VMS Help  —  MACRO  /ALPHA  MACRO-64 Alpha Architecture Quick Reference, OpenVMS PALcode Instruction Summary
    OpenVMS Unprivileged PALcode Instructions lists the OpenVMS
    unprivileged PALcode instructions and OpenVMS Privileged PALcode
    Instructions lists the OpenVMS privileged PALcode instructions.

    Table 16 OpenVMS Unprivileged PALcode Instructions

    Mnemonic    Opcode   Description

    AMOVRM      00.00A1  Atomic move from register to memory
    AMOVRR      00.00A0  Atomic move from register to register
    BPT         00.0080  Breakpoint
    BUGCHK      00.0081  Bugcheck
    CHMK        00.0083  Change mode to kernel
    CHME        00.0082  Change mode to executive
    CHMS        00.0084  Change mode to supervisor
    CHMU        00.0085  Change mode to user
    GENTRAP     00.00AA  Generate software trap
    IMB         00.0086  I-stream memory barrier
    INSQHIL     00.0087  Insert into longword queue at head
    INSQHILR    00.00A2  Insert into longword queue at head
                         interlocked resident
    INSQHIQ     00.0089  Insert into quadword queue at head
    INSQHIQR    00.00A4  Insert into quadword queue at head
                         interlocked resident
    INSQTIL     00.0088  Insert into longword queue at tail
    INSQTILR    00.00A3  Insert into longword queue at tail
                         interlocked resident
    INSQTIQ     00.008A  Insert into quadword queue at tail
    INSQTIQR    00.00A5  Insert into quadword queue at tail
                         interlocked resident
    INSQUEL     00.008B  Insert entry into longword queue
    INSQUEL/D   00.008D  Insert entry into longword queue deferred
    INSQUEQ     00.008C  Insert entry into quadword queue
    INSQUEQ/D   00.008E  Insert entry into quadword queue deferred
    PROBER      00.008F  Probe for read access
    PROBEW      00.0090  Probe for write access
    RD_PS       00.0091  Move processor status
    READ_UNQ    00.009E  Read unique context
    REI         00.0092  Return from exception or interrupt
    REMQHIL     00.0093  Remove from longword queue at head
    REMQHILR    00.00A6  Remove from longword queue at head
                         interlocked resident
    REMQHIQ     00.0095  Remove from quadword queue at head
    REMQHIQR    00.00A8  Remove from quadword queue at head
                         interlocked resident
    REMQTIL     00.0094  Remove from longword queue at tail
    REMQTILR    00.00A7  Remove from longword queue at tail
                         interlocked resident
    REMQTIQ     00.0096  Remove from quadword queue at tail
    REMQTIQR    00.00A9  Remove from quadword queue at tail
                         interlocked resident
    REMQUEL     00.0097  Remove entry from longword queue
    REMQUEL/D   00.0099  Remove entry from longword queue deferred
    REMQUEQ     00.0098  Remove entry from quadword queue
    REMQUEQ/D   00.009A  Remove entry from quadword queue deferred
    RSCC        00.009D  Read system cycle counter
    SWASTEN     00.009B  Swap AST enable for current mode
    WRITE_UNQ   00.009F  Write unique context
    WR_PS_SW    00.009C  Write processor status software field

    Table 17 OpenVMS Privileged PALcode Instructions

    Mnemonic       Opcode   Description

    CFLUSH         00.0001  Cache flush
    CSERVE         00.0009  Console service
    DRAINA         00.0002  Drain aborts
    HALT           00.0000  Halt processor
    LDQP           00.0003  Load quadword physical
    MFPR_ASN       00.0006  Move from processor register ASN
    MFPR_ESP       00.001E  Move from processor register ESP
    MFPR_FEN       00.000B  Move from processor register FEN
    MFPR_IPL       00.000E  Move from processor register IPL
    MFPR_MCES      00.0010  Move from processor register MCES
    MFPR_PCBB      00.0012  Move from processor register PCBB
    MFPR_PRBR      00.0013  Move from processor register PRBR
    MFPR_PTBR      00.0015  Move from processor register PTBR
    MFPR_SCBB      00.0016  Move from processor register SCBB
    MFPR_SISR      00.0019  Move from processor register SISR
    MFPR_SSP       00.0020  Move from processor register SSP
    MFPR_TBCHK     00.001A  Move from processor register TBCHK
    MFPR_USP       00.0022  Move from processor register USP
    MFPR_VPTB      00.0029  Move from processor register VPTB
    MFPR_WHAMI     00.003F  Move from processor register WHAMI
    MTPR_ASTEN     00.0026  Move to processor register ASTEN
    MTPR_ASTSR     00.0027  Move to processor register ASTSR
    MTPR_DATFX     00.002E  Move to processor register DATFX
    MTPR_ESP       00.001F  Move to processor register ESP
    MTPR_FEN       00.000B  Move to processor register FEN
    MTPR_IPIR      00.000D  Move to processor register IPRI
    MTPR_IPL       00.000E  Move to processor register IPL
    MTPR_MCES      00.0011  Move to processor register MCES
    MTPR_PERFMON   00.002B  Move to processor register PERFMON
    MTPR_PRBR      00.0014  Move to processor register PRBR
    MTPR_SCBB      00.0017  Move to processor register SCBB
    MTPR_SIRR      00.0018  Move to processor register SIRR
    MTPR_SSP       00.0021  Move to processor register SSP
    MTPR_TBIA      00.001B  Move to processor register TBIA
    MTPR_TBIAP     00.001C  Move to processor register TBIAP
    MTPR_TBIS      00.001D  Move to processor register TBIS
    MTPR_TBISD     00.0024  Move to processor register TBISD
    MTPR_TBISI     00.0025  Move to processor register TBISI
    MTPR_USP       00.0023  Move to processor register USP
    MTPR_VPTB      00.002A  Move to processor register VPTB
    STQP           00.0004  Store quadword physical
    SWPCTX         00.0005  Swap privileged context
    SWPPAL         00.000A  Swap PALcode image
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