/FORMAT=fmt-name /FORMAT=DDIF (default) Specifies the format of your input file. The input formats that you can use with the CDA Viewer depend on the CDA converters installed on your system. The default input format is DDIF. Input formats supported by converters installed with the DEC CDA Base Services for DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS and their default file extensions are as follows: Input Format File Extension DDIF .DDIF DTIF .DTIF TEXT .TXT HP's CDA Converter Library provides additional converters that support display of other popular file formats. If you have the CDA Converter Library Version 2.2 or later installed on your system, see HELP CDA_Converters for more information, or contact your system manager for a complete list of input converters available on your system.
/HEIGHT=nn Specifies the height of the page in number of characters. If you specify the /OVERRIDE_FORMAT qualifier, or if the document being viewed has no inherent format, this page height is used. On the DECwindows Motif display, the default height is 66 lines, which is equivalent to the default page height of 11 inches. On character cell displays, the page height defaults to your terminal's screen height. However, if you use the /OUTPUT qualifier, the page height depends on the page height of your document.
/INTERFACE=DECWINDOWS /INTERFACE=CHARACTER_CELL (default) Specifies the type of display you are using.
/OPTIONS=options-filename Specifies a text file that contains processing options applied to the input file while it is processed for display. The default file extension for an options file is .CDA$OPTIONS.
/OUTPUT=output-filename /NOOUTPUT (default) Specifies a file that you want to receive the output instead of having it displayed on the screen. You cannot use this qualifier when you have specified the /INTERFACE=DECWINDOWS qualifier. If you specify /OUTPUT but you do not specify a file name, the CDA Viewer creates a file with the same name as your input file but with a file type of LIS. If you specify the /OUTPUT qualifier, you cannot also specify the /PAGE qualifier.
/OVERRIDE_FORMAT /NOOVERRIDE_FORMAT (default) Controls whether the CDA Viewer overrides the format of your document or uses the formatting information stored in your document.
/PAGE /NOPAGE (default) On a character cell terminal, this qualifier determines whether the output display of the CDA Viewer pauses after displaying each page of your file. If you specify the /PAGE qualifier, you can page backward and forward, or jump to the top or bottom of the document. Note that if you specify the /PAGE qualifier, you cannot specify either the /OUTPUT qualifier or the /INTERFACE=DECWINDOWS qualifier.
/WIDTH=nn Specifies the number of characters per line. If you specify the /OVERRIDE_FORMAT qualifier, or if the document being viewed has no inherent format, this page width is used. On the DECwindows Motif display, the default width is 85 characters, which is equivalent to the default page width of 8.5 inches. On character cell displays, the page width defaults to your terminal's screen width. However, if you use the /OUTPUT qualifier, the default is 132 columns.