Creates a new Resource Manager instance (RMI) in the calling process. Format SYS$DECLARE_RM [efn] ,[flags] ,iosb ,[astadr] ,[astprm] ,rm_id ,event_handler ,[part_name] [,[rm_context] ,[acmode] ,[tm_log_id] ,[event_mask]] C Prototype int sys$declare_rm unsigned int efn, unsigned int flags, struct _iosb *iosb, void (*astadr)(__unknown_params), int astprm, unsigned int *rm_id, void (*event_handler)(__unknown_params),... ;
1 – Arguments
efn OpenVMS usage:ef_number type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value Number of the event flag that is set when the service completes. If this argument is omitted, event flag 0 is used. flags OpenVMS usage:mask_longword type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value Flags specifying options for the service. The flags argument is a longword bit mask in which each bit corresponds to an option flag. The $DDTMDEF macro defines symbolic names for these option flags, described in $DECLARE_RM Option Flags. All undefined bits must be 0. If this argument is omitted, no flags are used. Table SYS-11 $DECLARE_RM Option Flags Flag Name Description DDTM$M_SYNC Specifies successful synchronous completion by returning SS$_SYNCH. When SS$_SYNCH is returned, the AST routine is not called, the event flag is not set, and the I/O status block is not filled in. DDTM$M_ Set this flag for the new RMI to be volatile. VOLATILE With this flag set, the DECdtm transaction manager will not log information about any RM participants associated with the new RMI. Resource managers that never perform recovery should set this flag. If this flag is clear, the new RMI is not volatile. The DECdtm transaction manager will log the following information about each RM participant associated with the new RMI: o The name of the RM participant. o The identifier (TID) of the transaction in which it is participating. If this flag is clear and a recoverable failure occurs, such as a system crash, the resource manager can use the $GETDTI system service to query the transaction log to determine the outcome of the transactions in which it was participating before the failure occurred. iosb OpenVMS usage:io_status_block type: quadword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by reference The I/O status block in which the completion status of the service is returned as a condition value. Refer to the HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual to view the I/O status block diagram. astadr OpenVMS usage:ast_procedure type: procedure entry mask access: call without stack unwinding mechanism: by reference The AST routine that is executed when the service completes, if SS$_NORMAL is returned in R0. The astadr argument is the address of the entry mask of this routine. The routine is executed in the same access mode as that of the caller of the $DECLARE_RM service. astprm OpenVMS usage:user_arg type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value The AST parameter that is passed to the AST routine specified by the astadr argument. rm_id OpenVMS usage:identifier type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by reference Longword in which the identifier (RM_ID) of the new RMI is returned. This identifier is unique within the calling process at any time. event_handler OpenVMS usage:ast_procedure type: procedure entry mask access: call without stack unwinding mechanism: by reference The new RMI's event handler. This routine is called to report an event to the new RMI or one of its RM participants. The event_handler argument is the address of the entry mask of this routine. An event handler must be specified. This routine is called as an AST delivered by the DECdtm transaction manager. The AST is executed in the access mode specified by the acmode argument. The AST parameter is the address of a DECdtm event report block that contains an event report. The DECdtm transaction manager reports events to an RMI and the RM participants associated with it using ASTs executed in the access mode specified in the call to $DECLARE_RM that created that RMI. The DECdtm transaction manager creates an event report block, and passes its address to the AST routine in the parameter of the AST. Each event report block contains: o The identifier of the event report. o A code that describes the event. o The identifier (TID) of the transaction. o The name of the RM participant or RMI. o The context of the RM participant or RMI. o Other data that depend on the type of the event. Fields in an Event Report Block describes the fields in an event report block, in alphabetical order: Table SYS-12 Fields in an Event Report Block Symbol Description DDTM$A_TID_PTR Address of the identifier (TID) of the transaction. DDTM$L_ABORT_ Abort reason code (longword). REASON See the $ACK_EVENT service for a list of possible values. Present only in abort event reports. DDTM$L_EVENT_TYPE A code that identifies the event (longword). The following table lists the possible values: Symbol Event DDTM$K_ABORT Abort DDTM$K_COMMIT Commit DDTM$K_PREPARE Prepare DDTM$K_ONE_PHASE_ One-phase commit COMMIT DDTM$K_STARTED_ Default transaction started DEFAULT DDTM$K_STARTED_ Nondefault transaction NONDEFAULT started DDTM$L_REPORT_ID Event report identifier (unsigned longword). DDTM$L_RM_CONTEXT The context of the RM participant or RMI to which the event report is being delivered (unsigned longword). DDTM$Q_PART_NAME The name of the RM participant or RMI to which the event report is being delivered (descriptor). DDTM$Q_TX_CLASS The transaction class of the transaction (descriptor). Each event report must be acknowledged by calling $ACK_EVENT, specifying the identifier of the report. This acknowledgment need not come from AST context. The DECdtm transaction manager delivers only one event report at a time to each RM participant. For example, if a prepare event report has been delivered to an RM participant, and the transaction is aborted while the RM participant is doing its prepare processing, then the DECdtm transaction manager does not deliver an abort event report to that RM participant until it has acknowledged the prepare event report by a call to $ACK_EVENT. Note that the DECdtm transaction manager may deliver multiple reports to an RMI. After acknowledging the event report, the RMI or RM participant should no longer access the event report block. part_name OpenVMS usage:char_string type: character-coded text string access: read only mechanism: by descriptor-fixed-length string descriptor The name of the new RMI. This is: o The default name of its RM participants, used when a call to $JOIN_RM or $ACK_EVENT that adds one of these RM participants to a transaction does not specify the name of the new RM participant. When an RM participant associated with the new RMI is added to a transaction by a call to $JOIN_RM or $ACK_EVENT that has a zero part_name argument, then that RM participant inherits its name from the RMI. The name of that RM participant is the same as the name of the RMI. o The string passed in the participant name field of Transaction Started event reports delivered to the new RMI. This string must be no longer than 32 characters. If this argument is omitted, the name of the new RMI is the null string. To ensure smooth operation in a mixed-network environment, refer to the chapter entitled Managing DECdtm Services in the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, for information on defining node names. rm_context OpenVMS usage:userarg type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value The context of the new RMI. This is: o The default context of its RM participants, used when a call to $JOIN_RM or $ACK_EVENT that adds one of these RM participants to a transaction does not specify the context of the new RM participant. When an RM participant associated with the new RMI is added to a transaction by a call to $JOIN_RM or $ACK_EVENT that has a zero rm_context argument, then that RM participant inherits its context from the RMI. The context of that RM participant is the same as the context of the RMI. o The string passed in the context field of Transaction Started event reports delivered to the new RMI. If this argument is omitted, the context of the new RMI is 0. acmode OpenVMS usage:access_mode type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value The access mode of the new RMI. This is: o The access mode at which the ASTs delivered to its event handler are to be executed. o The least privileged access mode that the caller must be in to call $ACK_EVENT to acknowledge an event report delivered to the new RMI or to its RM participants. o The least privileged access mode that the caller must be in to delete the new RMI by calling $FORGET_RM. o The least privileged access mode that the caller must be in to call $JOIN_RM to add a new RM participant associated with the new RMI. o The most privileged access mode of new branches that this RMI is interested in, if the event_mask argument requests events of type Transaction Started. The call to $START_TRANS or $START_BRANCH that adds a new branch to a transaction specifies the access mode of that transaction within this process. The DECdtm transaction manager reports a Transaction Started event to the new RMI only if the access mode of the transaction is the same as or less privileged than the access mode of the new RMI. For example, if the access mode of the new RMI is supervisor, it will receive a Transaction Started event when a branch of the calling process is added to a transaction only if the access mode of that transaction is user or supervisor. The access mode of the new RMI is the least privileged of: o The access mode of the caller. o The access mode specified by the acmode argument. If this argument is omitted, the access mode of the new RMI is the same as the access mode of the caller. tm_log_id OpenVMS usage:DECnet_uid type: octaword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by reference The globally unique identifier of the transaction log for the local node. This identifier is used during resource manager recovery to check that the correct DECdtm transaction manager log is used. See $GETDTI for more information. To ensure smooth operation in a mixed-network environment, refer to the chapter entitled Managing DECdtm Services in the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, for information on defining node names. event_mask OpenVMS usage:mask_longword type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value Requests the types of event to be reported to the new RMI and to its RM participants. The only type of event that can be reported to the new RMI is a Transaction Started event (a default or non- default transaction started event). The following types of event can be reported to its RM participants: o Abort events o Commit events o One-phase commit events o Prepare events The event_mask argument is a longword bit mask that is the logical OR of each bit set, where each bit corresponds to an event. The $DDTMDEF module defines a symbolic name for each flag bit. $DECLARE_RM Event Selection Flags describes the flags. All undefined bits must be 0. If this argument is omitted, the following events are requested: o Abort events o Commit events o One-phase commit events o Prepare events Table SYS-13 $DECLARE_RM Event Selection Flags Flag Name Description DDTM$M_EV_ Specifies that abort events are to be reported ABORT to the RM participants associated with the new RMI. If this flag is set, when an abort event occurs for a transaction, the DECdtm transaction manager delivers an abort event report to each RM participant in the transaction that is associated with the new RMI. DDTM$M_EV_ Specifies that commit events are to be reported to COMMIT the RM participants associated with the new RMI. If this flag is set, when the DECdtm transaction manager decides that the outcome of a transaction is commit, it delivers a commit event report to each RM participant in the transaction that is associated with the new RMI. DDTM$M_EV_ Specifies that prepare events are to be reported PREPARE to the RM participants associated with the new RMI. If this flag is set, when the DECdtm transaction manager initiates the commit protocol (in response to a call to $END_TRANS) to determine the outcome of a transaction, it reports a prepare event to each RM participant in the transaction that is associated with the new RMI. The acknowledgment of a prepare event is a vote on the outcome of the transaction. See $ACK_EVENT for more information. DDTM$M_EV_ Specifies that events of type Transaction Started TRANS_START are to be reported to the new RMI. Events of type Transaction Started are: o Default transaction started events. o Non-default transaction-started events. If this flag is set, the DECdtm transaction manager will report one of these events to the new RMI whenever a new branch in the calling process is added to a transaction, provided that the access mode of the new branch is not more privileged than the access mode of the new RMI. The acknowledgment of that event report may add a new RM participant associated with the new RMI to that transaction. See the description of the acmode argument for a discussion of access modes.