Writes informational and error messages to processes. On Alpha and Integrity server systems, this service accepts 64- bit addresses. NOTE The return value from *actrtn is checked to determine whether or not the message is output. Format SYS$PUTMSG msgvec ,[actrtn] ,[facnam] ,[actprm] C Prototype int sys$putmsg (void *msgvec, int (*actrtn)(__unknown_params), void *facnam, unsigned __int64 actprm);
1 – Arguments
msgvec OpenVMS usage:cntrlblk type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference (Alpha and Integrity servers) Message argument vector specifying the message or messages to be written and options that $PUTMSG is to use in writing the message or messages. The msgvec argument is the 32- or 64-bit address (on Alpha and Integrity server systems) of the message vector. The message vector consists of one longword followed by one or more message descriptors, one descriptor per message. To view the diagram of the contents of the first longword and the message vector fields table, see the HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. actrtn OpenVMS usage:procedure type: procedure value access: call without stack unwinding mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference (Alpha and Integrity servers) User-supplied action routine to be executed during message processing. The actrtn argument is the 32- or 64-bit address (on Alpha and Integrity server systems) of this routine. Note that the first argument passed to the action routine is the address of a character string descriptor pointing to the message text; the parameter specified by actprm is the second. The action routine receives control after a message is formatted but before it is actually written to the user. The completion code in general register R0 from the action routine indicates whether the message should be written. If the low-order bit of R0 is set (1), then the message will be written. If the low-order bit is cleared (0), then the message will not be written. If you do not specify actrtn or specify it as 0 (the default), no action routine executes. Because $PUTMSG writes messages only to SYS$ERROR and SYS$OUTPUT, an action routine is useful when output must be directed to, for example, a file. facnam OpenVMS usage:char_string type: character-coded text string access: read only mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit descriptor: fixed-length string descriptor (Alpha and Integrity servers) Facility prefix to be used in the first or only message written by $PUTMSG. The facnam argument is the 32- or 64-bit address (on Alpha and Integrity server systems) of a character string descriptor pointing to this facility prefix. If you do not specify facnam, $PUTMSG uses the default facility prefix associated with the message. actprm OpenVMS usage:user_arg type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value Parameter to be passed to the action routine. The actprm argument is a longword value containing this parameter. If you do not specify actprm, no parameter is passed.