Changes the user capabilities associated with the specified CPUs. Requires ALTPRI and WORLD privileges. Format SET CPU cpu-id[, . . . ]
1 – Parameter
cpu-id Specifies a decimal value representing the identity of a processor in an OpenVMS multiprocessing system. On an Alpha 7000 system, the CPU is the backplane slot number of the processor.
2 – Qualifiers
2.1 /ALL
Applies the specified operation to all CPUs in the active set.
/ASSIGN [=option] (Alpha/Integrity servers only) Assigns the CPU to the current instance if no option is specified. If an option is specified, the CPU is assigned to that resource. Option Description $$PARTITION The current soft partition of the OpenVMS instance. $$HARD_ The hard partition of the OpenVMS instance. PARTITION Supported only on AlphaServer systems that support partitioning.
/AUTO_START (Alpha/Integrity servers only) /NOAUTO_START Sets or clears the instance-specific autostart flag for the specified CPUs. When autostart is enabled, that CPU will join the OpenVMS active set when it is assigned or migrated into the partition. The CPU will also autostart if a power-up transition is completed while the CPU is owned by the issuing instance. Supported only on AlphaServer systems that support partitioning.
/CAPABILITY /NOCAPABILITY Allows bits in the process user capability mask to be set or cleared individually, in groups, or all at once. NOTE The SET CPU/[NO]CAPABILITY command will fail if there is an active process that requires a capability that is not available on any remaining active CPU. Specifying the /CAPABILITY qualifier has no direct effect, but merely indicates the target of the operations specified by the following secondary qualifiers: /SET=(n[,..Sets all user capabilities defined by the position values n, where n has the range of 1 to 16. /CLEAR=(n[,Clears all user capabilities defined by the position values n, where n has the range of 1 to 16. The secondary qualifiers can all be used at once as long as the user capability bits defined in the /SET and /CLEAR parameters do not overlap. The /NOCAPABILITY qualifier clears all user capability bits.
2.5 /CLEAR
/CLEAR=(n[,...]) Clears all user capabilities defined by the position values n specified by the /CAPABILITY qualifier.
/FAILOVER=option (Alpha/Integrity servers only) /NOFAILOVER Establishes instance-specific failover relationships for each CPU in the instance's potential set. When the instance crashes, CPUs with a failover target other than the current instance will be assigned or migrated to that target. Specifying the /FAILOVER qualifier has no direct effect; however, it indicates the target of the operations specified by the following options: Option Description instance_name The name of any valid running instance in the current hard partition. partitionID The numeric ID of any partition (reflected in the configuration tree) in the current hard partition. An operating system instance is not required to be running with this identifier. $$PARTITION Assigns a resource to the current partition of the current instance. $$HARD_ Assigns a resource to the hard partition node PARTITION of the configuration tree. This makes the CPU available to multiple soft partitions below it. The /FAILOVER qualifier generates a resource assignment only when the current instance crashes. Supported only on AlphaServer systems that support partitioning. 99
Modifies the global cell SCH$GL_DEFAULT_CPU_CAP. This global cell is used to initialize the user capability mask of CPUs that are brought into the active set for the first time.
/MIGRATE=option (Alpha/Integrity servers only) Transfers ownership of the CPU from the current instance to another soft partition. Option Description instance_name The name of any valid running instance in the current hard partition. partitionID The numeric ID of any partition (reflected in the configuration tree) in the current hard partition. An operating system instance is not required to be running with this identifier. Supported only on AlphaServer systems that support partitioning.
2.9 /POWER
/POWER=option (Alpha/Integrity servers only) Turns the power on or off in one or more CPU slots. Valid options are ON and OFF. Supported only on AlphaServer GS series systems.
/OVERRIDE_CHECKS (Alpha/Integrity servers only) Directs the SET/CPU command to bypass a series of checks that determine whether the specified processor is eligible for removal from the active set.
/REFRESH (Alpha/Integrity servers only) Examines and updates the OpenVMS context for the specified CPU or CPUs, using the hardware configuration tree.
2.12 /SET
/SET=(n[,...]) Sets all user capabilities defined by the position values n specified by the /CAPABILITY qualifier.
2.13 /START
/START (Alpha/Integrity servers only) Initiates a request for the specified CPU to join the OpenVMS active set if it is not already there.
3 – Examples
1.$ SET CPU/CAPABILITY/GLOBAL/SET=(2,4) This command sets user capabilities 2 and 4 in the global cell SCH$GL_DEFAULT_CPU_CAP. 2.$ SET CPU/CAPABILITY/GLOBAL/SET=(2,4) 0 This command sets user capabilities 2 and 4 in the global cell SCH$GL_DEFAULT_CPU_CAP, as well in the active CPU 0. 3.$ SET CPU/CAPABILITY/SET=(1,2) 0 $ SHOW CPU/FULL SYSTEM: EUROS, HP RX2600 (900MHZ/1.5MB) SMP EXECLET = 3 : ENABLED : STREAMLINED. CONFIG TREE = VERSION 6 PRIMARY CPU = 0 HWRPB CPUS = 2 PAGE SIZE = 8192 REVISION CODE = SERIAL NUMBER = US30464615 DEFAULT CPU CAPABILITIES: SYSTEM: QUORUM RUN DEFAULT PROCESS CAPABILITIES: SYSTEM: QUORUM RUN CPU 0 STATE: RUN CPUDB: 8901C000 HANDLE: 00005D70 OWNER: 000004C8 CURRENT: 000004C8 PARTITION 0 (EUROS) CHGCNT: 1 STATE: PRESENT, PRIMARY, REASSIGNABLE PROCESS: TEST11 PID: 20201185 CAPABILITIES: SYSTEM: PRIMARY QUORUM RUN RAD0 USER: USR1 USR2 SLOT CONTEXT: 901EB000 CPU - STATE..........: RC, PA, PP, CV, PV, PMV, PL TYPE...........: ITANIUM MAJOR = 31, MINOR = 0 SPEED..........: 900 MHZ LID............: 00000000 VARIATION......: IEEE FP, PRIMARY ELIGIBLE SERIAL NUMBER..: 0001A968930A1A25 REVISION.......: HALT REQUEST...: 0 SOFTWARE COMP..: 7.0 PALCODE - REVISION CODE..: 1.1 COMPATIBILITY..: 0 MAX SHARED CPUS: 0 BINDINGS: * NONE * FASTPATH: FGB0 PKA0 PEA0 EIA0 FEATURES: AUTOSTART - ENABLED. FASTPATH - SELECTION ENABLED AS PREFERRED CPU. CPU 1 STATE: RUN CPUDB: 89163480 HANDLE: 00005E80 OWNER: 000004C8 CURRENT: 000004C8 PARTITION 0 (EUROS) CHGCNT: 1 STATE: PRESENT, REASSIGNABLE PROCESS: * NONE * CAPABILITIES: SYSTEM: QUORUM RUN RAD0 SLOT CONTEXT: 901EC000 CPU - STATE..........: RC, PA, PP, CV, PV, PMV, PL TYPE...........: ITANIUM MAJOR = 31, MINOR = 0 SPEED..........: 900 MHZ LID............: 01000000 VARIATION......: IEEE FP SERIAL NUMBER..: 000363B4B0C5C862 REVISION.......: HALT REQUEST...: 0 SOFTWARE COMP..: 7.0 PALCODE - REVISION CODE..: 1.1 COMPATIBILITY..: 0 MAX SHARED CPUS: 0 BINDINGS: * NONE * FASTPATH: FGA0 EWA0 PKB0 BG0 FEATURES: AUTOSTART - ENABLED. FASTPATH - SELECTION ENABLED AS PREFERRED CPU. $ SET CPU/CAPABILITY/CLEAR=1 0 $ SHOW CPU/FULL SYSTEM: EUROS, HP RX2600 (900MHZ/1.5MB) SMP EXECLET = 3 : ENABLED : STREAMLINED. CONFIG TREE = VERSION 6 PRIMARY CPU = 0 HWRPB CPUS = 2 PAGE SIZE = 8192 REVISION CODE = SERIAL NUMBER = US30464615 DEFAULT CPU CAPABILITIES: SYSTEM: QUORUM RUN DEFAULT PROCESS CAPABILITIES: SYSTEM: QUORUM RUN CPU 0 STATE: RUN CPUDB: 8901C000 HANDLE: 00005D70 OWNER: 000004C8 CURRENT: 000004C8 PARTITION 0 (EUROS) CHGCNT: 1 STATE: PRESENT, PRIMARY, REASSIGNABLE PROCESS: TEST11 PID: 20201185 CAPABILITIES: SYSTEM: PRIMARY QUORUM RUN RAD0 USER: USR2 SLOT CONTEXT: 901EB000 CPU - STATE..........: RC, PA, PP, CV, PV, PMV, PL TYPE...........: ITANIUM MAJOR = 31, MINOR = 0 SPEED..........: 900 MHZ LID............: 00000000 VARIATION......: IEEE FP, PRIMARY ELIGIBLE SERIAL NUMBER..: 0001A968930A1A25 REVISION.......: HALT REQUEST...: 0 SOFTWARE COMP..: 7.0 PALCODE - REVISION CODE..: 1.1 COMPATIBILITY..: 0 MAX SHARED CPUS: 0 BINDINGS: * NONE * FASTPATH: FGB0 PKA0 PEA0 EIA0 FEATURES: AUTOSTART - ENABLED. FASTPATH - SELECTION ENABLED AS PREFERRED CPU. CPU 1 STATE: RUN CPUDB: 89163480 HANDLE: 00005E80 OWNER: 000004C8 CURRENT: 000004C8 PARTITION 0 (EUROS) CHGCNT: 1 STATE: PRESENT, REASSIGNABLE PROCESS: * NONE * CAPABILITIES: SYSTEM: QUORUM RUN RAD0 SLOT CONTEXT: 901EC000 CPU - STATE..........: RC, PA, PP, CV, PV, PMV, PL TYPE...........: ITANIUM MAJOR = 31, MINOR = 0 SPEED..........: 900 MHZ LID............: 01000000 VARIATION......: IEEE FP SERIAL NUMBER..: 000363B4B0C5C862 REVISION.......: HALT REQUEST...: 0 SOFTWARE COMP..: 7.0 PALCODE - REVISION CODE..: 1.1 COMPATIBILITY..: 0 MAX SHARED CPUS: 0 BINDINGS: * NONE * FASTPATH: FGA0 EWA0 PKB0 BG0 FEATURES: AUTOSTART - ENABLED. FASTPATH - SELECTION ENABLED AS PREFERRED CPU. $ In this example, the first SET CPU command sets user capabilities 1 and 2 for CPU 0. The second SET CPU command clears capability 1. 4.$ SET CPU/REFRESH/ALL This command updates the OpenVMS context in this instance for all CPUs physically residing in the current hard partition. 5.$ SET CPU/FAILOVER=WFGLXA 12 This command sets CPU 12 to failover to another instance (WFGLXA), if the current instance crashes. 6.$ SET CPU/FAILOVER=$$HARD 13 This command assigns CPU 13 to hard partition ownership if the current instance crashes. Assignment to the hard partition makes the CPU visible and available to other instances for assignment. 7.$ SET CPU/ASSIGN=$$HARD 14 This command assigns CPU 14, currently owned by the instance, to hard partition ownership. Assignment to the hard partition makes the CPU visible and available to other instances for assignment. 8.$ SET CPU/ASSIGN 15 This command assigns CPU 15, currently owned by the hard partition, to this instance. If the CPU is powered, in the potential set, and autostart enabled, then it will automatically join the active set.