Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE qualifier. The /BACKUP qualifier selects directories according to the dates of their most recent backups. This qualifier is incompatible with the /CREATED, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED qualifiers, which also allow you to select directories according to time attributes. If you specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is the /CREATED qualifier.
/BEFORE[=time] Selects only those directories dated prior to the specified time. You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: BOOT, LOGIN, TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of the following qualifiers with the /BEFORE qualifier to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection: /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED. For complete information on specifying time values, see the OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic Date.
/BY_OWNER[=uic] Selects only those directories whose owner user identification code (UIC) matches the specified owner UIC. The default UIC is that of the current process. Specify the UIC by using standard UIC format as described in the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security. The /OWNER_UIC qualifier requires control access, a system UIC, or privilege.
/CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM (default) Controls whether a request is issued before each SET DIRECTORY operation to confirm that the operation should be performed on that file. The following responses are valid: YES NO QUIT TRUE FALSE Ctrl/Z 1 0 ALL <Return> You can use any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters for word responses. Word responses can be abbreviated to one or more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE), but these abbreviations must be unique. Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE, and 1. Negative answers include: NO, FALSE, 0, and pressing Return. Entering QUIT or pressing Ctrl/Z indicates that you want to stop processing the command at that point. When you respond by entering ALL, the command continues to process, but no further prompts are given. If you type a response other than one of those in the list, DCL issues an error message and redisplays the prompt.
/CREATED (default) Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE qualifier. The /CREATED qualifier selects directories based on their dates of creation. This qualifier is incompatible with the /BACKUP, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED qualifiers, which also allow you to select directories according to time attributes. If you specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is the /CREATED qualifier.
/EXCLUDE=(filespec[,...]) Excludes the specified directories from the SET DIRECTORY operation. You can include a directory but not a device in the file specification. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification; however, you cannot use relative version numbers to exclude a specific version. If you specify only one directory, you can omit the parentheses.
Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE qualifier. The /EXPIRED qualifier selects directories according to their expiration dates. (The expiration date is set with the SET FILE/EXPIRATION_DATE command.) The /EXPIRED qualifier is incompatible with the /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /MODIFIED qualifiers, which also allow you to select directories according to time attributes. If you specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is the /CREATED qualifier.
8 /LOG
/LOG /NOLOG (default) Controls whether the system displays the directory specification of each directory that is modified as the command executes.
Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE qualifier. The /MODIFIED qualifier selects directories according to the dates on which they were last modified. This qualifier is incompatible with the /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /EXPIRED qualifiers, which also allow you to select directories according to time attributes. If you specify none of these four time modifiers, the default is the /CREATED qualifier.
/OWNER_UIC[=uic] Requires control access, a system UIC, or privilege. Specifies an owner UIC for the directory. The default UIC is that of the current process.
/SINCE[=time] Selects only those directories dated on or after the specified time. You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: BOOT, JOB_LOGIN, LOGIN, TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of the following qualifiers with the /SINCE qualifier to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection: /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED. For complete information on specifying time values, see the OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic Date.
/STYLE=keyword Specifies the file name format for display purposes. The valid keywords for this qualifier are CONDENSED and EXPANDED. Descriptions are as follows: Keyword Explanation CONDENSED Displays the file name representation of what is (default) generated to fit into a 255-length character string. This file name may contain a DID or FID abbreviation in the file specification. EXPANDED Displays the file name representation of what is stored on disk. This file name does not contain any DID or FID abbreviations. The keywords CONDENSED and EXPANDED are mutually exclusive. This qualifier specifies which file name format is displayed in the output message, along with the confirmation if requested. File errors are displayed with the CONDENSED file specification unless the EXPANDED keyword is specified. See the OpenVMS User's Manual for more information.
/SYMLINK=keyword The valid keywords for this qualifier are [NO]WILDCARD and [NO]ELLIPSIS. Descriptions are as follows: Keyword Explanation WILDCARD Indicates that symlinks are enabled during wildcard searches. NOWILDCARD Indicates that symlinks are disabled during directory wildcard searches. ELLIPSIS Equivalent to WILDCARD (included for command symmetry). NOELLIPSIS Indicates that symlinks are matched for all wildcard fields except for ellipsis. If the file named in the SET DIRECTORY command is a symlink, the command operates on the symlink target.
/VERSION_LIMIT[=n] Specifies the total number of versions that a file in the specified directory can have. If you do not specify a version limit, a value of 0 is used, indicating that the number of versions of a file is limited only to the Files-11 architectural limit-32,767. If you change the version limit for the directory, the new value applies only to files created after the change has been made. The SET DIRECTORY version limit value refers to the number of files with the same file name and type that can exist in the directory at one time. It has no effect on the version number field of a particular file specification. Use the SET FILE command to set limits on file version numbers. To find out the current version limit for a directory, use the DIRECTORY/FULL command on a directory file and look at the File Attributes component of the output.