LD$HELP.HLB  —  LD  Driver functions, Read tracebuffer
 	This function reads the tracebuffer size:

 	Function:	IO$_LD_CONTROL


 	IOSB word 0 = status
 	     word 1 = 0
 	     longword 1 = tracebuffer size (number of packets)

 	If the iosb status is SS$_WASSET FDT tracing is active.

 	This function reads the tracebuffer data:

 	Function:	IO$_LD_CONTROL

 	P1 = address of buffer which receives trace info
 	P2 = size of trace buffer in bytes
 	P6 = Subfunction: LDIO$K_GET_TRACE

 	IOSB word 0 = status
 	     word 1 = 0
 	     longword 1 = number of packets transferred
 			  or the number of lost packets in
 			  case of SS$_DATAOVERRUN.

 	If the return status was SS$_DATAOVERRUN the buffer
 	contains the number of packets as returned by the

 	To read the tracebuffer data and to reset the buffer after
 	the data has been read the subfunctionmodifier LDIO$M_RESET can
 	be specified.

 	If LDIO$M_NOWAIT is omitted the I/O request will wait until new
 	trace data is available.

 	Errors returned:

 	SS$_ACCVIO	Buffer can not be written
 	SS$_NODATA	Trace is not active
 	SS$_IVBUFLEN	Buffer too small to contain all trace data
 	SS$_DATAOVERRUN	The tracebuffer has been overrun
 	SS$_NORMAL	Successful completion
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