DIAGNOSE [/interface] [/interactive] [infile [...]]  [/qualifier[...]]

 DECevent is the interface between the system user and the operating
 system's event logging system.  DECevent allows users to produce reports
 derived from system events using the following modes of operation:

   o /TRANSLATE   Default, translates events using the system event log file
                  if no file is specified or a specified event log file.
   o /BINARY      Copies selected entries (for example, disk events) from one
                  binary file to a new file.
   o /CONTINUOUS  Specifies that events are reported as they are logged by
                  the system.  Events are viewed in real time.
   o /DUMP        Displays event data in a side-by-side hexadecimal and ASCII
                  byte-by-byte representation without text messages.
   o /ANALYZE     Analyzes and isolates faults on the operating system
                  by calling out suspect devices.

 Users specify the user interface by using:

   o /INTERACTIVE Enters the DECevent interactive command shell.
   o /INTERFACE   Tells DECevent which command interface to use.
Additional Information: explode extract

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