HELPLIB.HLB  —  POSIX Threads, PTHREAD routines, pthread_exc_get_status_np
    (Macro) Obtains a system-defined error status from a status
    exception object.

1  –  C Binding

    #include <pthread_exception.h>

    pthread_exc_get_status_np (
             EXCEPTION    *exception,
             unsigned long    *code);

2  –  Arguments


    Threads Library status exception object whose status code is


    Receives the system-specific status code associated with the
    specified status exception object.

3  –  Description

    This routine obtains and returns the system-specific status
    value from the status exception object specified in the exception
    argument. This value must have already been associated with the
    exception object using the pthread_exc_set_status_np() routine.

    In a program that uses Threads Library status exceptions, use
    this routine within a CATCH or CATCH_ALL code block to obtain the
    status code value associated with a caught exception. Note that
    any exception objects set to the same status value are considered
    equivalent by the Threads Library.

4  –  Return Values

    If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer
    value indicating the type of error. If the routine's exception
    object argument is a status exception, it sets the code argument
    and returns zero (0). Possible return values are as follows:

    Return      Description

    0           Successful completion.
    [EINVAL]    The exception argument is not a valid status
                exception object.

5  –  Associated Routines

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