EVE$KEYHELP.HLB  —  Page Marker
  WPS Page Marker

  Inserts a page marker or "soft" page break, putting it at the start of a
  line by itself.

  A soft page break is a form feed followed by the null character, appearing
  as a small FF and small NL.


     1.  Put the cursor where you want to start a new page (soft break).

     2.  Press the WPS Page Marker key (GOLD-P).

  Usage notes:

  o  EVE inserts the page break at the start of a line by itself and moves
     the cursor to the start of the next line, as follows:

        Cursor positions    Effects of WPS Page Marker
        Start of a          Inserts a soft break and then does a RETURN
        line of text        to start a new line.

        Start of a          Inserts a soft break and moves to the start
        blank line          of the next line---without doing a RETURN.

        Elsewhere           Does a RETURN to start a new line, inserts
        on a line           a soft break, and then does another RETURN.

  o  Soft page breaks may be deleted or relocated by the PAGINATE command
     (with the WPS keypad, GOLD-PF2).

  o  By contrast, a "hard" page break is a form feed only, typically done
     with the INSERT PAGE BREAK command (CTRL/L or with the WPS keypad,
     GOLD-N) and is not deleted by PAGINATE.

  o  To find and erase a page break:

        1.  Use MOVE BY PAGE---or with the the WPS keypad, press PF2.
        2.  Use ERASE WORD, ERASE LINE, or similar WPS key.

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