To send mail to more than one user, use the SEND command, but at the To: prompt, type a list of names or the name of an existing distribution list. When you type a list of names, use the following guidelines: o Separate the names with a comma ( , ). o If multiple users are on the same remote host, type the full user_name@host combination for each user. o If a user is on your local host, omit the at sign (@) and host name. For example: MAIL> SEND To: user1,user2,user3@host3,user4@host4 In the preceding example, user1 and user2 are located on the local OpenVMS system; user3 is located on host3; and user4 is located on host4. MAIL> SEND To: user1@host5,user2@host5 In the preceding example, both user1 and user2 are located on remote host host5. To send mail to multiple users by entering the name of a distribution list, follow these guidelines: o The file with the distribution list can be yours or belong to someone else. o The file can reside locally or remotely. o Do not include the names of other distribution lists in the distribution list. You can use two kinds of distribution lists: OpenVMS distribution lists and SMTP distribution lists.
1 – OpenVMS list
Generate an OpenVMS distribution list as follows: - Create a .DIS file in your own directory or use an existing one. - You can include comment lines (lines preceded by an exclamation mark [!]) in the .DIS list file. - You can include both OpenVMS addresses and SMTP addresses. If you want the OpenVMS Mail utility to use SMTP for all SMTP addresses, qualified and unqualified, either set the MAIL$INTERNET_MODE logical name to SMTP, specify fully qualified SMTP addresses only, or use the SMTP% prefix with the destination enclosed in quotation marks. - To send mail to the people on your distribution list, enter the following command: MAIL> SEND To: @list_name
2 – SMTP list
Generate an SMTP distribution list as follows: - Use an existing .DIS file or create a .DIS file in SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$SMTP] or, if defined on your system, TCPIP$SMTP_COMMON:. - Give the list a unique name that is not the same as a local user name. - To specify comment lines, use an exclamation mark (!) in the first column. - Include only SMTP addresses. - Use one address per line. - To send mail to the people on this distribution list, enter the following command: MAIL> SEND To: list_name@host_where_list_resides If the MAIL$INTERNET_MODE logical name is not set to SMTP, either specify a fully qualified host name or use the SMTP% prefix.
3 – Examples
The following examples show different methods of using distribution lists. 1. This example sends mail to users whose names are on the local OpenVMS distribution list AGENCIES.DIS. The distribution list file is displayed in this example. The MAIL$INTERNET_MODE logical name is not set, so by default unqualified Internet addresses would be sent over DECnet; therefore, the AUDUBON@NY address is included with the SMTP% prefix and quotation marks. $ TYPE AGENCIES.DIS ! ! This is an OpenVMS distribution file named AGENCIES.DIS. ! SMTP%"audubon@ny" WILLIAMS@BELTWAY.ORG WILDLIFE@DALLAS.ORG jmuir@ SEC@GP.INTER8.ORG BATES::SCOPE ! $ MAIL MAIL> SEND To: @AGENCIES.DIS Subj: NEWS TO WATCH FOR 2. This example sends mail to users whose names are on the local SMTP distribution list SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$SMTP]NATL_ INTEREST.DIS. The distribution list file is displayed in this example. $ TYPE NATL_INTEREST.DIS green@ wlf@ arlo@ free::monicaL $ MAIL MAIL> SEND To: Subj: News Items 3. This example sends mail to the users on SMTP distribution list FINANCE_CENTERS.DIS, which is maintained on remote mail server host HOLBROOK. $ TYPE FINANCE_CENTERS.DIS ny_accts@ sf_stocks@ dallas_pfs@ denver_accts@holbrook $ MAIL MAIL> SEND To: finance_centers@holbrook Subj: Portfolio Activity