Defines the current routine and creates a context for the routine. Format $ROUTINE NAME=routine name - ALIASES=alias names - LOCAL=boolean value - STANDARD_PROLOGUE=boolean value - ENTRY=code entry point - CODE_SECTION=code section psect name - DATA_SECTION=data section psect name - DATA_SECTION_POINTER=boolean value - LINKAGE_SECTION=linkage section psect name - KIND=routine type- HANDLER_REINVOKABLE=boolean value - BASE_REG_IS_FP=boolean value- REI_RETURN=boolean value - STACK_RETURN_VALUE=boolean value - RSA_OFFSET=integer value - SAVE_FP=register name - SAVE_RA=return address register name - SIZE=numeric value - SAVED_REGS=list of registers - HANDLER=exception handler address - HANDLER_DATA=data address for exception handler - SYNCH_EXCEPTIONS=boolean value- PROC_VALUE=procedure value - ENVIRONMENT=environment value - FUNC_RETURN=function return type - ARGLIST=argument type list - USES_VAX_ARGLIST=boolean value - OVERRIDE_FLAGS=procedure descriptor flags - DEFAULT_SIGNATURE=boolean value - COMMON_BASE=list of registers - TARGET_INVO=boolean value - EXCEPTION_MODE=mode -
1 – Parameters
NAME The name of the routine. This argument is required for all procedure kinds. There is no default. For example: NAME=FOOZLE ALIASES List of alias names for the routine. This argument is optional for all procedure types. There is no default. For example: ALIASES=<FOO,BAR,FOOBAR,foo,bar,foobar,Foo,Bar,FooBar> LOCAL Boolean value indicating whether the routine is local (TRUE) or externally visible (FALSE). This argument is optional for all procedure kinds. The default is FALSE. For example: LOCAL=TRUE STANDARD_PROLOGUE Specifies a Boolean value to indicate whether $ROUTINE should generate a standard instruction prologue sequence at the beginning of the routine's code section. This argument is optional and valid only with REGISTER and STACK procedures. If the procedure type is stack or register, the default is TRUE and $ROUTINE generates a standard prologue sequence. The prologue sequence generated by $ROUTINE saves the registers you specify with the SAVED_REGS argument and performs stack-frame management as necessary. If you also specify BASE_REG_IS_FP=FALSE, the standard prologue sequence generated by $ROUTINE makes a copy of the procedure descriptor address that is in R27 upon entry into R29 (FP). While you cannot change the value in R29 before the epilogue, you can use R29 as a working, linkage-section register. If you specify the STANDARD_PROLOGUE argument as FALSE, you must code your own prologue sequence and mark the end of the prologue with the $END_ PROLOGUE macro. Whether or not you specify STANDARD_PROLOGUE as TRUE or accept the default, you can generate a standard epilogue sequence for stack and register procedures with the $RETURN macro. For example: STANDARD_PROLOGUE=FALSE ENTRY The name of the code-entry point. This argument is the code entry-point label that $ROUTINE defines for you at the beginning of the code section for the routine. If this argument is omitted, $ROUTINE generates a label. For example: ENTRY=FOOZLE_ENTRY CODE_SECTION The psect name and attributes of the code section. This argument is optional for all procedure kinds. If omitted, the default is the name and attributes defined by the $CODE$ lexical string symbol. If you specify a name and attributes for the CODE_SECTION argument, $ROUTINE redefines the $CODE$ lexical string symbol such that the specified values become the new default. Initially, $CODE$ is defined as follows: $CODE$ = "$CODE$,OCTA,PIC,CON,REL,LCL,SHR,EXE,NORD,NOWRT" Since you must delimit the psect name and attributes using commas, be sure to enclose this argument within angle brackets to avoid having the assembler interpret the name and attributes as different arguments to $ROUTINE. For example: CODE_SECTION=<MY_CODE,EXE,QUAD,NOWRT> DATA_SECTION The psect name and attributes of the data section. This argument is optional for all procedure kinds. If omitted, the default is the name and attributes defined by the $DATA$ lexical string symbol. If you specify a name and attributes for the DATA_SECTION argument, $ROUTINE redefines the $DATA$ lexical string symbol such that the specified values become the new default. Initially, $DATA$ is defined as follows: $DATA$ = "$DATA$,OCTA,NOPIC,CON,REL,LCL,NOSHR,NOEXE,RD,WRT" Since you must delimit the psect name and attributes using commas, be sure to enclose this argument within angle brackets to avoid having the assembler interpret the name and attributes as different arguments to $ROUTINE. For example: DATA_SECTION=<MY_DATA,NOEXE,QUAD,RD,WRT> DATA_SECTION_POINTER Boolean value indicating whether $ROUTINE should store a pointer to the data section in the linkage section and define $DP as the address of that pointer. This argument is optional for all procedure kinds. The default is FALSE. For example: DATA_SECTION_POINTER=TRUE You can use the DATA_SECTION_POINTER argument as follows: $ROUTINE TALLY_HO, DATA_SECTION_POINTER=TRUE $DATA_SECTION TALLY: .QUAD 0 $CODE_SECTION .BASe R27, $LS ; Inform assembler that R27->$LS LDQ R1, $DP ; R1->$DS .BASE R1,$DS ;Inform assembler that R1-$DS LDQ R0, TALLY ; R0<-TALLY LDA R0, 1(R0) ; R0<-R0++ STQ R0, TALLY ; TALLY<-R0 RET (R26) ; Return $END_ROUTINE TALLY_HO In this example, the DATA_SECTION_POINTER argument is specified in order to obtain linkage to the data section. The first LDQ instruction loads R1 with the pointer to the data section that $ROUTINE stores in the linkage section. The next three instructions increment the value in the TALLY variable in the data section. Finally, the routine returns the incremented value to its caller in R0. LINKAGE_SECTION The psect name and attributes of the linkage section. This argument is optional for all procedure kinds. If omitted, the default is the name and attributes defined by the $LINK$ lexical string symbol. If you specify a name and attributes for the LINKAGE_SECTION argument, $ROUTINE redefines the $LINK$ lexical string symbol such that the specified values become the new default. Initially, $LINK$ is defined as follows: $LINK$ = "$LINK$,OCTA,NOPIC,CON,REL,LCL,NOSHR,NOEXE,RD,NOWRT" Since you must delimit the psect name and attributes using commas, be sure to enclose this argument within angle brackets to avoid having the assembler interpret the name and attributes as different arguments to $ROUTINE. For example: LINKAGE_SECTION=<MY_LINK,NOEXE,QUAD,RD,NOWRT> KIND Specifies the kind of routine being defined. This must be one of the following: STACK, REGISTER, NULL, or BOUND. This is an optional argument. The default is NULL. For example: KIND=STACK HANDLER_REINVOKABLE Specifies a Boolean value to indicate whether the condition handler can be re-invoked. This argument is optional and valid only with STACK and REGISTER procedures. It defaults to FALSE if no value is specified and the procedure kind is STACK or REGISTER. Note that this argument is only valid if a value is also specified for the HANDLER argument. For example: HANDLER_REINVOKABLE=TRUE BASE_REG_IS_FP Specifies a Boolean value to indicate whether register R29 (FP) is used as the frame-pointer base register (TRUE) or not (FALSE). If specified as FALSE, R29 must be used to hold the address of the procedure descriptor (or the address of the address of the procedure descriptor-see the OpenVMS Calling Standard. You can use R29 to hold a working copy of the linkage- section address passed in R27. In addition, your prologue and epilogue instruction sequences can be shorter and more efficient. However, you cannot make standard calls to other routines if BASE_REG_IS_FP is specified as FALSE. This argument is optional and valid only with stack and register procedure kinds. It defaults to TRUE if the procedure type is stack or register. For example: BASE_REG_IS_FP=FALSE REI_RETURN Specifies a Boolean value to indicate whether this routine returns using an REI instruction. This argument is optional and valid only with STACK, REGISTER, and NULL procedure kinds. It defaults to FALSE if the procedure kind is STACK, REGISTER, or NULL. For example: REI_RETURN=TRUE STACK_RETURN_VALUE This argument is obsolete. Do not specify this argument. RSA_OFFSET An integer value specifying the stack offset (in bytes) of the register save area. This argument is optional and valid only for STACK procedures. If you specify BASE_REG_IS_FP as TRUE, the value you specify with RSA_OFFSET must be at least 8. RSA_ OFFSET defaults to 8 if BASE_REG_IS_FP is specified as TRUE, 0 otherwise. For example: RSA_OFFSET=32 SAVE_FP The register that contains a copy of the value of FP (R29) upon entry to this routine. The prologue instruction sequence must copy FP to the register specified by SAVE_FP and the epilogue instruction sequence(s) must restore FP from the register specified by SAVE_FP. This argument is required and only valid for REGISTER procedures. There is no default. For example: SAVE_FP=R1 SAVE_RA The register that contains the return address. This argument is optional and only valid for REGISTER procedures. If SAVE_RA is not R26, the prologue instruction sequence must copy R26 to the register specified by SAVE_RA and the epilogue instruction sequence(s) must use the return address stored in the register specified by SAVE_FP to affect its return to caller. SAVE_RA defaults to R26 if the procedure kind is REGISTER. For example: SAVE_RA=R22 SIZE A numeric value that must be a multiple of 16 specifying the size of the fixed-stack area in bytes. This parameter is valid only for REGISTER and STACK procedure kinds. It defaults to the minimum value possible given the other arguments you specify or default. $ROUTINE computes the amount of stack storage needed for the register save area (if any) and defines the $RSA_END symbol to be the offset of the first byte beyond the register save area. If you wish to allocate a fixed area of stack beyond the register save area, you can specify an expression with the SIZE argument that includes the term $RSA_END plus the amount of fixed-stack storage you need for your application. For example: SIZE=$RSA_END+32 SAVED_REGS A list of registers saved on the stack by the prologue code of this routine. It is valid only for STACK procedures and you must specify at least FP (R29) with this argument. It defaults to FP (R29) for STACK procedures. For example: SAVED_REGS=<R5,FP,F2,F3,F4> The OpenVMS Calling Standard specifies that registers R0, R1, R28, R30 (SP), and R31 must never be saved and restored. If you specify these registers with the SAVED_REGS argument, the $ROUTINE macro issues a diagnostic warning message. HANDLER The address of an exception handler. It is optional and valid only for STACK and REGISTER procedure kinds. By default, the procedure is defined not to have an exception handler. For example: HANDLER=MY_HANDLER HANDLER_DATA The address of data for the specified handler, if any. This argument is optional and valid only for stack and register procedure kinds and has no default value. You cannot specify a HANDLER_DATA argument if you do not specify the HANDLER argument. For example: HANDLER_DATA=MY_HANDLER_DATA SYNCH_EXCEPTIONS An argument to indicate whether exceptions must be synchronized or not. This argument is optional with STACK and REGISTER routines and is not allowed with other kinds of routines. This argument defaults to TRUE if you specify an exception handler with the HANDLER argument. Otherwise, it defaults to FALSE. When this argument is TRUE and you specify or accept the default STANDARD_PROLOGUE=TRUE, $ROUTINE generates a TRAPB instruction as part of the standard prologue sequence. In addition, when this argument is true, the $RETURN macro generates a TRAPB instruction as part of the standard epilogue sequence. When this argument is FALSE, neither $ROUTINE nor $RETURN generate TRAPB instructions. PROC_VALUE The procedure value of a bound procedure's parent. This argument is required for BOUND procedures and is invalid for all other procedure kinds. For example: PROC_VALUE=PARENT_PROC ENVIRONMENT Specifies an environment value. This parameter is optional and valid only for BOUND procedures. It has no default value. For example: ENVIRONMENT=0 FUNC_RETURN Specifies the function return type. This argument is optional and valid for all procedure kinds. If specified, it must be one of the following: I64, D64, I32, U32, FF, FD, FG, FS, FT, FFC, FDC, FGC, FSC, or FTC. These values correspond to those listed in Table 3-7 of the OpenVMS Calling Standard that have an additional "RASE$K_FR_" prefix. There is no default. For example: FUNC_RETURN=U32 ARGLIST Argument type list. This argument is optional and valid for all procedure kinds. If the argument list contains one or more elements, each of the first six elements must be one of the following: Q, I32, U32, FF, FD, FG, FS, or FT. The seventh and subsequent arguments (if any) must be either I32 or Q. These values correspond to the PSIG$K_RA_* and MASE$K_MA_* signature encodings in Table 3-6 of the OpenVMS Calling Standard. There is no default. If you specify this argument, $ROUTINE generates a procedure signature block. For example: ARGLIST=<Q,I32,FF,FF,U32>. USES_VAX_ARGLIST Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the routine uses a VAX argument list. This argument is optional for all procedure kinds and defaults to FALSE. If you specify this argument, $ROUTINE generates a procedure signature block. For example: USES_VAX_ARGLIST=TRUE OVERRIDE_FLAGS Specifies overriding flags for the PDSC$W_FLAGS field in the procedure descriptor. This argument is optional and valid for all procedure kinds. However, it is required for BOUND procedures when the parameter specified with the PROC_VALUE argument is an external or forward reference. There is no default. For example: OVERRIDE_FLAGS=PARENT_FLAGS DEFAULT_SIGNATURE Specifies a Boolean value to indicate whether the standard procedure signature is used. TRUE means to use the standard signature. It is optional and valid for all procedure kinds. The default is FALSE if you specify either the ARGLIST or USES_ VAX_ARGLIST arguments. Otherwise, the default is TRUE. Note that this argument must be FALSE or blank if you specify either the ARGLIST or USES_VAX_ARGLIST arguments. For example: DEFAULT_SIGNATURE=TRUE COMMON_BASE An argument to specify one or more base registers that are used in common with other routines. This argument is optional for all routine kinds. By default, $ROUTINE invalidates any previous .BASE directives that may be in effect when you invoke $ROUTINE. In this way, you are prevented from inadvertently processing the second or subsequent routines in a module with .BASE directives in effect that apply only to a previous routine. However, you may wish to share a common base register assignment between a number of routines. To do so, you can reissue the appropriate .BASE directive or directives after each invocation of $ROUTINE. Alternatively, you can specify one or more common base registers with the COMMON_BASE argument, and enter the appropriate .BASE directive or directives only once at the beginning of the module. Specify the value for the COMMON_BASE argument as a list of integer registers. For example: COMMON_BASE=<R5,R13> In this example, $ROUTINE invalidates any previous .BASE directives except those for registers R5 and R13. Previous .BASE directives for registers R5 and R13 are unaffected. TARGET_INVO Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether or not the exception handler for this procedure is invoked when this procedure is the target of an invocation unwind. (TARGET_INVO=TRUE) causes the exception handler to be invoked during an unwind. The default is TARGET_INVO=FALSE. EXCEPTION_MODE An argument to specify one of the following exception modes with STACK and REGISTER procedures: o SIGNAL-raise all exceptions except underflow. o SIGNAL_ALL-raise all exceptions. o SILENT-raise no exceptions. o FULL_IEEE-only raise exceptions as per IEEE control bits. The default is EXCEPTION_MODE=SIGNAL.
2 – Description
$ROUTINE defines a routine, makes it the current routine, and performs the following actions: o Creates and associates a linkage section, code section, and data section with the routine. o Defines a procedure descriptor and optional signature block in accordance with the values of macro arguments. o Optionally stores a pointer to the data section within the linkage section. o Creates the following numeric and lexical symbols: Symbol Description $CS Address at start of the current routine's code section. $DS Address at start of the current routine's data section. $DP Optional address of a pointer to the current routine's data section. This symbol has a value that is an address in the current routine's linkage section at which the $ROUTINE macro has placed the address of the data section ($DS) as follows: $DP = . .ADDRESS $DS $DP enables you to access the data area of the current routine from its linkage section. $LS Address of the current routine's linkage section. $SIZE Size of fixed area of stack frame of the current routine. This symbol is valid only with STACK and REGISTER routines. $RSA_ The offset within the fixed-stack area to the OFFSET register save area. This symbol is valid only with STACK routines. $RSA_END The offset within the fixed-stack area to the the first byte beyond the end of the register save area (if any). $CODE$ A lexical string symbol that defines the routine's code psect name and attributes. $DATA$ A lexical symbol that defines the routine's data psect name and attributes. $LINK$ A lexical string symbol that defines the routine's linkage psect name and attributes. o Optionally generates a standard instruction prologue sequence at the beginning of the code section. If you specify /NAMES=AS_IS on the command line, all but the last three of these symbols are defined in both complete uppercase and complete lowercase. These symbols are intended for your use outside of the macros themselves. For example, the values of these numeric symbols may be useful as a mnemonic when coding an instruction with a register as in the following example: lda SP,-$SIZE(SP) The last three symbols, $CODE$, $DATA$, and $LINK$, are only defined in uppercase. They are used by the $ROUTINE macro for the default code, data, and linkage section psect names and attributes. You can define these symbols before invoking $ROUTINE to alter the default program sections as follows: - $CODE$ = "MY_CODE,EXE,OCTA,SHR,NORD,NOWRT,GBL" - $DATA$ = "MY_DATA,NOEXE,OCTA,NOSHR,RD,WRT,GBL" - $LINK$ = "MY_LINK,NOEXE,OCTA,SHR,RD,NOWRT,GBL" These statements cause $ROUTINE to use the previous psect names and attributes by default. If you specify any of the CODE_SECTION, DATA_SECTION, or LINKAGE_SECTION arguments in your invocation of $ROUTINE, $ROUTINE uses the psect name and attributes specified with the argument. In addition, $ROUTINE redefines the corresponding $CODE$, $DATA$, or $LINK$ lexical string symbol to the value you specify when you specify any of the CODE_SECTION, DATA_SECTION, or LINKAGE_SECTION arguments with $ROUTINE.
3 – Example