Queues a new lock or lock conversion on a resource. The $ENQ, $ENQW, $DEQ (Dequeue Lock Request), and $GETLKI (Get Lock Information) services together provide the user interface to the Lock Management facility. On Alpha and Integrity server systems, this service accepts 64- bit addresses. For additional information about system service completion, see the Synchronize ($SYNCH) service. Format SYS$ENQ [efn] ,lkmode ,lksb ,[flags] ,[resnam] ,[parid] ,[astadr] ,[astprm] ,[blkast] ,[acmode] ,[rsdm_id] ,[nullarg] C Prototype int sys$enq (unsigned int efn, unsigned int lkmode, struct _lksb *lksb, unsigned int flags, void *resnam, unsigned int parid, void (*astadr)(__unknown_params), unsigned int acmode, unsigned int rsdm_id,...);
1 – Arguments
efn OpenVMS usage:ef_number type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value Number of the event flag to be set when the request has been granted or canceled. Cancellation occurs if you use $DEQ with the cancel modifier or if the waiting request is chosen to break a deadlock. The efn argument is a longword containing this number; however, $ENQ uses only the low-order byte. Upon request initiation, $ENQ clears the specified event flag (or event flag 0 if efn was not specified). Then, when the lock request is granted, the specified event flag (or event flag 0) is set unless you specified the LCK$M_SYNCSTS flag in the flags argument. lkmode OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value Lock mode requested. The lkmode argument is a longword specifying this lock mode. Each lock mode has a symbolic name. The $LCKDEF macro defines these symbolic names. The following table gives the symbolic name and description for each lock mode: Lock Mode Description LCK$K_NLMODE Null mode. This mode grants no access to the resource but serves as a placeholder and indicator of future interest in the resource. The null mode does not inhibit locking at other lock modes; further, it prevents the deletion of the resource and lock value block, which would otherwise occur if the locks held at the other lock modes were dequeued. LCK$K_CRMODE Concurrent read. This mode grants the caller read access to the resource while permitting write access to the resource by other users. This mode is used to read data from a resource in an unprotected manner, because other users can modify that data as it is being read. This mode is typically used when additional locking is being performed at a finer granularity with sublocks. LCK$K_CWMODE Concurrent write. This mode grants the caller write access to the resource while permitting write access to the resource by other users. This mode is used to write data to a resource in an unprotected fashion, because other users can simultaneously write data to the resource. This mode is typically used when additional locking is being performed at a finer granularity with sublocks. LCK$K_PRMODE Protected read. This mode grants the caller read access to the resource while permitting only read access to the resource by other users. Write access is not allowed. This is the traditional share lock. LCK$K_PWMODE Protected write. This mode grants the caller write access to the resource while permitting only read access to the resource by other users; the other users must have specified concurrent read mode access. No other writers are allowed access to the resource. This is the traditional update lock. LCK$K_EXMODE Exclusive. The exclusive mode grants the caller write access to the resource and allows no access to the resource by other users. This is the traditional exclusive lock. The following table shows the compatibility of lock modes: Table SYS-17 Compatibility of Lock Modes Mode of Mode of Currently Granted Locks Requested Lock NL CR CW PR PW EX NL Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes CR Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No CW Yes Yes Yes No No No PR Yes Yes No Yes No No PW Yes Yes No No No No EX Yes No No No No No __________________________________________________________________ Key to Lock Modes: NL-Null CR-Concurrent read CW-Concurrent write PR-Protected read PW-Protected write EX-Exclusive lksb OpenVMS usage:lock_status_block type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference Lock status block in which $ENQ writes the final completion status of the operation. The lksb argument is the 32- or 64-bit address of the 8-byte lock status block. The lock status block can optionally contain a 16-byte or a 64- byte lock value block. The initial value of the lock value block is zero (0). o When you specify the LCK$M_VALBLK flag in the flags argument, the lock status block contains a lock value block. In this case, the 16-byte lock value block appears at the beginning of the first byte following the eighth byte of the lock status block, bringing the total length of the lock status block to 24 bytes. o When you specify the LCK$M_XVALBLK flag together with the LCK$M_VALBLK flag in the flags argument, the lock status block contains an extended lock value block. In this case, the 64-byte lock value block appears at the beginning of the first byte following the eighth byte of the lock status block, bringing the total length of the lock status block to 72 bytes. The LCK$M_XVALBLK flag is valid only on Alpha and Integrity server systems. To view the lock status block format diagram and status block fields table, see the HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. flags OpenVMS usage:mask_longword type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value Flags specifying options for the $ENQ operation. The flags argument is a longword bit mask that is the logical OR of each bit set, where each bit corresponds to an option. The $LCKDEF macro defines a symbolic name for each flag bit. To view the table describing each flag, see the HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. resnam OpenVMS usage:char_string type: character-coded text string access: read only mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit descriptor-fixed-length string descriptor Name of the resource to be locked by this lock. The resnam argument is the 32- or 64-bit address of a character string descriptor pointing to this name. The name string can be from 1 to 31 bytes in length. If you are creating a new lock, the resnam argument should be specified because the default value for the resnam argument produces an error when it is used to create a lock. The resnam argument is ignored for lock conversions. parid OpenVMS usage:lock_id type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value Lock identification of the parent lock. The parid argument is a longword containing this identification value. If you do not specify this argument or specify it as 0, $ENQ assumes that the lock does not have a parent lock. This argument is optional for new locks and is ignored for lock conversions. astadr OpenVMS usage:ast_procedure type: procedure value access: call without stack unwinding mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference AST service routine to be executed when the lock is either granted or converted. The astadr argument is the 32- or 64-bit address of this routine. The AST is also delivered when the lock or conversion request is canceled. Cancellation occurs if you use $DEQ with the cancel modifier or if the waiting request is chosen to break a deadlock. If you specify the astadr argument, the AST routine executes at the same access mode as the caller of $ENQ. astprm OpenVMS usage:user_arg type: quadword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value AST parameter to be passed to the AST routine specified by the astadr argument. The astprm argument specifies this quadword parameter. blkast OpenVMS usage:ast_procedure type: procedure value access: call without stack unwinding mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference Blocking AST routine to be called whenever this lock is granted and is blocking any other lock requests. The blkast argument is the 32- or 64-bit address of this routine. Locks that are converting to a new mode, but that are not yet granted in the new mode, do not receive blocking ASTs. You can pass a parameter to this routine by using the astprm argument. acmode OpenVMS usage:access_mode type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value Access mode to be associated with the resource name. The acmode argument indicates the least privileged access mode from which locks can be queued on the resource. This argument does not affect the access mode associated with the lock or its blocking and completion ASTs. The acmode argument is a longword containing the access mode. The $PSLDEF macro defines the following symbols for the four access modes: Symbol Access Mode PSL$C_KERNEL Kernel PSL$C_EXEC Executive PSL$C_SUPER Supervisor PSL$C_USER User The $ENQ service associates an access mode with the lock in the following way: o If you specified a parent lock (with the parid argument), $ENQ uses the access mode associated with the parent lock and ignores both the acmode argument and the caller's access mode. o If the lock has no parent lock (you did not specify the parid argument or specified it as 0), $ENQ uses the least privileged of the caller's access mode and the access mode specified by the acmode argument. If you do not specify the acmode argument, $ENQ uses the caller's access mode. rsdm_id OpenVMS usage:longword type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value Resource domain identification. The rsdm_id argument is a longword specifying the resource domain association through which a new lock is to be taken. This argument is ignored for lock conversions and sublocks (parid is nonzero). Valid resource domain identifiers are returned from the $SET_RESOURCE_DOMAIN service, or by the constants RSDM$K_SYSTEM_RSDM_ID or RSDM$K_ PROCESS_RSDM_ID, which are defined by the $RSDMDEF macro in STARLET. nullarg OpenVMS usage:null_arg type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value Placeholding argument reserved by HP.