VMS Help  —  MACRO  /ALPHA  Supplied Library Macros, $END PROLOGUE
    Marks the end of a prologue instruction sequence.



1  –  Description

    $END_PROLOGUE marks the end of a routine prologue instruction
    sequence that you code yourself. The prologue instruction
    sequence begins with the first instruction of the routine. There
    can only be one prologue instruction sequence in a routine. The
    prologue is described in detail in the OpenVMS Calling Standard.

    You invoke $END_PROLOGUE after the last instruction in the
    routine prologue code. The last instruction in the routine
    prologue is the one that updates FP (R29, the frame pointer)
    and makes the frame become current. You must use this macro
    when the routine type is stack or register and you specify

2  –  Notes

    o  Do not use this macro when the $ROUTINE macro generates a
       standard prologue or when the routine type is null or bound.
       For example, a standard prologue is generated for you when you
       specify or leave the default of $ROUTINE's STANDARD_PROLOGUE
       argument to TRUE.

3  –  Example

                MOV     SP, FP
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