type
   can be omitted.

5.1.22  –  simple_name

   This base data type allows most names to be represented
   as unquoted strings. The simple-name data type also allows
   some values to be expressed as quoted strings and other
   values as binary data.

   The simple-name data type does not have a defined ordering
   but it does support wildcarding. The supported symbols
   include the asterisk (*), which matches any sequence of
   zero or more characters, and the question mark (?), which
   matches any single character.

   For example, tweedle_dee, "tweedle dee", and
   %x4700050020AA0004005310 are simple names.

5.1.23  –  time

   Four time data types are available for use with NCL.
   Each is a built-in data type for management, and does not
   support wildcarding symbols. The four are:

   o  CharacterAbsoluteTime

   o  BinaryAbsoluteTime

   o  CharacterRelativeTime

   o  BinaryRelativeTime

   For example, 1992-08-18-14:47:47-05:00I0.168 is a time data
   type of the BinaryAbsoluteTime data type.

   You can order time values. For example, the command

   ncl> show node busy session control port * all, -
           with creation time > 16:45

   makes use of the ordering property of the time data types.

5.1.24  –  TransportSelector (TSEL)

   The TransportSelector (or TSEL) data type is used by OSI
   Transport to identify a particular OSI Transport port.

   A TransportSelector is an octet string, of 0 to 32 octets
   in length.

   The user-visible representation, ordering, and wildcarding
   is the same as for an octet-string.

5.1.25  –  UID

   The UID data type provides unique space and time
   identifiers and does not support wildcarding symbols.
   No two UIDs are ever the same. A UID is hexadecimal. For
   example, 7834E80-E519-1119-8D8D-08002B16A872 is a valid

   The user-visible presentation of a UID consists of four
   fields, separated by spaces:

   UIDTime UIDVersion UIDClock UIDNodeID


   o  UIDTime is InstantaneousTime

   o  UIDVersion is Integer

   o  UIDClock is Integer

   o  UIDNodeID is ID

5.1.26  –  version

   The version data type is used to encode a version number of
   a particular entity (usually a module or node entity) in a
   standard way. Wildcarding symbols are not supported.

   The version number contains the four subfields: status,
   major version, minor version, and an edit or revision

   The version status subfield indicates whether the version
   is Approved (V), Field Test (T), or Draft (X).

   The order of version numbers is defined by checking the
   fields in the order:

   1. Major

   2. Minor

   3. Status (with V > T > X)

   4. Revision Number

   Enter the version number as follows:

   For example, T5.0.2 is a valid version number.

5.1.27  –  version_with_edit

   The version number with an edit number is commonly used and
   is represented as a separate type called version-with-edit.

   Enter the number as follows:


   For example:


5.1.28  –  bit_set

   The bit-set data type is an efficient means of describing
   small quantities of a base type's sets of values.

   The order of a bit-set is defined by A<=B if A is a subset
   of B. A=B means normal set equality. No wildcard symbols
   are defined for bit sets.

   The user-visible representation of a set is to enclose
   the set values in bracketing characters, with the values
   separated by commas. Braces are used as bracketing
   characters for both input and output. For example,

5.1.29  –  end_user_specification

   An end-user-specification is defined by Session Control
   and used as an address of a particular end user. This is
   generally equivalent to Phase IV object name and number.

   The user-visible syntax is the standard syntax for a
   record. For example, Number=25 and Name=FAL are valid.

   Note that end-user-specification does not work as a filter
   attribute in a with clause.

5.1.30  –  TowerSet

   The TowerSet data type is used at the DNA Session Control
   interface to specify addressing information. The idea
   behind the tower set is that a given networking service
   may be accessible through many different combinations of
   protocols and addresses. The TowerSet data type is intended
   to allow the end user to specify any arbitrary combination
   of protocols and addresses to Session Control. Of course,
   most end users do not want to do this, so normally the end
   user would specify the name of the service, and DNA Session
   Control would look up the TowerSet of the service (its
   address) using the DNA Naming Service, and would try to
   establish a connection using any one of the possible ways
   of connecting to the remote service.

   Table A-2 TowerSet Levels of Specification

   TowerSet              A set of ProtocolTower

   ProtocolTower         A sequence of Floor

   Floor                 (Protocol ID, address) pair

   Protocol ID           Name or number of a network protocol

   Address               Address of this service with respect
                         to a protocol

   A ProtocolTower specifies a layering of protocols that can
   be used to access the network service. The top floor in a
   ProtocolTower corresponds to the highest-level protocol and
   the bottom floor to the lowest-level protocol. Usually the
   Network layer (layer three in the OSI model) is the lowest
   level of protocol needed.

   A Floor is a particular (protocol, address) pair used
   within a ProtocolTower to access a remote service. The
   data type of the address is a function of the protocol.
   For example, the DNA_OSInetwork protocol uses an NSAP as
   the address, the DNA_IP protocol uses an IP address, and
   DNA_SessionControlV3 uses an end user specification.
   Some protocols do not require an address; for example,
   the Application layer (top layer) does not require an

   A protocol ID is the name or number of a protocol.

   An address value specifies the SAP (Service Access Point)
   to be used by the application for this particular protocol.

   For example, the node entity's address attribute is given
   by NCL as:

   Address                      =
   [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ]  ,
   [ DNA_SessionControlV3 , number=19 ]  ,
   [ DNA_OSItransportV1 , 'DEC0'H ]  ,
   [ DNA_OSInetwork , 41:45418715:00-41:08-00-2B-16-A8-72:21 ]
   ) ,
   [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ]  ,
   [ DNA_SessionControlV3 , number=19 ]  ,
   [ DNA_OSItransportV1 , 'DEC0'H ]  ,
   [ DNA_OSInetwork , 49::00-0C:AA-00-04-00-50-30:21 ]
   ) ,
   [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ] ,
   [ DNA_SessionControlV3 , number = 19 ] ,
   [ DNA_OSItransportV1 , 'DEC0'H ] ,
   [ DNA_IP , ]
   ) ,
   [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ]  ,
   [ DNA_SessionControlV3 , number=19 ]
   [ DNA_NSP ]  ,
   [ DNA_OSInetwork , 41:45418715:00-41:08-00-2B-16-A8-72:20 ]  ,
   ) ,
   [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ]  ,
   [ DNA_SessionControlV3 , number=19 ]  ,
   [ DNA_NSP ]  ,
   [ DNA_OSInetwork , 49::00-0C:AA-00-04-00-50-30:20 ]

   The above example shows all the possible methods of
   connecting to the CML (CMIP Management Listener) on a
   DECnet-Plus node.  The first floor in each of the above
   ProtocolTowers specifies the application as

   The second floor in each of the example ProtocolTowers
   specifies the session control version in use.  This will
   generally be Session Control Version 3
   { DNA_SessionControlV3 }.  Nodes capable of SC V3
   (Phase V nodes) are also capable of communicating using
   SC V2 (the session protocol used by Phase IV nodes).

   There are five ProtocolTower values in the example
   TowerSet above.  Four of these ProtocolTower values were
   determined using two possible transport protocols:

   { DNA_OSItransportV1, DNA_NSP }

   in combination with these two possible network addresses:

   { 49::00-0C:AA-00-04-00-50-30:00, 41:45418715:00-41:08-00-
   2B-16-A8-72:00 }

   Still another ProtocolTower was produced using
   RFC1006 and/or RFC1859 transport over the IP address:

   { }

   RFC1006 (OSI over TCP/IP) specifies the use of OSI
   transport Class 0 (TP0) on top of TCP.  RFC1859 (DECnet
   over TCP/IP) specifies the use of OSI transport
   Class 2 (TP2) on top of TCP.  This is why towers
   containing an IP address will always specifiy
   DNA_OSItransportV1 as the transport protocol id.

   Usually, the node registers its TowerSet automatically
   with the naming service; the end user would not enter it.
   However, if the naming service is unreachable from the
   network manager's node, it may be necessary to manually
   enter a TowerSet. Enter a single ProtocolTower. It may be
   possible to omit the upper floor since it is not yet used
   by applications.

   If the node entity identifier is formally defined to be a
   TowerSet, NCL allows the end user to enter the identifier
   by Phase IV address and by NSAP. In such cases, NCL infers
   the TowerSet from a much more abbreviated form of address.

5.1.31  –  enumeration

   The enumeration data type represents a collection
   of defined, named values, (for example, Sunday,
   Monday...Saturday). A keyword, which may be one or more
   words, names each value. An integral number code represents
   each value in the protocol and in the interfaces. The
   architect constructing this type assigns the codes and

   Codes and keywords as defined here also identify entity
   classes, attributes, directives, responses, exceptions,
   event reports, and arguments.

   On output, the keyword is presented as defined. The case
   used in the definition is preserved.

   On input, any legal abbreviation of the keyword is
   allowed. Legal abbreviation is determined by the director
   architecture, allowing for some flexibility depending on
   the parser.

5.1.32  –  range

   The range type constructor defines a new type whose value
   is a set of values selected from a base type. The set is
   defined by specifying an upper and lower boundary of the
   set. The base type must have a well-defined ordering of
   values. Ranges can be defined for integers, enumerated
   types, latin1strings, and so forth. The order of a range
   type is undefined. range values may not contain wildcards.

   For example, if a value type is defined as a range of
   integers, an example might be: [10...100].

5.1.33  –  record

   A record is a data type containing one or more fields,
   each with its own pre-defined data type. Recursive
   definitions are not allowed. The fields can be either a
   fixed collection, that is, all the fields always appear and
   always in the defined order, or a variant record.

   A record type's order is defined by the order of the fields
   defined in the records.

   The fields within a record may contain wildcard symbols, as
   allowed by their type. For example,

   [, EndUser=michael]

   The brackets are optional.

5.1.34  –  sequence_of_a_type

   A-type can be replaced by any one type, such as a LIST
   OF type. Sequence is used where the number of elements
   in a list varies, the order of the elements in the list
   has meaning, and the elements of a list are repeated. The
   syntax for declaring a sequence is:

   SEQUENCE OF element-type

   The order of two sequences is undefined. Wildcard symbols
   are allowed within the elements of the list, as allowed by
   the base type.

   On output, braces are used to bracket the elements. For
   example, here is a sequence of simple-names:

   { Diane, Patty, Mark, Cyndi, Carly }

   Note that sequences do not work as filter attributes in a
   with clause.

5.1.35  –  set_of_a_type

   Set is used where the number of elements in the set varies,
   the order of the elements in the set has no meaning, two
   copies of an element value are equivalent to a single copy
   of the element, and the element type has more possible
   values than can be efficiently represented using a bit-set.

   Set A <= set B if A is a subset of B. A<B is not defined on
   Sets. A=B means normal set equality. Wildcard symbols are
   not allowed within the set.

   On output, braces bracket the elements.

   Note that sets do not work as filter attributes in a with

5.1.36  –  subranges_of_a_base

   New types can be constructed by limiting the values of an
   existing type to a subset in the new type. The mechanism
   used to specify the subset depends upon the base type. The
   user-visible representation is identical to the base type.
   The order of a subrange type is inherited from the base

   For integers and enumeration, the subrange is defined by
   the low and high values in the base type. The user-visible
   representation is that of the base type. For example:


   CircuitCost = Integer [1...32];

   The following integer subranges are already defined:

   o  Integer 8, [-2[7]...2[7]-1]

   o  Integer 16, [-2[15]...2[15]-1]

   o  Integer 32, [-2[31]...2[31]-1]

   o  Unsigned, [0...2[32]-1]

   o  Unsigned 8, [0...2[8]-1]

   o  Unsigned 16, [0...2[16]-1]

   o  Unsigned 32, [0...2[32]-1]

5.1.37  –  variant_records

   Variant records extend the record type constructor by
   allowing the structure of a record to vary, depending upon
   the value of one of the nonvarying fields.

   The user-visible representation is the same as that for a

5.2  –  Verbs

    NCL commands form three broad categories:

    o  Control commands (such as set ncl default, exit, help) enable
       the user to perform certain tasks within the NCL utility
       environment. These commands perform no network management

    o  Database commands (such as, show, set, add, remove) modify
       or display characteristics for existing entities, but may not
       immediately affect the network configuration or operation.

    o  Action commands (such as create, delete, enable, disable)
       have an immediate impact on the operation of the network,
       often causing a state change to an entity. There are many
       entity-specific action commands (see the individual entity
       description sections for details). Any command that is not a
       control command or a database command is an action command.

    For descriptions of these verbs, refer to HELP <verb>.

5.3  –  Entity Names

    Entities are specified by their full name in the entity hierarchy
    and consist of one or more class/instance pairs. For example, the
    routing circuit reachable address entity is one of the subentities
    that comprises the Routing module. The Reachable Address entity is
    subordinate to the Routing Circuit entity, which is subordinate
    to the top-level Routing entity in the Routing module. An example
    of the entity's full name is:

    node 0 routing circuit ether-1 reachable address foo

    Node 0 is a class/instance pair for the global Node entity. Node
    0 is a designation for the local system and is the default value
    for the NCL commands. The "node node-name" element in an NCL command
    is thus not required when the operation to be performed is for an
    entity on the local system.

    For a diagram of the entity heirarchy, refer to HELP
    ENTITY_HIERARCHY.  For more information on specifying the global
    Node entity in an NCL command, refer to HELP NCL SYNTAX

5.4  –  Attributes

    Certain NCL commands, such as show, can include one or more
    attribute specifiers.

    You can specify one or several attribute groups, separated by
    commas, in a show command. If you specify all, this is equivalent
    to specifying all the attribute groups that are legal for a
    command.  The common attribute group names are:

    o  all [attributes]

    o  all characteristics

    o  all counters

    o  all identifiers  (the default if no attribute group
       is specified)

    o  all status

    See the individual show command descriptions to see which
    attribute groups are legal for each command.

5.4.1  –  Characteristics

    Characteristics describe the operating parameters of an entity
    as they are currently defined. You can modify the value of
    some characteristics by using the set, add, or remove command.
    Some characteristics have read-only values; their values are set
    by software and cannot be altered.

    Each entity section gives complete information about that
    entity's characteristics, if any, and explains if and how they
    can be modified.

5.4.2  –  Counters

    Counters record the number of times the entity performed a
    particular operation or the number of times a certain condition
    or event has occurred since the entity was created. In some
    cases, a counter counts the number of times a similarly named
    event has occurred. Counter values are dynamically maintained by
    the system and cannot be reset by the system manager.

5.4.3  –  Identifiers

    In most cases, an entity has one identifier: the simple name that
    is assigned to it when it is created. This identifier is a unique
    instance name within the entity class and cannot be modified
    except by deleting the current entity and re-creating it with
    a new name. See specific entity description sections for more
    information on entities that have multiple identifiers.

5.4.4  –  Status

    Status attributes record current conditions of the entity, such
    as its state. Usually status attributes are dynamically set by
    the system to reflect current conditions set up by different
    operations. You can display current status values, but you cannot
    directly modify them. However, certain network management actions
    (such as enabling or disabling an entity) may alter the values of
    status attributes.

5.5  –  Arguments

    Certain NCL commands have required or optional arguments.
    Arguments can indicate values to be set, data to be operated
    on, or instructions for performing a specified task.

5.6  –  Prepositional Phrases

    Most NCL commands accept two types of prepositional phrases:

    o  Use "by" phrase to specify an access control string for remote
       system management.

    o  Use "with" phrase to limit the action of an NCL command to
       those entities that match the qualifying condition.

    You can specify one or both prepositional phrases in any NCL
    command that accepts them. Separate the prepositional phrases by
    a comma.

5.6.1  –  By Preposition

    The "by" prepositional phrase authenticates that an account or
    proxy account for a particular user has been set up with the
    proper access control information. Use of the by preposition
    is portable to other DECnet-Plus systems. Use the following
    format to append access control information using the by

       by user=username, password=password, account=account, -

    For Tru64 UNIX, NCL ignores any use of the by proxy clause
    so that the modifier "by proxy=true" (i.e., proxy access
    allowed) is always in effect.

    If user j_smith has privileges to access the session control
    application graphics_exchange on the remote node, he can use
    the by preposition as follows:

    ncl> ! On node
    ncl> show node .admin.artists session control application -
    _ncl> graphics_exchange all counters, by user=j_smith, -
    _ncl> password=DoNotUse

    For Tru64 UNIX, access control does not have any effect when the
    NCL command is directed to the local node. This happens because
    NCL uses interprocess communication instead of DECnet-Plus to
    communicate with node 0, the local node, and therefore the user's
    privileges are determined by the user id that NCL is running under.

5.6.2  –  With Preposition

    Use the "with" prepositional phrase to qualify an NCL command to
    limit the scope of its operation. Also called filtering, this
    process is useful in displaying or acting upon only certain
    information. The expression supplied as part of the with clause
    must be an attribute of the entity (or entities) specified in the

    ncl> show session control application *, with maximum instances>0

    For every session control application entity on node 0 (the local
    system), NCL finds the entities with maximum instances greater
    than zero, and returns the identifying information about those
    session control application entities.

    The with prepositional phrase is a boolean expression that can
    use the relational operators as follows:

    Symbol   Meaning

    <>       Not equals
    <        Less than
    <=       Less than or equal to
    >        Greater than
    >=       Greater than or equal to  –  Restrictions of With Clause

    It is possible (but not improbable) for the value of an
    attribute to change between the time that the attribute
    value is tested against the with clause value and the time
    that the directive is actually issued to the entity. This
    limitation can lead to cases such as the following:

    ncl> show 0 session control port *, with send queue > 0

    Node 0 Session Control Port %XCC354000
    AT 1994-11-13-16:32:03.249-05:00I0.269


       Send Queue = 0

    In this case, the attribute briefly goes non-zero, then
    immediately returns to zero again. Unfortunately, the
    attribute changed value between the time that it was
    sampled by the entity filtering software in the CML (CMIP
    Management Listener) and the time that the Show directive
    was issued to that entity instance. This is generally
    not a problem. Most attributes are stable enough that this
    rarely happens.

5.7  –  Using Wildcards

    Using an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character in an NCL command
    is helpful when the target of a command, particularly a show
    command, is not easily identifiable. The asterisk wildcard
    represents one or more characters. You can also use a question
    mark (?) as a wildcard. This represents a single character, and
    can only be used in certain data types, such as simplename.

    For Tru64 UNIX, if you use either the asterisk wildcard or the
    question mark wildcard in a complete NCL command line entered at
    the shell prompt (%), remember to insert the escape character (\)
    before the wildcard so that the asterisk or question mark will
    not be interpreted by the shell.

    The rules for using wildcard characters are as follows:

    o  Use wildcards only within an entity name (the class name
       or the instance name) in an NCL command. Do not use
       wildcards within NCL verbs, attributes, or prepositional
       phrases. In addition, do not use wildcards in attribute
       values unless the use of wildcards is explicitly called
       out in the attribute description.

    o  In all cases, wildcard characters can appear only in the last
       class name or last instance value. You cannot use a wildcard
       for the global entity node name. All NCL commands that affect
       entities include at least two class/instance pairs (the first
       being "node node-name" even if it is not specified). For

       ncl> show node 0 routing circuit * all status
       ncl> show node 0 session control application tp?_appl
       ncl> show node 0 session control application ma* all attributes

       The first command requests a list of all status information
       about all defined circuits. The second command requests a
       listing of all applications that begin with tp and end with
       _appl and have only one character between tp and _appl. The
       third command asks for information about all applications that
       start with ma and end with any combination of characters.

    o  Do not use wildcard characters with NCL control commands.

    o  If you use wildcard characters with an entity instance name, a
       display of all the instances of a class appears.

    o  NCL supports wildcarding for any directive except create.

    o  For Tru64 UNIX, using a wildcard to show all subentities when
       there are no subentities to be displayed may cause NCL to hang.
       To return to the ncl> prompt if this occurs, press <Ctrl/C>.

    o  For Tru64 UNIX, using a wildcard in the entity class name
       results in an operation on the enumerated entities of the
       next layer down. For example, the "show node 0 *" command shows
       the identities of all module entities on the local system.

    o  If you use a wildcard in an entity instance name, an operation
       occurs on all the instances of a class. For example, show node
       0 session control application * shows the identities of all
       Session Control Applications.

       For Tru64 UNIX, you can wildcard all the local entities on the
       local system or a remote system. For example:

       ncl> show node .admin.artists *

5.8  –  Node Identifiers

    In the absence of a default node entity, if no node is specified
    in an NCL command, then the default node-id is 0, which represents
    the local node.

    You can specify a node-id in an NCL command in various ways, using
    either a node name or address.  Under certain conditions, the
    unqualified node name (often identical to the node synonym) may be
    used in an NCL command as the node-id.

5.8.1  –  Addresses

    If the name service is interrupted or unavailable, you can
    still reach remote nodes to perform management functions. You can
    use the remote node's Phase IV address (if the remote node is
    configured to have one), or the remote node's NSAP. Refer to the
    "Understanding and Creating NSAP Addresses" chapter in the
    DECnet-Plus Planning Guide for the Tru64 UNIX or OpenVMS NSAP
    format to use.

    For example, the following commands all perform the same function:

    ncl> show node 12.5 routing circuit syn-0-0

    For a Tru64 UNIX system:

    ncl> show node 49::00-0C:AA-00-04-00-05-30:20 routing -
    _ncl> circuit syn-0-0

    For an OpenVMS system:

    ncl> show node net$49000CAA000400053020 routing circuit syn-0-0

    If both the local and remote nodes are configured to run
    DECnet over TCP/IP (RFC 1859), you may refer to the remote node
    using the IP address as in:

    ncl> show node all

5.8.2  –  Names

    Node names can be specified in different ways depending upon
    the directory service(s) you are using.

    If the local node is configured to use the DECdns name service
    and the remote node is correctly registered in the DECdns
    namespace, you may refer to the node using a DECdns fullname,
    as in:

    ncl> show node NS:.lkg.remotenode all

    If the local node is configured to use the LOCAL name service
    and the remote node is correctly registered in the LOCAL
    namespace, you may choose to use the LOCAL fullname, as in:

    ncl> show node LOCAL:.remotenode all

    If both the local and remote nodes are running DECnet over
    TCP/IP (RFC 1859) and the remote host name is somehow
    translatable (perhaps using the Hosts Database or DNS/BIND),
    you may refer to the remote node using the DOMAIN fullname,
    as in:

    ncl> show node all

5.8.3  –  Unqualified Names and Node Synonyms

    A node synonym is a Phase IV-style node name, between 1 and 6
    characters long, that is unique within the namespace.  This
    node synonym is required for Phase IV applications that can
    handle only a maximum of 6-character node names.

    An unqualified name is the final simplename -- that portion
    of the DECdns or LOCAL full name following the last "."
    Although this unqualified name is usually identical to the
    node synonym, it is not required to be identical to the node

    An unqualified name may be substituted for a full name in
    an NCL command only when the remote node specified in the
    command and the local node use the same primary naming
    service and their full names are identical except for the
    unqualified names themselves.

    For example, in the following cases:

                        LOCAL NODE           REMOTE NODE

    Full name:          ns:.lkg.localnode    ns:.lkg.remotenode
    Unqualified name:   localnode            remotenode
    Synonym:            locnod               remnod

    Full name:          local:.localnode     local:.remotenode
    Unqualified name:   localnode            remotenode
    Synonym:            locnod               remnod

    You can substitute the unqualified name for the full name in
    the NCL command:

    ncl> set event dispatcher outbound stream ost_1 -
        sink node remotenode

    However, for the following examples:

                        LOCAL NODE           REMOTE NODE

    Full name:          ns:.uct.localnode    ns:.lkg.remotenode
    Unqualified name:   localnode            remotenode
    Synonym:            locnod               remnod

    Full name:          ns:.localnode        local:.remotenode
    Unqualified name:   localnode            remotenode
    Synonym:            locnod               remnod

    Full name:          local:.uct.localnode local:.remotenode
    Unqualified name:   localnode            remotenode
    Synonym:            locnod               remnod

    You must specify the full name for the remote node in the
    NCL command:

    ncl> set event dispatcher outbound stream ost_1 -
    _ncl> sink node ns:.lkg.remotenode

    Or, on a Tru64 UNIX system:

    ncl> set session control proxy dth source end user = -
    _ncl> { [ node=local:.remotenode , end user=uic=[0,0]dan ] }

    The node synonym cannot be substituted for a full name in
    the NCL command. However, in most cases since the unqualified
    name and the node synonym are usually identical, it may
    appear that the synonym substitution was successful.

6  –  Recalling Commands

    To recall previously entered NCL commands, press the up-arrow
    key. After recalling an NCL command, modify it by using <Ctrl/A>
    to switch between insert and overstrike modes of editing. You
    can also use the <Delete> key to edit a command line. Reenter the
    command by pressing the <Return> key. Press the down-arrow key to
    recall the next (most recent) command in the NCL command recall

    For Tru64 UNIX, you can recall commands by string by starting the
    line with a '^' or by ending a line by pressing the <Find> key,
    for example:

    ncl> ^ena  <Return>
    ncl> ena  <Find>

    Will recall the last command that started with "ena."

7  –  Output

    The output of NCL commands varies somewhat depending upon the
    operating system.

7.1  –  Tru64 UNIX

    After you enter a command, the system responds with a display
    that includes a summary of the command you entered, the UID
    of the entity (if enabled) referred to in the command, and a
    timestamp showing when the output was gathered or the command
    executed. With some commands (for example, show), the output
    also includes a display of certain values.

    Some of the timestamps displayed during ncl show commands are
    returned with a value of undefined for some entities. This
    indicates that the condition that causes the attribute to be
    timestamped has not occurred yet.

    The following is an example of a typical show display:

    ncl>show session control application fal all chara
    Node 0 Session Control Application fal
    AT 1994-02-21-14:54:01.609-05:00I0.137


          {    number=17               =
        Incoming Proxy                 = True
        Node Synonym                   = False
        Image Name                     = /usr/etc/fal
        User Name                      = guest
        Incoming OSI TSEL              =''H
        Data Abstraction               = Message
        Accept Mode                    = Deferred
        Programming Interface          = Phase IV
        Maximum Instances              = 0
        Allow DECnet Internet Gateway Access  = True

    Exception messages

    If a command does not complete successfully, you can get one or
    more exception or error messages. There are three categories of
    error displays:

    o  Errors caused by incorrect command syntax. In these errors,
       NCL issues the error message immediately and does not send the
       command to the entity itself. For example:

       # ncl show tree all

       SYNTAX ERROR: No match was found for this string.

       show tree all
       ____ ^

    o  Validation errors, in which NCL accepts the command syntax
       as valid, but subsequently returns an error message when the
       command violates a constraint or rule. For example:

       # ncl set routing probe rate = 0

       RANGE ERROR: The minimum value for this attribute is 1.

       set routing probe range = 0
       _________________________ ^
       In this case, the value 0 was outside the allowable range of
       values for this attribute. NCL detected this after it had parsed
       the command, but before it had issued the command to the entity.

    o  Errors returned from the remote entity's agent. In these
       errors, NCL was able to interpret the command, but was unable
       to perform it for some reason. For example:

       Node 0 CSMA-CD
       AT 1994-10-06-15:35:14.069-04:00I0.301

       DUE TO: Error specific to this entity's class
       REASON: Already Exists
       Description: Already Exists

       A response returned from the remote agent will be displayed
       with an AT time stamp. See Appendix A of the DECnet-Plus Network
       Control Language Reference for more information on responses.

    Adjusting the Display Format

    Use the following local commands to adjust the display format.

    To define how far over the values can be indented (default=34),
    use the commands:

    ncl> set ncl name display width = 50
    ncl> show ncl name display width

    To control whether or not dots are filled in between the attribute
    name and its value (for example, state ..... = On), use the

    ncl> enable ncl dots
    ncl> disable ncl dots

    To control whether counters are displayed left justified or right
    justified, use the commands:

    ncl> set ncl counter justification =  left
    ncl> set ncl counter justification =  right

    To determine if backtranslation will be done or not, use the

    ncl> enable ncl backtranslation
    ncl> disable ncl backtranslation

    The page width is used to intelligently wrap error messages and to
    decide if the snapshot display will require 1 line or 2 lines per
    counter. Normally, NCL tracks the page width automatically. To
    override the value if necessary, use the commands:

    ncl> set ncl page width = 50
    ncl> show ncl page width

    When NCL is processing an NCL script, use the following commands
    to determine if each command should be echoed before it is executed:

    ncl> enable ncl command echo
    ncl> disable ncl command echo

7.2  –  OpenVMS

    After you enter a command, the system responds with a display
    that includes a summary of the command you entered, the UID
    of the entity (if enabled) referred to in the command, and
    a timestamp showing when the command was executed. On some
    commands, (for example, show), the output also includes a display
    of certain values.

    The following is an example of a typical show command and the
    resulting display:

    NCL> show nsp all <Return>

    Node 0 NSP
    AT 1992-06-03-10:35:12.234-04:00I0.277


        UID                               = 9AF8477A-407E-11CB-...
        State                             = On
        Currently Active Connections      = 14


        Maximum Transport Connections     = 200
        Maximum Receive Buffers           = 2000
        Delay Weight                      = 3
        Delay Factor                      = 2
        Maximum Window                    = 8
        DNA Version                       = T4.2.1
        Acknowledgement Delay Time        = 3
        Maximum Remote NSAPS              = 201
        NSAP Selector                     = 32
        Keepalive Time                    = 60
        Retransmit Threshold              = 5
        Congestion Avoidance              = False

    A command that executes appropriately and completes its assigned
    task produces a Success Response. Success Responses are not
    documented in the command description sections of this manual
    unless the Success Response contains arguments or the response
    indicates that something other than the expected action has

    If a command does not complete successfully, you can get one or
    more exception or error messages. There are three categories of
    error returns for NCL commands:

    o  OpenVMS NCL error messages; that is, errors that occur at the
       level where OpenVMS is processing NCL commands.

    o  Common NCL exception messages; that is, errors that occur
       within NCL and which apply to more than one command.

    o  Command-specific exception messages, which are described with
       the commands that can produce them.

    Each command description in this manual includes at least one
    example that shows a typical successful command with possible
    resulting output.

7.3  –  Displaying UIDs

    Any entity that has counters or generates events is assigned a
    unique identification (UID) value. A UID is a 16-byte entity
    attribute that is unique throughout the network and for all time;
    that is, because the creation time of the entity is included as a
    portion of the UID, no two identical UIDs will ever be created.

    A UID identifies a unique instance of an entity. For network
    management, UIDs provide a guaranteed way to track the
    characteristics and status of that precise entity instance. Each
    entity having counter attributes also has a creation timestamp
    identifying, simply, when the entity was created.

    The UID is included in any response or event from an entity that
    has a UID. Any entity that generates events or has counters must
    have a UID, which is also visible as a status attribute.

    Both the UID and the creation timestamp are included in any event
    logging report that returns one or more counters in its argument

    By default on Tru64 UNIX, UID values are not displayed.  The UID
    value for an entity is not always needed and can clutter a show
    display or an event-logging report.  Use the enable ncl uid display
    command if you wish to see this attribute.  To turn UID displays
    back off, type disable ncl uid display.

8  –  Specifying Access Control

    To set default access control information for a series of NCL
    commands within a single NCL session (usually to be performed on a
    remote system), use the SET NCL DEFAULT ACCESS command.  Refer to
    HELP NCL DEFAULT_CONTEXT for more information on the use of that

    To provide access control information to be used for the execution
    of a single NCL command, you may use one of the following methods:

    o  Use the by prepositional phrase

       The by prepositional phrase authenticates that an account or
       proxy account for a particular user has been set up with the
       proper access control information. Use of the by preposition
       is portable to other DECnet-Plus systems. Use the following
       format to append access control information using the by

       by user=username, password=password, account=account, -

       For Tru64 UNIX, NCL ignores any use of the by proxy clause
       so that the modifier "by proxy=true" (i.e., proxy access
       allowed) is always in effect.

       If user j_smith has privileges to access the session control
       application graphics_exchange on the remote node, he can use
       the by preposition as follows:

       ncl> ! On node
       ncl> show node .admin.artists session control application -
       _ncl> graphics_exchange all counters, by user=j_smith, -
       _ncl> password=DoNotUse

    o  Specify an access control string

       The access control string (ACS) consists of a user name and
       password, for an account on the remote system.

       For Tru64 UNIX, enter the ACS as part of the node-name
       specification nodename/usr/password as follows:

       ncl> show node .admin.artists/j_smith/DoNotUse session control -
       _ncl> application graphics_exchange all counters

       You do not need privileges to do a show operation. However,
       to do a set operation, you need to have superuser access
       to the system.

       For OpenVMS:

       NCL> show node .admin.artists"j_smith DoNotUse" session -
       _NCL> control application graphics_exchange all counters

       To do a show operation, you need NET$EXAMINE right on the
       remote OpenVMS system. For read and write access (for example,
       set, disable, enable etc.), you need NET$MANAGE right or
       BYPASS priviledge on the remote system.

    The use of proxy accounts is a more manageable method of
    establishing access control schemes between two systems. See
    the DECnet-Plus Network Management manual for more information
    about controlling remote network access through the use of proxy

    For Tru64 UNIX, access control does not have any effect when the
    NCL command is directed to the local node. This happens because
    NCL uses interprocess communication instead of DECnet-Plus to
    communicate with node 0, the local node, and therefore the user's
    privileges are determined by the user id that NCL is running under.

9  –  Default Context

    When you wish to perform a series of commands on a particular entity
    (either on your local node or a remote Phase V node), you may choose
    to set your default NCL context.  The SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY command
    allows you to specify an entity to be used for further NCL commands.
    Similarly, the SET NCL DEFAULT ACCESS command allows you to specify
    access control information.

9.1  –  OpenVMS

    The NET$EXAMINE right is required to issue SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY
    and SET NCL DEFAULT ACCESS commands.  Refer to HELP
    information on rights identifiers.

    Once established, default entity and access control information
    will remain in effect for the duration of an NCL session until
    it is modified by subsequent SET NCL DEFAULT commands.  When
    supplying access information, both the username and password
    should be provided in a single command.  Here are a few
    acceptable forms of the SET NCL DEFAULT command:

    _NCL>NODE nodename"username password" [subentity|subentities]

    NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY NODE nodename [subentity|subentities],-
    _NCL>ACCESS BY USER=username, PASSWORD=password

    _NCL>ENTITY NODE nodename [subentity|subentities]

    When a SET NCL DEFAULT command contains new access information but
    lacks a default node entity, as in:


    NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY [subentity|subentities],-
    _NCL>ACCESS BY USER=username, PASSWORD=password

    _NCL>ENTITY [subentity|subentities]

    then the new access information is stored, but it will not be
    used until some subsequent SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY NODE command
    is issued.  In the following example, new access control
    information is stored:

    No NCL Default Access has been set
    NCL Default Entity ()
    NCL Default Access by User user1, Password xxx
    NCL Default Entity ()

    but that access control information remains unused until the
    default node entity is modified.  The following SET command
    would then result in the establishment of a connection to node
    remnod using the user1 account:

    NCL Default Access by User user1, Password xxx
    NCL Default Entity Node remnod

    Once you have set a default node entity, all subsequent SET NCL
    DEFAULT ENTITY [subentity | subentities] commands apply to that
    node until the user attempts to modify the default node entity.
    For example, now that the default node entity is remod, in order
    to set the default entity to Session Control on node remnod, you
    can do so without re-specifying the node entity, as in:

    NCL Default Access by User user1, Password xxx
    NCL Default Entity Node remnod Session Control

    To change to another subentity on the remote node, you must
    include (or re-specify) any subentities beneath the node entity.
    Even though the current default entity in this example is Node
    remnod Session Control, you must re-specify the Session Control
    subentity if you want to set default to a lower subentity on
    that node.  In other words, NCL would not parse the following
    command because the Session Control entity needs to be
    re-specified.  Since the command could not be parsed, the NCL
    defaults remained unchanged:

    NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY Application fal
    %NCL-E-INVALIDCOMMAND, unrecognized command
    SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY \Application\ fal
    NCL Default Access by User user1, Password xxx
    NCL Default Entity Node remnod Session Control

    Instead, this command would be necessary to change the default
    to a lower subentity on node remnod:

    NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY Session Control Application fal
    NCL Default Access by User user1, Password xxx
    NCL Default Entity Node remnod Session Control Application fal

    Note that in the example above the "fal" instance identifier
    specified a particular instance of a Session Control Application.
    But it is also acceptable to use wildcards to specify the default
    entity.  In the example below, the wildcard "*" is used as an
    instance identifier to refer to all session control applications
    on the default node.

    NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY Session Control Application *
    NCL Default Access by User user1, Password xxx
    NCL Default Entity Node remnod Session Control Application *

    If default access control information and the default entity
    were then modified, but no node entity was specified, as in:

    _NCL>ENTITY Session Control
    NCL Default Access by User user2, Password xxx
    NCL Default Entity Node remnod Session Control Application *

    The new default access information would be stored, but contrary
    to the default access information displayed by SHOW NCL DEFAULT,
    the connection to node remnod through the user1 account will
    remain in use until the default node entity is changed.

    This next command would request a new connection to node remnod
    using the latest default access information (through the user2
    account), but the connection would fail because the password
    information provided earlier for the user2 account was incorrect:

    %NCL-E-REQUESTFAILED, command failed due to:
    -CML-E-SESSPROB, error returned from session control
    -IPC-E-BADUSER, access control rejection
    -NET-F-REMOTEDISCONN, connection disconnected by remote user
    %NCL-E-NOCONNECTION, cannot establish CMIP connection to remote node
    set ncl default entity node remnod

    Whenever a connection to a default entity node fails, the default
    entity will be reset to the local node entity.  Default subentity
    information is cleared as well because subentities are node-
    specific.  The default access information will be left as is, but
    it will remain unused until the default node entity is reset.  For
    example, after the above failure to modify the default node entity,
    the NCL defaults would look like this:

       NCL Default Access by User user2, Password xxx
       NCL Default Entity ()

9.2  –  Tru64 UNIX

    When you are using NCL commands to manage one particular
    entity, either set up a default for the entity, access control
    information for the entity, or both. For example:

    ncl> set ncl default entity node .mfg.cadcam session control
    ncl> show ncl default entity
    ncl default entity = node .mfg.cadcam session control

    The set ncl default access command sets up default access
    control independently of the default entity. Once established,
    the default access control is applied to any command where
    an explicit by prepositional phrase is omitted and no user
    information is given with the node name.

    ncl> ! on node
    ncl> set ncl default access by user=j_smith, password=DoNotUse
    ncl> show ncl default access

    ncl Default access = user name=j_smith

    ncl> show node .admin.artists session control application -
    _ncl> graphics_exchange all counters

    The set ncl default access overrides an embedded access control
    value in the entity.

10  –  Using Snapshot

    The following sections describe how to use snapshot on both
    Tru64 UNIX and OpenVMS.

10.1  –  Tru64 UNIX

    Snapshot saves all of the counter attributes available
    from the specified entity at that time. You can snapshot only
    counters, and the results are displayed using a subsequent
    show command. For example, do either of the following:

    ncl> snapshot node 0 all counters


    ncl> snapshot node 0 all counters, to file_name

    If you omit the attribute list entirely from the snapshot
    command, NCL defaults to all counters.

    If you do not choose a file name, NCL retains the binary data
    in memory. If you enter the show command for which the remote
    entity returns any counters, NCL tries to find snapshot data
    in the snapshot file you specified (or within its memory, if
    you did not specify a file name).

    If your show command does not contain the from preposition, NCL
    tries to find a corresponding snapshot in memory. If you
    have not performed a snapshot command in this NCL session, NCL
    displays just the raw counters.

    If the show command does contain the from preposition, NCL tries
    to read the specified file. If NCL cannot open the file, it
    returns the appropriate error message and displays the data
    returned from the entity. If a snapshot file exists, but does
    not contain data from the current entity, NCL displays just the
    raw counters.

    If NCL succeeds in finding a saved snapshot of the entity's
    counters, then it displays the counters returned by the agent.
    The following example shows a typical snapshot file, in this
    instance called x.tmp:

    ncl> snapshot 12.80 csm sta * oct se, oct r, to x.tmp

    To recall the snapshot file x.tmp, you would use the following

    show n 12.80 csm sta *, from x.tmp

    Node 12.80 CSMA-CD Station csmacd-1
    AT 1994-09-08-11:12:01.497-04:00I0.165
    Snapshot Elapsed Time = +0-02:01:47.536I0.428

                       Current     Snapshot    Difference
                       -------     --------    -----------
    Octets Sent        64354851    45070297    19284554
    Octets Received    34030180    27575906    6454274

    To list all the snapshots that NCL is holding "in memory,"
    use the command:

    ncl> show ncl snapshots

    To eliminate the snapshot corresponding to a value, thus
    allowing counters to be displayed in the normal name=value
    format, use the command:

    ncl> clear ncl snapshot 50

    without this, the only way to get back to a normal display
    is to exit NCL and reinvoke it.

    To periodically poll the value of a counter and display it
    (using the snapshot format) until ^C'ed, use the command:

    ncl> cmonitor entity counter

    this is similar to netstat and iostat which allow you to
    monitor a value by specifying an interval.

    To control what the interval between polls should be, use
    the commands:

    ncl> set ncl cmonitor time = 5
    ncl> show ncl cmonitor time

10.2  –  OpenVMS

    The snapshot function saves the counters' values and displays
    those values. After the snapshot command is issued, the show
    command can be used to display a comparison of the current
    values and the registered values at later times.

    The following command activates snapshot for the entity and
    produces the snapshot output:

    NCL> snap nsp port nsp$port_0000200f all counters

    Snapshot node 0 NSP Port NSP$PORT_0000200F
    at 1994-09-18-19:49:11.76078 - 04:00 I 52.08425

      Creation Time = 1991-09-18-18:55:25.59899 - 04:00 I 52.08425
      User Octets Received = 932
      User Octets Sent = 246
      User PDUs Received = 22
      User PDUs Sent = 10

    The following show command displays the snapshot for the
    entity for which snapshot was activated:

    NCL> show nsp port nsp$port_0000200f all counters

    Show node 0 NSP Port NSP$PORT_0000200F
    at 1994-09-18-19:49:11.76078 - 04:00 I 52.08425

      Creation Time = 1994-09-18-18:55:25.59899 - 04:00 I 52.08425

      Snapshot created at 1994-09-18-19:49:11.76078 - 04:00 I 52.08425

                        Actual Value    Snapshot Value    Difference
                        -------------   ---------------   ---------
  User Octets Received      2414           932            1482
  User Octets Sent          262            246              16
  User PDUs Received         25             22               3
  User PDUs Sent             11             10               1
  .                           .              .               .
  .                           .              .               .
  .                           .              .               .

    Snapshot information is only retained for the duration of an NCL
    session.  Therefore, the snapshot command and subsequent show
    commands must be issued at the NCL> prompt rather than at the
    DCL prompt.  To gather snapshot information from a remote node,
    you can either set the ncl default to the remote node entity or
    include the nodename in each ncl command, as long as the
    commands are issued within the same NCL session.

11  –  Customizing NCL

    You can customize your NCL environment using optional
    initialization files.  In addition, on OpenVMS you have the
    option of using a keypad definition file.  Tru64 UNIX
    allows you to define symbols for use with NCL.

    Setting a default NCL context is another way of customizing
    your NCL environment.  This allows you to specify a particular
    entity or default access control information to be used for
    the remainder of an NCL session.  For information on setting a
    default NCL context, refer to HELP NCL DEFAULT_CONTEXT.

11.1  –  Initialization File

    The initialization file contains NCL commands that are executed
    when you start NCL; that is, before you receive the NCL prompt.

    Alternatively, the initialization file is executed prior to
    executing an NCL script file that is specified as part of a DCL
    command line. In the following example, the initialization file
    will be executed before the ROUTING.NCL script:

    $ ncl @routing.ncl

11.1.1  –  OpenVMS

    NCL uses the default file name SYS$LOGIN:NCL$INIT.COM unless
    you have defined an alternative file use the NCL$INIT logical.

    To use NCL$NODEA_INIT.COM as an initialization file, use the
    following DCL define command:

    $ define ncl$init ncl$

    When NCL starts up, it will check for the file
    NCL$NODEA_INIT.COM, and if it exists, will execute the ncl
    commands within it.

11.1.2  –  Tru64 UNIX

    For Tru64 UNIX, if the file .nclrc exists in the user's
    top level directory, the command within it will be executed
    automatically when NCL is started.

11.2  –  Key Definition File (OpenVMS)

    The key definition file associates commonly used NCL commands
    with keys on the keypad. Use the define/key command to create
    the definition.

    NCL uses the default file name SYS$LOGIN:NCL$KEYDEF.INIT unless
    you have defined an alternative file use the NCL$KEYDEF logical.

    The SYS$EXAMPLES:SETUP_NCL_KEYPAD.COM command file creates files
    that allow you to execute commonly used NCL commands using one or
    two keystrokes on the keypad.  This command file should be executed
    from the system account.  It works in a cluster environment, but
    only for those roots on a single system disk and only for those
    nodes booted into the cluster at the time you execute the command

    $ @sys$examples:setup_ncl_keypad

    This command file creates Keypad definitions files for NCL
    to be used with the HP DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS products.  It
    creates files in SYS$MANAGER: and SYS$HELP:.  All files begin with
    NCL$KEYDEF.  A copy of this file will be made in SYS$UPDATE:

    In a cluster environment, NCL scripts are created in SYS$SPECIFIC:
    directories for each node on this system disk.

    This file may be copied to any system running HP DECnet-Plus
    for OpenVMS.

    Note: Please add
    to your OpenVMS startup procedure.

    Continue? [Y/N Def: Y]:
    Creating NCL Key Definition Init File...
    Creating NCL Key Definition Help Text Files...
    Installing in a cluster environment.  Scripts created for each
    %SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment:
         Clusterwide on local cluster
         Username SYSTEM       will be used on nonlocal nodes

    %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODEA
    NSP Show Nodes Complete...
    OSI Show Nodes Complete...
    Show Routing Adjacencies Complete...
    %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODEB
    NSP Show Nodes Complete...
    OSI Show Nodes Complete...
    Show Routing Adjacencies Complete...
    %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODEA
    %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODEB

    Once in NCL, keypad <EMPHASIS>(PF4) displays an introduction
    and keypad PF2 provides help on the keypad layout.

11.3  –  Defining Symbols (Tru64 UNIX)

    You can define symbols to represent commonly used
    class/instance pairs of NCL commands. Symbol definitions are
    provided to cut down on the amount of repetitive typing you must
    perform. Use the define and read control verbs to create and
    verify symbol definitions. For example:

     define      ncl symbol NAME = "VALUE"
     undefine    ncl symbol [ NAME | * ]
     show        ncl symbol [ NAME | * ]
     list        ncl symbol [ NAME | * ]

     ncl> define ncl sym rc1 = "routing circuit circuit-1"
     ncl> show rc1

     Node 0 Routing Circuit circuit-1
     AT 1994-07-14-15:10:10.976-04:00I0.226


         Name               = circuit-1

     The first parameter to the define command is the symbol and
     all remaining text is the equivalence string (the translation
     of the symbol). The symbol can be from 1 to 500 characters in
     length and contain any ISO latin-1 characters (?). At definition
     time, the equivalence string is not parsed. NCL will parse the
     full NCL command and any symbols that form part of the command.

     To delete symbols, use the undefine verb. For example:

     ncl> undefine Ether,Remote_Node  ! To delete specific symbols
     ncl> undefine *                  ! To delete all remaining symbols

     You can use "." to mean "the entity used in the last command."
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