VMS Help  —  TCPIP Services, FTP  Starting FTP
    You can start an FTP session in any of the following ways:

    o  At the DCL prompt, enter the FTP command and specify a remote

    o  At the DCL prompt, enter the FTP command with no parameters.
       At the FTP prompt, enter the CONNECT or open command,
       specifying a remote host.

    o  By using the /FTP qualifier on the DCL commands COPY and

    o  Invoke and use FTP from a command procedure

    You must connect to a remote host before you can enter an FTP
    command that affects or displays files on the remote host. You
    can invoke FTP and, without first connecting to a remote host,
    enter the FTP commands that customize the FTP environment.

    When you establish an FTP connection, the remote user name
    defaults to your user name on the local system.

    If you have a different user name on the remote system, do one of
    the following:

    o  On the FTP command line, enter the /USERNAME qualifier.

    o  At the user name prompt, type your remote user name. For

       $ FTP SITE1

       220 site1.midwest.billing.bench.com FTP server (Version 5.0) ready
       Connected to SITE1.midwest.billing.bench.com.
       Name (SITE1:antel): crowe <Return>
       331 Username CROWE requires a Password
       Password:         <Return>
       230 User logged in

    If your connection is with another OpenVMS host, it executes your
    LOGIN.COM procedure. You can use your LOGIN.COM command procedure
    to customize the environment for your FTP sessions.

1  –  Examples

    The following example connects to host XENO using the FTP

    $ FTP XENO /USER="bennings" /PASSWORD="keysimpl"<Return>
    220 xeno FTP Server (UNIX Version 5.60) ready
    Connected to XENO.site1.acctg.com.
    230 User logged in

    In the following example, user dave invokes FTP and connects to
    UNIX host sanfran using the CONNECT command:

    $ FTP <Return>
    220 sanfran.golden.com FTP server (UNIX Version 5.60) ready
    Connected to sanfran.golden.com.
    Name (sanfran:dave): <Return>
    331 Password required for dave
    Password:            <Return>
    230 User logged in
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