The HP proprietary TIS interface provides routines that you use to build thread-safe libraries whose own routines do not create threads, but which can safely be called from a multithreaded environment. TIS routines are functionally identical to their corresponding routines in the PTHREAD interface. See the Guide to the POSIX Threads Library documentation for more information. In a program that creates threads, TIS routines provide full thread synchronization and memory coherence. But, when run in a program that does not use threads, the same TIS calls provide low-overhead "stub" implementations of PTHREAD features. That is, the objects created using the TIS interface are the same as PTHREAD objects. When threads are present, the guidelines for using PTHREAD routines apply also to the use of the corresponding TIS routine.
1 – tis_cond_broadcast
Wakes all threads that are waiting on a condition variable.
1.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_cond_broadcast ( pthread_cond_t *cond);
1.2 – Arguments
cond Address of the condition variable (passed by reference) on which to broadcast.
1.3 – Description
When threads are not present, this routine has no effect. When threads are present, this routine unblocks all threads waiting on the specified condition variable cond. For further information about actions when threads are present, refer to the pthread_cond_broadcast() description.
1.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EINVAL] The value specified by cond is not a valid condition variable.
1.5 – Associated Routines
tis_cond_destroy() tis_cond_init() tis_cond_signal() tis_cond_wait()
2 – tis_cond_destroy
Destroys the specified condition variable.
2.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_cond_destroy ( pthread_cond_t *cond);
2.2 – Arguments
cond Address of the condition variable (passed by reference) to be destroyed.
2.3 – Description
This routine destroys the condition variable specified by cond. After this routine is called, the Threads Library may reclaim internal storage used by the condition variable object. Call this routine when a condition variable will no longer be referenced. The results of this routine are unpredictable if the condition variable specified in cond does not exist or is not initialized. For more information about actions when threads are present, refer to the pthread_cond_destroy() description.
2.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EBUSY] The object being referenced by cond is being referenced by another thread that is currently executing a tis_cond_wait() on the condition variable specified in cond. (This error can only occur when threads are present.) [EINVAL] The value specified by cond is not a valid condition variable.
2.5 – Associated Routines
tis_cond_broadcast() tis_cond_init() tis_cond_signal() tis_cond_wait()
3 – tis_cond_init
Initializes a condition variable.
3.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_cond_init ( pthread_cond_t *cond);
3.2 – Arguments
cond Address of the condition variable (passed by reference) to be initialized.
3.3 – Description
This routine initializes a condition variable (cond) with the Threads Library default condition variable attributes. A condition variable is a synchronization object used with a mutex. A mutex controls access to shared data. When threads are present, a condition variable allows threads to wait for data to enter a defined state. For more information about actions taken when threads are present, refer to the pthread_cond_init() description. Your program can use the macro PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER to initialize statically allocated condition variables to the default condition variable attributes. Static initialization can be used only for a condition variable with storage class "extern" or "static" - "automatic" (stack local) objects must be initialized by calling tis_cond_init(). Use this macro as follows: pthread_cond_t condition = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; When statically initialized, a condition variable should not also be initialized using tis_cond_init().
3.4 – Return Values
If there is an error condition, the following occurs: o The routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. o The condition variable is not initialized. o The contents of condition variable cond are undefined. The possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EAGAIN] The system lacks the necessary resources to initialize another condition variable, or The system-imposed limit on the total number of condition variables under execution by a single user is exceeded. [EBUSY] The implementation has detected an attempt to reinitialize the object referenced by cond, a previously initialized, but not yet destroyed condition variable. [EINVAL] The value specified by cond is not a valid condition variable. [ENOMEM] Insufficient memory to initialize the condition variable.
3.5 – Associated Routines
tis_cond_broadcast() tis_cond_destroy() tis_cond_signal() tis_cond_wait()
4 – tis_cond_signal
Wakes at least one thread that is waiting on the specified condition variable.
4.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_cond_signal ( pthread_cond_t *cond);
4.2 – Arguments
cond Address of the condition variable (passed by reference) on which to signal.
4.3 – Description
When threads are present, this routine unblocks at least one thread that is waiting on the specified condition variable cond. When threads are not present, this routine has no effect. For more information about actions taken when threads are present, refer to the pthread_cond_signal() description.
4.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EINVAL] The value specified by cond is not a valid condition variable.
4.5 – Associated Routines
tis_cond_broadcast() tis_cond_destroy() tis_cond_init() tis_cond_wait()
5 – tis_cond_timedwait
Causes a thread to wait for the specified condition variable to be signaled or broadcast, such that it will awake after a specified period of time.
5.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_cond_timedwait ( pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const struct timespec *abstime);
5.2 – Arguments
cond Condition variable that the calling thread waits on. mutex Mutex associated with the condition variable specified in cond. abstime Absolute time at which the wait expires, if the condition has not been signaled or broadcast. See the tis_get_expiration() routine, which is used to obtain a value for this argument. The abstime argument is specified in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). In the UTC-based model, time is represented as seconds since the Epoch. The Epoch is defined as the time 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds, January 1st, 1970 UTC.
5.3 – Description
If threads are not present, this function is equivalent to sleep(). This routine causes a thread to wait until one of the following occurs: o The specified condition variable is signaled or broadcast. o The current system clock time is greater than or equal to the time specified by the abstime argument. This routine is identical to tis_cond_wait(), except that this routine can return before a condition variable is signaled or broadcast, specifically, when the specified time expires. For more information, see the tis_cond_wait() description. This routine atomically releases the mutex and causes the calling thread to wait on the condition. When the thread regains control after calling tis_cond_timedwait(), the mutex is locked and the thread is the owner. This is true regardless of why the wait ended. If general cancelability is enabled, the thread reacquires the mutex (blocking for it if necessary) before the cleanup handlers are run (or before the exception is raised). If the current time equals or exceeds the expiration time, this routine returns immediately, releasing and reacquiring the mutex. It might cause the calling thread to yield (see the sched_yield() description). Your code should check the return status whenever this routine returns and take the appropriate action. Otherwise, waiting on the condition variable can become a nonblocking loop. Call this routine after you have locked the mutex specified in mutex. The results of this routine are unpredictable if this routine is called without first locking the mutex. The only routines that are supported for use with asynchronous cancelability enabled are those that disable asynchronous cancelability.
5.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EINVAL] The value specified by cond, mutex, or abstime is invalid, or Different mutexes are supplied for concurrent tis_cond_timedwait() operations or tis_cond_wait() operations on the same condition variable, or The mutex was not owned by the calling thread at the time of the call. [ETIMEDOUT] The time specified by abstime expired. [ENOMEM] The Threads Library cannot acquire memory needed to block using a statically initialized condition variable.
5.5 – Associated Routines
tis_cond_broadcast() tis_cond_destroy() tis_cond_init() tis_cond_signal() tis_cond_wait() tis_get_expiration()
6 – tis_cond_wait
Causes a thread to wait for the specified condition variable to be signaled or broadcast.
6.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_cond_wait ( pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
6.2 – Arguments
cond Address of the condition variable (passed by reference) on which to wait. mutex Address of the mutex (passed by reference) that is associated with the condition variable specified in cond.
6.3 – Description
When threads are present, this routine causes a thread to wait for the specified condition variable cond to be signaled or broadcast. Calling this routine in a single-threaded environment is a coding error. Because no other thread exists to issue a call to tis_ cond_signal() or tis_cond_broadcast(), using this routine in a single-threaded environment forces the program to exit. For further information about actions taken when threads are present, refer to the pthread_cond_wait() description.
6.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EINVAL] The value specified by cond is not a valid condition variable or the value specified by mutex is not a valid mutex, or Different mutexes are supplied for concurrent tis_cond_wait() operations on the same condition variable, or The mutex was not owned by the calling thread at the time of the call.
6.5 – Associated Routines
tis_cond_broadcast() tis_cond_destroy() tis_cond_init() tis_cond_signal()
7 – tis_getspecific
Obtains the data associated with the specified thread-specific data key.
7.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> void * tis_getspecific ( pthread_key_t key);
7.2 – Arguments
key Identifies a value returned by a call to tis_key_create(). This routine returns the data value associated with the thread- specific data key.
7.3 – Description
This routine returns the value currently bound to the specified thread-specific data key. This routine can be called from a data destructor function. When threads are present, the data and keys are thread specific; they enable a library to maintain context on a per-thread basis.
7.4 – Return Values
No errors are returned. This routine returns the data value associated with the specified thread-specific data key key. If no data value is associated with key, or if key is not defined, then a NULL value is returned.
7.5 – Associated Routines
tis_key_create() tis_key_delete() tis_setspecific()
8 – tis_get_expiration
Obtains a value representing a desired expiration time.
8.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_get_expiration ( const struct timespec *delta, struct timespec *abstime);
8.2 – Arguments
delta Number of seconds and nanoseconds to add to the current system time. (The result is the time in the future.) This result will be placed in abstime. abstime Value representing the absolute expiration time. The absolute expiration time is obtained by adding delta to the current system time. The resulting abstime is in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
8.3 – Description
If threads are not present, this routine has no effect. This routine adds a specified interval to the current absolute system time and returns a new absolute time. This new absolute time is used as the expiration time in a call to tis_cond_ timedwait(). The timespec structure contains the following two fields: o tv_sec is an integral number of seconds. o tv_nsec is an integral number of nanoseconds.
8.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EINVAL] The value specified by delta is invalid.
8.5 – Associated Routines
9 – tis_io_complete
AST completion routine to VMS I/O system services. This routine is for OpenVMS systems only.
9.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_io_complete (void);
9.2 – Description
When you are performing thread-synchronous "wait-form" system service calls on OpenVMS such as $QIOW, $ENQW, $GETJPIW, and so on, you should use this routine and tis_sync() with the asynchronous form of the service (in other words, without the "W"), and specify the address of tis_io_complete() as the completion AST routine (the AST argument if any is ignored). That must also specify an IOSB (or equivalent, such as an LKSB) and if possible a unique event flag (see lib$get_ef). Once the library code is ready to wait for the I/O, it simply calls tis_ sync() (just as if it were calling $SYNC).
9.3 – Return Values
9.4 – Associated Routines
10 – tis_key_create
Generates a unique thread-specific data key.
10.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_key_create ( pthread_key_t *key, void (*destructor)(void *));
10.2 – Arguments
key Address of a variable that receives the key value. This value is used in calls to tis_getspecific() and tis_setspecific() to obtain and set the value associated with this key. destructor Address of a routine that is called to destroy the context value when a thread terminates with a non-NULL value for the key. Note that this argument is used only when threads are present.
10.3 – Description
This routine generates a unique thread-specific data key. The key argument points to an opaque object used to locate data. This routine generates and returns a new key value. The key reserves a cell. Each call to this routine creates a new cell that is unique within an application invocation. Keys must be generated from initialization code that is guaranteed to be called only once within each process. (See the tis_once() description for more information.) Your program can associate an optional destructor function with each key. At thread exit, if a key has a non-NULL destructor function pointer, and the thread has a non-NULL value associated with that key, the function pointed to is called with the current associated value as its sole argument. The order in which data destructors are called at thread termination is undefined. When threads are present, keys and any corresponding data are thread specific; they enable the context to be maintained on a per-thread basis. For more information about the use of tis_key_ create() in a threaded environment, refer to the pthread_key_ create() description. The Threads Library imposes a maximum number of thread-specific data keys, equal to the symbolic constant PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX.
10.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EAGAIN] The system lacked the necessary resources to create another thread-specific data key, or the limit on the total number of keys per process (PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX) has been exceeded. [EINVAL] The value specified by key is invalid. [ENOMEM] Insufficient memory to create the key.
10.5 – Associated Routines
tis_getspecific() tis_key_delete() tis_setspecific() tis_once()
11 – tis_key_delete
Deletes the specified thread-specific data key.
11.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_key_delete ( pthread_key_t key);
11.2 – Arguments
key Thread-specific data key to be deleted.
11.3 – Description
This routine deletes a thread-specific data key key previously returned by a call to the tis_key_create() routine. The data values associated with key need not be NULL at the time this routine is called. The application must free any application storage or perform any cleanup actions for data structures related to the deleted key or associated data. This cleanup can be done before or after this routine is called. If the cleanup is done after this routine is called, the application must have a private mechanism to access any and all thread-specific values, contexts, and so on. Attempting to use the thread-specific data key key after calling this routine results in unpredictable behavior. No destructor functions are invoked by this routine. Any destructor functions that may have been associated with key will no longer be called upon thread exit. This routine can be called from destructor functions.
11.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EINVAL] The value for key is invalid.
11.5 – Associated Routines
tis_getspecific() tis_key_create() tis_setspecific()
12 – tis_lock_global
Locks the Threads Library global mutex.
12.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_lock_global (void);
12.2 – Arguments
12.3 – Description
This routine locks the global mutex. The global mutex is recursive. For example, if you called tis_lock_global() three times, tis_unlock_global() unlocks the global mutex when you call it the third time. For more information about actions taken when threads are present, refer to the pthread_lock_global_np() description.
12.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion.
12.5 – Associated Routines
13 – tis_mutex_destroy
Destroys the specified mutex object.
13.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_mutex_destroy ( pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
13.2 – Arguments
mutex Address of the mutex object (passed by reference) to be destroyed.
13.3 – Description
This routine destroys a mutex object by uninitializing it, and should be called when a mutex object is no longer referenced. After this routine is called, the Threads Library can reclaim internal storage used by the mutex object. It is safe to destroy an initialized mutex object that is unlocked. However, it is illegal to destroy a locked mutex object. The results of this routine are unpredictable if the mutex object specified in the mutex argument either does not currently exist or is not initialized.
13.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EBUSY] An attempt was made to destroy the object referenced by mutex while it is locked or referenced. [EINVAL] The value specified by mutex is not a valid mutex. [EPERM] The caller does not have privileges to perform the operation.
13.5 – Associated Routines
tis_mutex_init() tis_mutex_lock() tis_mutex_trylock() tis_mutex_unlock()
14 – tis_mutex_init
Initializes the specified mutex object.
14.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_mutex_init ( pthread_mutex_t *mutex );
14.2 – Arguments
mutex Pointer to a mutex object (passed by reference) to be initialized.
14.3 – Description
This routine initializes a mutex object with the Threads Library default mutex attributes. A mutex is a synchronization object that allows multiple threads to serialize their access to shared data. The mutex object is initialized and set to the unlocked state. Your program can use the PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER macro to statically initialize a mutex object without calling this routine. Static initialization can be used only for a condition variable with storage class "extern" or "static" - "automatic" (stack local) objects must be initialized by calling tis_mutex_ init(). Use this macro as follows: pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
14.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EAGAIN] The system lacks the necessary resources to initialize a mutex. [EBUSY] The implementation has detected an attempt to reinitialize mutex (a previously initialized, but not yet destroyed, mutex). [EINVAL] The value specified by mutex is not a valid mutex. [ENOMEM] Insufficient memory to initialize the mutex. [EPERM] The caller does not have privileges to perform this operation.
14.5 – Associated Routines
tis_mutex_destroy() tis_mutex_lock() tis_mutex_trylock() tis_mutex_unlock()
15 – tis_mutex_lock
Locks an unlocked mutex.
15.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_mutex_lock ( pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
15.2 – Arguments
mutex Address of the mutex (passed by reference) to be locked.
15.3 – Description
This routine locks the specified mutex mutex. A deadlock can result if the owner of a mutex calls this routine in an attempt to lock the same mutex a second time. (The Threads Library may not detect or report the deadlock.) In a threaded environment, the thread that has locked a mutex becomes its current owner and remains the owner until the same thread has unlocked it. This routine returns with the mutex in the locked state and with the current thread as the mutex's current owner.
15.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EDEADLK] A deadlock condition is detected. [EINVAL] The value specified by mutex is not a valid mutex.
15.5 – Associated Routines
tis_mutex_destroy() tis_mutex_init() tis_mutex_trylock() tis_mutex_unlock()
16 – tis_mutex_trylock
Attempts to lock the specified mutex.
16.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_mutex_trylock ( pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
16.2 – Arguments
mutex Address of the mutex (passed by reference) to be locked.
16.3 – Description
This routine attempts to lock the specified mutex mutex. When this routine is called, an attempt is made immediately to lock the mutex. If the mutex is successfully locked, zero (0) is returned. If the specified mutex is already locked when this routine is called, the caller does not wait for the mutex to become available. [EBUSY] is returned, and the thread does not wait to acquire the lock.
16.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EBUSY] The mutex is already locked; therefore, it was not acquired. [EINVAL] The value specified by mutex is not a valid mutex.
16.5 – Associated Routines
tis_mutex_destroy() tis_mutex_init() tis_mutex_lock() tis_mutex_unlock()
17 – tis_mutex_unlock
Unlocks the specified mutex.
17.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_mutex_unlock ( pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
17.2 – Arguments
mutex Address of the mutex (passed by reference) to be unlocked.
17.3 – Description
This routine unlocks the specified mutex mutex. For more information about actions taken when threads are present, refer to the pthread_mutex_unlock() description.
17.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EINVAL] The value specified by mutex is not a valid mutex. [EPERM] The caller does not own the mutex.
17.5 – Associated Routines
tis_mutex_destroy() tis_mutex_init() tis_mutex_lock() tis_mutex_trylock()
18 – tis_once
Calls a one-time initialization routine that can be executed by only one thread, once.
18.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_once ( pthread_once_t *once_control, void (*init_routine) (void));
18.2 – Arguments
once_control Address of a record (control block) that defines the one-time initialization code. Any one-time initialization routine in static storage specified by once_control must have its own unique pthread_once_t record. init_routine Address of a procedure that performs the initialization. This routine is called only once, regardless of the number of times it and its associated once_control are passed to tis_once().
18.3 – Description
The first call to this routine by a process with a given once_ control calls the init_routine with no arguments. Thereafter, subsequent calls to tis_once() with the same once_control do not call the init_routine. On return from tis_once(), it is guaranteed that the initialization routine has completed. For example, a mutex or a thread-specific data key must be created exactly once. In a threaded environment, calling tis_ once() ensures that the initialization is serialized across multiple threads. NOTE If you specify an init_routine that directly or indirectly results in a recursive call to tis_once() and that specifies the same init_block argument, the recursive call results in a deadlock. The PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT macro, defined in the pthread.h header file, must be used to initialize a once_control record. Thus, your program must declare a once_control record as follows: pthread_once_t once_control = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; Note that it is often easier to simply lock a statically initialized mutex, check a control flag, and perform necessary initialization (in-line) rather than using tis_once(). For example, you can code an "init" routine that begins with the following basic logic: init() { static pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT; static int flag = FALSE; tis_mutex_lock(&mutex); if(!flag) { flag = TRUE; /* initialize code */ } tis_mutex_unlock(&mutex); }
18.4 – Return Values
If an error occurs, this routine returns an integer indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EINVAL] Invalid argument.
19 – tis_read_lock
Acquires a read-write lock for read access.
19.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_read_lock ( tis_rwlock_t *lock);
19.2 – Arguments
lock Address of the read-write lock.
19.3 – Description
This routine acquires a read-write lock for read access. This routine waits for any existing lock holder for write access to relinquish its lock before granting the lock for read access. This routine returns when the lock is acquired. If the lock is already held simply for read access, the lock is granted. For each call to tis_read_lock() that successfully acquires the lock for read access, a corresponding call to tis_read_unlock() must be issued.
19.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EINVAL] The value specified by lock is not a valid read-write lock.
19.5 – Associated Routines
tis_read_trylock() tis_read_unlock() tis_rwlock_destroy() tis_rwlock_init() tis_write_lock() tis_write_trylock() tis_write_unlock()
20 – tis_read_trylock
Attempts to acquire a read-write lock for read access. Does not wait if the lock cannot be immediately granted.
20.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_read_trylock ( tis_rwlock_t *lock);
20.2 – Arguments
lock Address of the read-write lock to be acquired.
20.3 – Description
This routine attempts to acquire a read-write lock for read access. If the lock cannot be granted, the routine returns without waiting. When a thread calls this routine, an attempt is made to immediately acquire the lock for read access. If the lock is acquired, zero (0) is returned. If a holder of the lock for write access exists, [EBUSY] is returned. If the lock cannot be acquired for read access immediately, the calling program does not wait for the lock to be released.
20.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion; the lock was acquired. [EBUSY] The lock is being held for write access. The lock for read access was not acquired. [EINVAL] The value specified by lock is not a valid read-write lock.
20.5 – Associated Routines
tis_read_lock() tis_read_unlock() tis_rwlock_destroy() tis_rwlock_init() tis_write_lock() tis_write_trylock() tis_write_unlock()
21 – tis_read_unlock
Unlocks a read-write lock that was acquired for read access.
21.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_read_unlock ( tis_rwlock_t *lock);
21.2 – Arguments
lock Address of the read-write lock to be unlocked.
21.3 – Description
This routine unlocks a read-write lock that was acquired for read access. If there are no other holders of the lock for read access and another thread is waiting to acquire the lock for write access, that lock acquisition is granted.
21.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EINVAL] The value specified by lock is not a valid read-write lock.
21.5 – Associated Routines
tis_read_lock() tis_read_trylock() tis_rwlock_destroy() tis_rwlock_init() tis_write_lock() tis_write_trylock() tis_write_unlock()
22 – tis_rwlock_destroy
Destroys the specified read-write lock object.
22.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_rwlock_destroy ( tis_rwlock_t *lock);
22.2 – Arguments
lock Address of the read-write lock object to be destroyed.
22.3 – Description
This routine destroys the specified read-write lock object. Prior to calling this routine, ensure that there are no locks granted to the specified read-write lock and that there are no threads waiting for pending lock acquisitions on the specified read-write lock. This routine should be called only after all reader threads (and perhaps one writer thread) have finished using the specified read-write lock.
22.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EBUSY] The lock is in use. [EINVAL] The value specified by lock is not a valid read-write lock.
22.5 – Associated Routines
tis_read_lock() tis_read_trylock() tis_read_unlock() tis_rwlock_init() tis_write_lock() tis_write_trylock() tis_write_unlock()
23 – tis_rwlock_init
Initializes a read-write lock object.
23.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_rwlock_init ( tis_rwlock_t *lock);
23.2 – Arguments
lock Address of a read-write lock object.
23.3 – Description
This routine initializes a read-write lock object. The routine initializes the tis_rwlock_t structure that holds the object's lock states. To destroy a read-write lock object, call the tis_rwlock_ destroy() routine. NOTE The tis read-write lock has no relationship to the Single UNIX Specification, Version 2 (SUSV2, or UNIX98) read- write lock routines (such as pthread_rwlock_init()). The tis_rwlock_t type, in particular, cannot be used with the pthread read-write lock functions, nor can a pthread_rwlock_ t type be used with the tis read-write lock functions.
23.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EINVAL] The value specified by lock is not a valid read-write lock. [ENOMEM] Insufficient memory to initialize lock.
23.5 – Associated Routines
tis_read_lock() tis_read_trylock() tis_read_unlock() tis_rwlock_destroy() tis_write_lock() tis_write_trylock() tis_write_unlock()
24 – tis_self
Returns the identifier of the calling thread.
24.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> pthread_t tis_self (void);
24.2 – Arguments
24.3 – Description
This routine allows a thread to obtain its own thread identifier. This value becomes meaningless when the thread is destroyed. Note that the initial thread in a process can "change identity" when thread system initialization completes-that is, when the multithreading run-time environment is loaded.
24.4 – Return Values
Returns the thread identifier of the calling thread.
24.5 – Associated Routines
25 – tis_setcancelstate
Changes the calling thread's cancelability state.
25.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_setcancelstate ( int state, int *oldstate );
25.2 – Arguments
state State of general cancelability to set for the calling thread. Valid state values are as follows: PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE oldstate Receives the value of the calling thread's previous cancelability state.
25.3 – Description
This routine sets the calling thread's cancelability state to the value specified in the state argument and returns the calling thread's previous cancelability state in the location referenced by the oldstate argument. When a thread's cancelability state is set to PTHREAD_CANCEL_ DISABLE, a cancelation request cannot be delivered to the thread, even if a cancelable routine is called or asynchronous cancelability is enabled. When a thread is created, its default cancelability state is PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE. When this routine is called prior to loading threads, the cancelability state propagates to the initial thread in the executing program. Possible Problems When Disabling Cancelability The most important use of a cancelation request is to ensure that indefinite wait operations are terminated. For example, a thread waiting on some network connection, which might take days to respond (or might never respond), should be made cancelable. When a thread's cancelability state is disabled, no routine called within that thread is cancelable. As a result, the user is unable to cancel the operation. When disabling cancelability, be sure that no long waits can occur or that it is necessary for other reasons to defer cancelation requests around that particular region of code.
25.4 – Return Values
On successful completion, this routine returns the calling thread's previous cancelability state in the oldstate argument. If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EINVAL] The specified state is not PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE or PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE.
25.5 – Associated Routines
26 – tis_setspecific
Changes the value associated with the specified thread-specific data key.
26.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_setspecific ( pthread_key_t key, const void *value);
26.2 – Arguments
key Thread-specific data key that identifies the data to receive value. Must be obtained from a call to tis_key_create(). value New value to associate with the specified key. Once set, this value can be retrieved using the same key in a call to tis_ getspecific().
26.3 – Description
This routine sets the value associated with the specified thread- specific data key. If a value is defined for the key (that is, the current value is not NULL), the new value is substituted for it. The key is obtained by a previous call to tis_key_create(). Do not call this routine from a data destructor function. Doing so could lead to a memory leak or an infinite loop.
26.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EINVAL] The value specified by key is not a valid key. [ENOMEM] Insufficient memory to associate the value with the key.
26.5 – Associated Routines
tis_getspecific() tis_key_create() tis_key_delete()
27 – tis_sync
Used as the synchronization point for asynchronous I/O system services. This routine is for OpenVMS systems only.
27.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_sync ( unsigned long efn, void *iosb);
27.2 – Arguments
efn The event flag specified with the OpenVMS system service routine. iosb The IOSB specified with the OpenVMS system service routine.
27.3 – Description
When you are performing thread-synchronous "wait-form" system service calls on OpenVMS such as $QIOW, $ENQW, $GETJPIW, and so on, you should use this routine and tis_io_complete() with the asynchronous form of the service (that is, without the "W") and specify the address of tis_io_complete() as the completion AST routine (the AST argument, if any, is ignored). The call must also specify an IOSB (or equivalent, such as an LKSB) and if possible a unique event flag (see lib$get_ef). Once the library code is ready to wait for the I/O, it simply calls tis_sync() (just as if it were calling $SYNC).
27.4 – Return Values
This routine has the same return values as the OpenVMS $SYNC() routine.
27.5 – Associated Routines
28 – tis_testcancel
Creates a cancelation point in the calling thread.
28.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> void tis_testcancel (void);
28.2 – Arguments
28.3 – Description
This routine requests delivery of a pending cancelation request to the calling thread. Thus, this routine creates a cancelation point in the calling thread. The cancelation request is delivered only if a request is pending for the calling thread and the calling thread's cancelability state is enabled. (A thread disables delivery of cancelation requests to itself by calling tis_setcancelstate().) This routine, when called within very long loops, ensures that a pending cancelation request is noticed within a reasonable amount of time.
28.4 – Return Values
28.5 – Associated Routines
29 – tis_unlock_global
Unlocks the Threads Library global mutex.
29.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_unlock_global (void);
29.2 – Arguments
29.3 – Description
This routine unlocks the global mutex. Because the global mutex is recursive, the unlock occurs when each call to tis_lock_ global() has been matched by a call to this routine. For example, if your program called tis_lock_global() three times, tis_unlock_ global() unlocks the global mutex when you call it the third time. For more information about actions taken when threads are present, refer to the pthread_unlock_global_np() description.
29.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EPERM] The global mutex is unlocked or locked by another thread.
29.5 – Associated Routines
30 – tis_write_lock
Acquires a read-write lock for write access.
30.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_write_lock ( tis_rwlock_t *lock);
30.2 – Arguments
lock Address of the read-write lock to be acquired for write access.
30.3 – Description
This routine acquires a read-write lock for write access. This routine waits for any other active locks (for either read or write access) to be unlocked before this acquisition request is granted. This routine returns when the specified read-write lock is acquired for write access.
30.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EINVAL] The value specified by lock is not a valid read-write lock.
30.5 – Associated Routines
tis_read_lock() tis_read_trylock() tis_read_unlock() tis_rwlock_destroy() tis_rwlock_init() tis_write_trylock() tis_write_unlock()
31 – tis_write_trylock
Attempts to acquire a read-write lock for write access.
31.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_write_trylock ( tis_rwlock_t *lock);
31.2 – Arguments
lock Address of the read-write lock to be acquired for write access.
31.3 – Description
This routine attempts to acquire a read-write lock for write access. The routine attempts to immediately acquire the lock. If the lock is acquired, zero (0) is returned. If the lock is held by another thread (for either read or write access), [EBUSY] is returned and the calling thread does not wait for the write- access lock to be acquired. Note that it is a coding error to attempt to acquire the lock for write access if the lock is already held by the calling thread. (However, this routine returns [EBUSY] anyway, because no ownership error-checking takes place.)
31.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion, the lock is acquired for write access. [EBUSY] The lock was not acquired for write access, as it is already held by another thread. [EINVAL] The value specified by lock is not a valid read-write lock.
31.5 – Associated Routines
tis_read_lock() tis_read_trylock() tis_read_unlock() tis_rwlock_destroy() tis_rwlock_init() tis_write_lock() tis_write_unlock()
32 – tis_write_unlock
Unlocks a read-write lock that was acquired for write access.
32.1 – C Binding
#include <tis.h> int tis_write_unlock ( tis_rwlock_t *lock);
32.2 – Arguments
lock Address of the read-write lock to be unlocked.
32.3 – Description
This routine unlocks a read-write lock that was acquired for write access. Upon completion of this routine, any thread waiting to acquire the lock for read access will have those acquisitions granted. If no threads are waiting to acquire the lock for read access, then a thread waiting to acquire it for write access will have that acquisition granted.
32.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [EINVAL] The value specified by lock is not a valid read-write lock.
32.5 – Associated Routines
tis_read_lock() tis_read_trylock() tis_read_unlock() tis_rwlock_init() tis_rwlock_destroy() tis_write_lock() tis_write_trylock()
33 – tis_yield
Notifies the scheduler that the current thread is willing to release its processor to other threads of the same or higher priority. Syntax tis_yield();
33.1 – C Binding
int tis_yield (void);
33.2 – Arguments
33.3 – Description
When threads are not present, this routine has no effect. This routine notifies the thread scheduler that the current thread is willing to release its processor to other threads of equivalent or greater scheduling precedence. (A thread generally will release its processor to a thread of a greater scheduling precedence without calling this routine.) If no other threads of equivalent or greater scheduling precedence are ready to execute, the thread continues. This routine can allow knowledge of the details of an application to be used to improve its performance. If a thread does not call tis_yield(), other threads may be given the opportunity to run at arbitrary points (possibly even when the interrupted thread holds a required resource). By making strategic calls to tis_ yield(), other threads can be given the opportunity to run when the resources are free. This improves performance by reducing contention for the resource. As a general guideline, consider calling this routine after a thread has released a resource (such as a mutex) which is heavily contended for by other threads. This can be especially important if the program is running on a uniprocessor machine, or if the thread acquires and releases the resource inside a tight loop. Use this routine carefully and sparingly, because misuse can cause unnecessary context switching that will increase overhead and actually degrade performance. For example, it is counter- productive for a thread to yield while it holds a resource that the threads to which it is yielding will need. Likewise, it is pointless to yield unless there is likely to be another thread that is ready to run.
33.4 – Return Values
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Return Description 0 Successful completion. [ENOSYS] The routine tis_yield() is not supported by this implementation.