VMS Help  —  MACRO  /ALPHA  Supplied Library Macros
    The MACRO-64 assembler provides a library of macros that help you
    to program in conformance with the OpenVMS Calling Standard. This
    library also allows you to define your own opcodes and packed
    decimal data. The library, called MACRO64.MLB, is installed on
    your system with the MACRO-64 assembler.

    The MACRO-64 assembler automatically adds the MACRO64.MLB library
    to the library list before it begins processing your source
    program. Consequently, you do not need to add it manually using
    the .LIBRARY directive.

    The following macros are supplied by the MACRO-64 Assembler:


1  –  Routines and Lexical Scope

    The calling-standard macros use the concept of a single, current,
    active routine. A routine is a programming entity that is
    associated with a procedure descriptor that may be called, or
    is a main routine specified as the transfer address of a linked

    Only one routine can be active or current at any given time
    during assembly. If more than one routine is defined in a single
    assembler source file, all items associated with the current
    routine, that is, within the lexical scope of the routine, must
    be completed before making a different routine current. The
    lexical scope of one routine cannot overlap the lexical scope
    of another routine.

    A routine becomes current or comes into scope by invoking the
    $ROUTINE macro with the appropriate arguments. $ROUTINE marks the
    beginning of the lexical scope of a routine. The complementary
    macro, $END_ROUTINE, marks the end of the current routine's
    lexical scope.

1.1  –  Routines and Program Sections

    Routines have three types of associated program sections:

    o  Code section-Contains the executable instructions of the
       routine. This section is typically read-only and executable.

    o  Data section-Contains data accessed by a routine. Typically,
       this is where variable data is stored. This section is
       typically nonexecutable, readable, and writeable.

    o  Linkage section-Contains a routine's procedure descriptor and
       the necessary linkage information for calling other routines,
       and for linkage to data not in the linkage section, if any.
       Also, constant data may be placed here. Typically, this
       section is read-only and not executable.

       The linkage section is considered a type of data section with
       the following function:

       -  Provides linkage information for calls made from a routine
          associated with the linkage section.

       -  Provides linkage information for data outside of the
          linkage section.

       -  Defines the associated routine's procedure descriptor so
          that calls can be made to the routine.

       -  Defines constant or static data.

2  –  Using Macros to Control Program Sections

    The following section explains how to use the MACRO-64 supplied
    macros to define and control the various program sections during

2.1  –  Defining Program Sections

    Each of the three program section types can be referenced by a
    corresponding macro. The following three macros are used to refer
    to and define these three psects associated within a routine:

    o  $CODE_SECTION-makes the routine's code psect current.

    o  $DATA_SECTION-makes the routine's data psect current.

    o  $LINKAGE_SECTION-makes the routine's linkage psect current.

    To switch to one of the current routine's sections, you invoke
    the corresponding macro. For example, after invoking $ROUTINE,
    to place instructions into the current routine's code psect,
    you invoke the $CODE_SECTION macro. This makes the code psect
    associated with the current routine the current psect. Similarly,
    invoking $LINKAGE_SECTION makes the linkage psect associated with
    the current routine the current psect.

    You can also control the psect name and attributes for each of
    the program sections by defining arguments to the $ROUTINE macro.

2.2  –  Using Macro Defined Symbols

    When you use any of the supplied macros described in this
    chapter, with the exception of $OPDEF, the following register
    symbols are defined for you:

       .DEFINE_IREG $IA0 R16 ; Integer argument 0
       .DEFINE_IREG $IA1 R17 ; Integer argument 1
       .DEFINE_IREG $IA2 R18 ; Integer argument 2
       .DEFINE_IREG $IA3 R19 ; Integer argument 3
       .DEFINE_IREG $IA4 R20 ; Integer argument 4
       .DEFINE_IREG $IA5 R21 ; Integer argument 5
       .DEFINE_FREG $FA0 F16 ; Floating-point argument 0
       .DEFINE_FREG $FA1 F17 ; Floating-point argument 1
       .DEFINE_FREG $FA2 F18 ; Floating-point argument 2
       .DEFINE_FREG $FA3 F19 ; Floating-point argument 3
       .DEFINE_FREG $FA4 F20 ; Floating-point argument 4
       .DEFINE_FREG $FA5 F21 ; Floating-point argument 5
       .DEFINE_IREG $AI R25 ; Argument-information register
       .DEFINE_IREG $RA R26 ; Return-address register
       .DEFINE_IREG $PV R27 ; Procedure-value register
       .DEFINE_IREG $FP R29 ; Frame pointer
       .DEFINE_IREG $SP R30 ; Stack pointer


       SP and FP remain predefined by MACRO-64 whether or not
       you use the OpenVMS Calling Standard macros. $SP and
       $FP are defined by the OpenVMS Calling Standard macros
       for consistency with the other register definitions that
       correspond to OpenVMS Calling Standard register conventions.

    The following symbols are defined by the $ROUTINE macro. These
    symbols are useful while programming with the calling-standard
    macros to refer to particular data and linkage section items.

    o  $CS-The address of the beginning of the current routine's code

    o  $LS-The address of the beginning of the current routine's
       linkage section.

    o  $DS-The address of the beginning of the current routine's data

    o  $DP-The linkage section address where the $ROUTINE macro
       places the .ADDRESS $DS to enable access to the data section
       from the linkage section (this variable is optional).

    o  $SIZE-The size of the fixed-stack area in bytes. $SIZE is
       defined using the value specified with the SIZE argument.

    o  $RSA_OFFSET-The offset within the fixed-stack area to the
       register save area. $RSA_OFFSET is defined using the value
       specified with the RSA_OFFSET argument.

    o  $RSA_END-The offset within the fixed-stack area to the first
       byte beyond the end of the register save area.

    For more information, see the description for the $ROUTINE macro
    in this chapter.

    The $CALL macro also defines the $STACK_ARG_SIZE symbol. This
    symbol specifies the number of bytes used to store arguments
    on the stack. This value is useful after calling a routine that
    returns a value on the stack. In this case, $CALL cannot remove
    the arguments from the stack because you must first retrieve the
    returned value from the stack. Subsequently, you can remove the
    arguments from the stack using the $STACK_ARG_SIZE symbol. For
    more information, see the description of $CALL in this chapter.

2.3  –  Defining Procedure Type

    The OpenVMS Calling Standard defines four types of routines;
    stack, register, null, and bound.

    You can define the routine type by using the KIND keyword
    argument with $ROUTINE or $PROCEDURE_DESCRIPTOR macros. The
    validity and values of other $ROUTINE and $PROCEDURE_DESCRIPTOR
    macro parameters are determined by the type of routine being
    declared. For example, a null procedure type has no stack size;
    therefore, the SIZE parameter is invalid and cannot be specified
    for a null procedure type. When using the KIND keyword with the
    $ROUTINE or $PROCEDURE_DESCRIPTOR macros, note the following

    o  The $SIZE symbol defined by $ROUTINE is only valid for stack
       and register routines.

    o  The $RSA_OFFSET symbol defined by $ROUTINE is only valid for a
       stack routine.

2.4  –  Using Macros in Prologue Sections

    With stack and register routines, $ROUTINE generates a standard
    prologue sequence if you specify the STANDARD_PROLOGUE=TRUE
    keyword argument. STANDARD_PROLOGUE=TRUE is the default for
    register and stack routines.

    Alternatively, you can code your own prologue sequence by
    specifying the STANDARD_PROLOGUE argument as FALSE and using the
    $END_PROLOGUE macro to mark the end of your prologue sequence. In
    this case, you may wish to use the $SIZE and $RSA_OFFSET symbols
    to symbolically specify the fixed-stack size and register save
    area offset, respectively.

    For more information on the prologue sequence of instructions
    that must occur at the beginning of all stack and register
    routines, see the OpenVMS Calling Standard.

2.5  –  Using Macros in Epilogue Sections

    With stack and register routines, you can use the $RETURN
    macro to generate an epilogue sequence. Alternatively, you
    can code your own epilogue sequence using the $BEGIN_EPILOGUE
    and $END_EPILOGUE macros to mark the beginning and end of your
    epilogue sequences.

    The OpenVMS Calling Standard also describes the epilogue sequence
    of instructions that must be executed every time a stack or
    register routine returns to its caller.

3  –  Programming Examples Using Supplied Macros

    Examples Program Using Supplied Macros and Program Using $CALL
    show how to use the calling-standard macros to define a routine,
    switch control between psects, generate an epilogue sequence, and
    end the routine.

    Example 3  Program Using Supplied Macros

            $ROUTINE MAIN, KIND=STACK, - ; Stack routine kind 1
                SAVED_REGS=<FP>, - ; Saves FP           2
                SIZE=48               ; Stack size is 48   3

            $LINKAGE_SECTION          ; Switch to the linkage psect. 4

    X:      .long 6                   ; X is a constant
    FP1_ADDR:                         ; FP1_ADDR -> FP1
            .address FP1

            $DATA_SECTION             ; Switch to the data section 5

    A::     .blkw 5                   ; $DS points here
    B::     .blkw

            $CODE_SECTION             ; Switch to the code section 6
                                      ; ($CS points here)
            $RETURN                   ; Perform epilogue and return 7

            $END_ROUTINE MAIN         ; Mark the end of the routine 8

    1  $ROUTINE defines the routine MAIN. The routine type is defined
       as a stack routine using the KIND=STACK keyword argument.

    2  The keyword argument SAVED_REGS=<FP> adds the frame pointer
       register to the list of registers saved on the stack by the
       prologue code. The SAVED_REGS keyword is valid only for stack
       procedures. If you do not specify the FP register (R29) with
       this argument, it is assumed.

    3  The keyword argument SIZE=48 defines the stack area in bytes.
       This argument is valid only for register and stack routines.
       If you do not specify a stack size for a stack or register
       routine, $ROUTINE computes the minimum stack size required to
       accommodate the other arguments you specify or leave as the

    4  The $LINKAGE_SECTION macro switches to the linkage section.
       You can use the $LS symbol created by the $ROUTINE macro
       to point to the address of the current routine's linkage
       section. $ROUTINE creates the procedure descriptor and leaves
       the current location counter within the linkage section just
       beyond the procedure descriptor.

    5  The $DATA_SECTION macro switches to the data section. You can
       use the $DS symbol created by the $ROUTINE macro to point to
       the address of the current routine's data section.

    6  The $CODE_SECTION macro switches to the code section. The $CS
       symbol created by the $ROUTINE macro is used to point to the
       address of the current routine's code section.

    7  The $RETURN macro generates a standard epilogue instruction
       sequence. You can use this macro only with stack or register
       routine defined with the $ROUTINE macro.

    8  The $END_ROUTINE macro marks the end of the routine.

4  –  Using the $CALL Macro

    $CALL calls local or external routines previously defined by the
    $ROUTINE macro or defined in another language.

    To call a routine using standard linkage, use the $CALL macro.
    You invoke this macro from within the routine's code section.
    $CALL performs the following actions:

    o  Searches a list of linkage pairs referenced in previous
       invocations of the $CALL and $LINKAGE_PAIR macros within
       the calling routine. If a linkage pair is already found to
       exist on the list, $CALL uses the linkage pair stored from the
       previous invocation. Otherwise, $CALL stores the linkage pair
       of the called routine in the caller's linkage section and adds
       the linkage pair to the caller's list.

    o  Allocates stack space for arguments, if necessary.

    o  Loads arguments specified with the ARGS argument into argument
       registers and onto the stack, as appropriate.

    o  Sets the arguments information register, R25, according to the
       arguments specified with ARGS argument.

    o  Generates the following instruction sequence to perform
       the actual call based on the location of the linkage pair
       generated from above, and the value of Rls, linkage register,
       which is assumed to point to the base of the linkage section:

             LDQ R26, code_addr_offset(Rls)      ; load code address
             LDQ R27, proc_desc_addr_offset(Rls) ; load procedure
                                                 ; descriptor address
             JSR R26, R26                        ; Jump to the routine
                                                 ;  saving the return
                                                 ;  address in R26

    o  Frees argument stack space, if any, and if the called routine
       does not return a value on the stack.

       Like $ROUTINE, the $CALL macro invokes other macros to perform
       the previous tasks.

       If you do not specify the Rls argument in your invocation of
       $CALL, $CALL assumes that you have used the .BASE directive
       to define a register that points to the base address of your
       linkage section. That is, it assumes that you have included a
       statement similar to the following:

       .BASE R27, $LS

       This source statement defines the base address of the linkage
       section to be R27, and to be associated with the macro symbol
       $LS. This source statement should be placed in your source
       code before the $CALL macro call.

4.1  –  Using $CALL in Source Code

    This example uses the same source code from the previous example,
    except it uses the $CALL macro to show how to call a local and
    external routine.

    Example 4  Program Using $CALL

            $CODE_SECTION             ; Switch to the code section
                                      ; ($CS points here)
            MOV     R27,R2    1
            .base   R2, $LS   2
            $CALL SUB1                ; Call external routine SUB1  3
            $CALL SUB2, LOCAL=TRUE    ; Call local routine SUB2     4
            $RETURN                   ; Perform epilogue and return
            $END_ROUTINE MAIN         ; Mark the end of the routine

    1  The $LS symbol is defined to be the address of the procedure
       that is defined within the linkage section. The calling
       routine places the address of the procedure descriptor in
       R27 before making the call. This guarantees that the address
       associated with the symbol $LS is stored in R27 upon routine
       entry. Since the information in R27 is erased during a
       standard call, a copy is preserved in register R2.

    2  Register R2 now contains the address of our procedure
       descriptor, which is the base address of our linkage section.
       Since $LS is defined to point to the base address of the
       linkage section, the assembler computes the offsets within
       the linkage section using the .BASE directive.

    3  The $CALL macro calls the external routine SUB1.

    4  The $CALL macro calls the local routine SUB2. This call uses
       the LOCAL=TRUE keyword argument to indicate that routine SUB2
       is defined within the module.

5  –  Programming Considerations

    This section discusses some programming considerations you need
    to be aware of when using the calling-standard macros.

5.1  –  Making Multiple Calls From the Same Routine

    The $CALL macro generates the following instruction sequence:

     LDQ R26, code_address_offset(Rls)              ; load code address
     LDQ R27, procedure_descriptor_address_offset(Rls) ; load procedure
                                                       ;    descriptor
                                                       ;    address
     JSR R26, R26                                      ;

    The contents of R26 and R27 are erased as a result of using the
    $CALL macro. This is important since Rls in the previous sequence
    is typically R27. Thus, if you require subsequent access to your
    linkage section, such as when making subsequent calls, you need
    to make a working copy of R27 to use after the first call.

    Note that $CALL also overwrites the values in the argument
    registers, and the scratch registers specified or the default
    set by the SCRATCH_REGS argument, when you pass arguments to the
    called routine.

5.2  –  Nonstandard Linkage

    Under certain circumstances, there may be advantages in using a
    nonstandard routine linkage.

5.3  –  Routine Restrictions

    Different routine types have different capabilities and
    restrictions. For example, only a stack routine that specifies
    BASE_REG_IS_FP=TRUE can make standard calls.

5.4  –  Syntax Rules

    You can use either positional or keyword argument association
    or a combination of the two with these macros. For positional
    association, the order of formal arguments is shown with
    the format of each macro. The following syntax rules apply
    when invoking the assembler using the command-line qualifier

    o  When specifying macro names, you must use all uppercase or all
       lowercase characters. You cannot mix uppercase and lowercase

    o  When specifying keyword arguments, you must use the same
       alphabetic case as the macro name it is associated with. If
       you use lowercase characters with the macro name, you must
       use lowercase characters with the keyword argument. If you
       use uppercase characters with the macro name, you must use
       uppercase characters with the keyword argument.


    Marks the beginning of an epilogue instruction sequence.



6.1  –  Description

    $BEGIN_EPILOGUE marks the beginning of an epilogue instruction
    sequence that you code within a stack or register routine defined
    with the $ROUTINE macro.

    At each point where a stack or register routine returns to
    its caller, the routine must perform a sequence of operations
    to restore any saved registers and to perform stack frame
    management. This sequence is called the epilogue and is described
    in detail in the OpenVMS Calling Standard.

    You can use the $RETURN macro to generate a standard epilogue
    instruction sequence for you, or you can code your own sequence.
    If you code your own epilogue sequence, you must mark the
    beginning and end of the epilogue sequence with the $BEGIN_
    EPILOGUE and $END_EPILOGUE macros.

6.2  –  Notes

    o  You must not use $BEGIN_EPILOGUE for an epilogue instruction
       sequence generated by $RETURN. $RETURN automatically invokes

6.3  –  Example

                MOV     R1,FP               ; Restore caller's frame
                RET     (R26)               ; Return to caller
                $END_ROUTINE MUMBLE

7  –  $CALL

    Issues a call to another routine.


      $CALL  NAME=routine-being-called -

             [Rls=linkage-section-register] -

             [LS=linkage-section-address] -

             [LOCAL=boolean] -

             [ARGS=argument-list] -

             [SET_ARG_INFO=boolean-value] -

             [STACK_RETURN_VALUE=boolean-value] -

             [SCRATCH_REGS=scratch_reg-list] -

             [TIE=boolean-value] -




             [USES_VAX_ARGLIST=boolean-value] -

             [SIGNATURE_BLOCK=signature_address] -

             [NONSTANDARD=boolean-value] -

7.1  –  Parameters


    The name of the routine to call. This argument is required.


    Linkage section register to use when generating the LDQ, LDQ, JSR
    instruction sequence. This argument is optional.

    If Rls is omitted, $CALL assumes that you entered a .BASE
    directive before invoking $CALL that establishes the value of a
    base register pointing into the linkage section. If you omit the
    Rls argument and you do not enter such a .BASE directive before
    invoking $CALL, the assembler issues the following error message
    during the $CALL macro expansion:

        "Argument 2 invalid"  The assembler failed to find a
         base register specified with a previous .BASE directive
         to form a register expression of the form offset(Rn)"


    LS is the address of the linkage section. If you use $CALL within
    a routine defined by the $ROUTINE macro, the LS argument defaults
    to the $LS symbol defined by $ROUTINE. If you use $CALL outside
    of a routine defined by the $ROUTINE macro, there are two ways
    that you can indicate the location of the linkage section to
    $CALL. First, you can specify the LS argument to $CALL as a
    relocatable address expression that indicates the base of the
    linkage section. In this case you must also specify the Rls
    argument. Second, you can specify both the linkage-section base
    register and the linkage-section address in a .BASE directive
    before invoking $CALL. In this case, you must omit both the Rls
    and LS arguments to $CALL.

    Digital recommends that you omit this argument if you use $CALL
    within a routine defined by the $ROUTINE macro.


    A Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) that specifies whether the
    routine to be called is local to the module or globally visible.
    By default, $CALL generates a call to a globally visible routine.
    To generate a call to a routine that is not globally visible, you
    must specify LOCAL=TRUE.


    An optional list of arguments to pass to the called routine.
    Enclose the argument list within angle brackets (<>)  and
    separate the arguments with commas (,).  You can use the
    following qualifiers with each argument you specify with the
    ARGS argument. These qualifiers are described in the following

    Each argument is an address expression (which may include a
    register) followed by a qualifier. The table also contains
    the argument type, the instruction used to load the argument
    into a register, the instruction used to store the argument on
    the stack, and the encodings used in the Argument Information
    Register (R25) in the call signature block when you specify
    TIE=TRUE. See the OpenVMS Calling Standard for more information
    on these encodings. Note that arguments are only stored on
    the stack if there are more than six arguments provided to the

                                    ARGS Arguments
           Argument   LOAD        STORE       AI       Reg Arg   Mem Arg
 Qualifier Type       Instruction Instruction Encoding Signature Signature

7.1.1    /A Address LDA STQ I64 I32 I32

7.1.2    /D D-floating LDG STG FD FD Q

7.1.3    /F F-floating LDF STF FF FF I32

7.1.4    /G G-floating LDG STG FG FG Q

7.1.5    /L Longword LDL STQ I64 I32 I32

7.1.6    /Q Quadword LDQ STQ I64 Q Q

7.1.7    /S S-floating LDS STS FS FS I32

7.1.8    /T T-floating LDT STT FT FT Q

7.1.9    /UL(1) Unsigned LDL STQ I64 U32 I32

           Longword   /ZAP
 (1)--Unsigned 32-bit integers are normally passed using the /L argument
 qualifier. Therefore, Digital does not recommend that you use the /UL
 argument qualifier.


    An optional argument to indicate whether $CALL should
    set the Argument Information (AI) register (R25) with
    the appropriate argument information or not. By default,
    or if you specify SET_ARG_INFO=TRUE, $CALL stores the
    appropriate argument information in R25. If you specify
    SET_ARG_INFO=FALSE, $CALL does not affect R25.

    If you want to conform to the OpenVMS Calling Standard, you
    must store the appropriate information in R25 yourself before
    invoking $CALL. If you do not need to conform to the OpenVMS
    Calling Standard, and if the called routine does not need
    argument information in R25, you can specify SET_ARG_INFO=FALSE
    and make no change in R25. By making no change in R25, you
    avoid the overhead involved when either you or $CALL load
    argument information into R25 at the expense of calling standard


    An optional argument to indicate that the called routine returns
    a value on the stack. By default, $CALL assumes that the called
    routine does not return a value on the stack. In this case, $CALL
    removes any arguments passed to the called routine from the stack
    when the called routine returns.

    If the called routine returns a value on the stack, the returned
    value is placed at a lower address than the arguments on the
    stack. In this case, you must specify STACK_RETURN_VALUE=TRUE
    to prevent $CALL from removing the arguments to the called
    routine from the stack and erasing the value returned by the
    called routine. You must retrieve the return value and remove it
    from the stack. Then you can remove the arguments to the called
    routine using the $STACK_ARG_SIZE symbol defined by $CALL.


    An optional list of scratch registers for $CALL to use when
    processing arguments passed to the called routine with the ARGS
    argument. If you pass more than six arguments to the called
    routine, $CALL may need to use scratch registers to process the

    By default, $CALL uses R0, R1, F0, and F1. You can cause $CALL to
    use different scratch registers with the SCRATCH_REGS argument.

    If you are passing integer arguments, you should specify at
    least one integer register. If you are passing floating-point
    arguments, you should specify at least one floating-point

    $CALL can process arguments to the called routine more
    efficiently if you specify two or more scratch registers of the
    type or types appropriate to the arguments you are passsing.


    A Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) that specifies whether $CALL
    should generate a call sequence that is compatible with both
    native routines and the Translated Image Environment (TIE). By
    default, $CALL generates a faster call sequence that is only
    compatible with native routines. If you specify TIE=TRUE, $CALL
    generates a call sequence that works with both native routines
    and translated routines. If you are calling a VAX routine in a
    shareable image that has been translated with the DECmigrate
    image translator, specify TIE=TRUE. If you are calling a native
    routine, Digital recommends you default the TIE argument or
    specify TIE=FALSE. While $CALL generates a call sequence that
    is compatible with native routines when you specify TIE=TRUE,
    that call sequence is slower than when you specify or default


    An optional argument used to indicate the type of function return
    when you also specify TIE=TRUE. This argument is ignored unless
    you also specify TIE=TRUE. Specify one of I64, D64, I32, U32,
    FF, FD, FG, FS, FT, FFC, FDC, FGC, FSC, or FTC. These values
    correspond to the RASE$K_FR_* signature encodings described
    in Table 3-7 in the OpenVMS Calling Standard. If you specify
    TIE=TRUE and do not specify a function return type with FUNC_
    RETURN, the default function return type is I64.


       Specification of the FUNC_RETURN argument does not in itself
       cause $ROUTINE to generate a procedure signature block.
       However, if you specify either or both the ARGLIST or USES_
       VAX_ARGLIST arguments, any value you specify with the FUNC_
       RETURN argument is recorded in both the procedure descriptor
       and the procedure signature block.


    An optional argument to indicate whether the called routine uses
    a VAX argument list. This argument is ignored unless you also
    specify TIE=TRUE. By default, $CALL assumes the called routine
    does not use a VAX argument list. Specify USES_VAX_ARGLIST=TRUE
    to indicate that the called routine uses a VAX argument list.


    An optional argument that you can use to supply the address of
    the call signature block. This argument is ignored unless you
    also specify TIE=TRUE. Note that you cannot specify a SIGNATURE_
    BLOCK argument in combination with either of the FUNC_RETURN
    or USES_VAX_ARGLIST arguments. By default, $CALL generates a
    call signature block for you when you specify TIE=TRUE, and you
    can in part control the contents of that signature block with
    the FUNC_RETURN and USES_VAX_ARGLIST arguments. If you wish to
    define your own call signature block, do not specify either of
    the FUNC_RETURN or USES_VAX_ARGLIST arguments and supply the
    address of your call signature block with the SIGNATURE_BLOCK


    A Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) that specifies whether $CALL
    should suppress warning and informational messages concerning
    nonstandard usage. By default, $CALL issues warning and
    informational messages to indicate you are using $CALL in a
    way that violates the OpenVMS Calling Standard or in a way
    that requires special programming considerations. Specify
    NONSTANDARD=TRUE if you wish to suppress these messages.

7.2  –  Description

    $CALL issues a call to another routine and performs the following

    1. Searches a list of linkage pairs referenced in previous
       invocations of the $CALL and $LINKAGE_PAIR macros. If a
       linkage pair is already in the list, $CALL uses the linkage
       pair from the previous invocation. Otherwise, $CALL stores
       the linkage pair of the called routine in the caller's linkage
       section and adds the linkage pair to the caller's list. If you
       use $CALL within a routine defined with the $ROUTINE macro,
       $CALL and $LINKAGE_PAIR reset the list of linkage pairs for
       each routine.

    2. Allocates stack space for arguments if necessary.

    3. Generates instructions to load the arguments to the called

    4. Sets the value in the argument information register, R25.

    5. Generates the following instruction sequence to perform
       the actual call based on the location of the linkage pair
       generated from step 1 and the address specified or defaulted
       with the LS argument. The register specified with the Rls
       argument is assumed to point to the base of the linkage
       section as shown in the following example:

       LDQ R26, code_address_offset(Rls)         ; load code address
       LDQ R27, procedure_descriptor_address_offset(Rls) ; load
                                                         ;  procedure
                                                         ;  descriptor
                                                         ;  address
           JSR R26, R26

    6. Frees argument stack space, if any, and if the called routine
       does not return a value on the stack.

7.3  –  Examples

      Example 1
            $CALL SUB1, Rls=R13, LS=MY_LINKAGE_SECTION
            $CALL SUB2

            .QUAD 1
            MOV R27, R2
            $CALL SUB4, R2
            .BASE R2, $LS
            $CALL SUB5
            $CALL SUB6, -
               ARGS=<XX/A, R0/Q>, -
            $CALL SUB7, -
            $END_ROUTINE SUB3
      Example 2
                                ; Fetch octaword return value from stack
        LDQ R4, 0(SP)           ; low quadword
        LDQ R5, 8(SP)           ; high quadword


    Switches control to the current routine's code section psect.



8.1  –  Description

    $CODE_SECTION switches control to the current routine's code
    section psect.

8.2  –  Example



    Switches control to the current routine's data section psect.



9.1  –  Description

    $DATA_SECTION switches control to the current routine's data
    section psect.

9.2  –  Example



    Marks the end of an epilogue instruction sequence.



10.1  –  Description

    You can use the $END_EPILOGUE macro to mark the end of an
    epilogue instruction sequence that you code yourself within
    a stack or register routine defined with the $ROUTINE macro.
    At each point where a STACK or REGISTER routine returns to
    its caller, the routine must perform a sequence of operations
    to restore any saved registers and to perform stack-frame
    management. This sequence is called the epilogue and is described
    in detail in the OpenVMS Calling Standard.

    You can use the $RETURN macro to generate a standard epilogue
    instruction sequence for you. Alternatively, you can code your
    own sequence. If you code your own epilogue sequence, you must
    mark the beginning and end of the epilogue sequence with the
    $BEGIN_EPILOGUE and $END_EPILOGUE macros, respectively.

    Note that you must not use $END_EPILOGUE for an epilogue
    instruction sequence generated by $RETURN. $RETURN invokes

    You may omit the invocation of $END_EPILOGUE if your epilogue
    sequence occurs at the end of the routine. The $END_ROUTINE macro
    invokes $END_EPILOGUE for you if you invoke the $BEGIN_EPILOGUE
    macro without a matching invocation of the $END_EPILOGUE macro.
    You must invoke $END_EPILOGUE with epilogue sequences that occur
    in the middle of your routine.

10.2  –  Example

                MOV     R1,FP               ; Restore caller's frame
                RET     (R26)               ; Return to caller
                $END_ROUTINE MUMBLE


    Marks the end of a prologue instruction sequence.



11.1  –  Description

    $END_PROLOGUE marks the end of a routine prologue instruction
    sequence that you code yourself. The prologue instruction
    sequence begins with the first instruction of the routine. There
    can only be one prologue instruction sequence in a routine. The
    prologue is described in detail in the OpenVMS Calling Standard.

    You invoke $END_PROLOGUE after the last instruction in the
    routine prologue code. The last instruction in the routine
    prologue is the one that updates FP (R29, the frame pointer)
    and makes the frame become current. You must use this macro
    when the routine type is stack or register and you specify

11.2  –  Notes

    o  Do not use this macro when the $ROUTINE macro generates a
       standard prologue or when the routine type is null or bound.
       For example, a standard prologue is generated for you when you
       specify or leave the default of $ROUTINE's STANDARD_PROLOGUE
       argument to TRUE.

11.3  –  Example

                MOV     SP, FP


    Marks the end of a routine.


      $END_ROUTINE  [name=routine-name]

12.1  –  Parameter


    The name of the routine that is ended. This argument is optional.
    If you specify a name, $END_ROUTINE verifies that the name
    matches that which was specified with $ROUTINE to begin the
    routine. If the name does not match, $END_ROUTINE issues a
    diagnostic message. There is no default. If you omit the name,
    $END_ROUTINE does not verify a matching name.

12.2  –  Description

    You must use this macro at the end of a routine that is defined
    with the $ROUTINE macro to delimit the end the current routine
    and to perform final macro processing of the routine.

12.3  –  Example



    Locates or defines a linkage pair in the linkage psect.


      $LINKAGE_PAIR  name=routine-name, local=boolean

13.1  –  Parameters


    Name of the linkage pair to define. This argument is required.


    A Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) that specifies whether the
    routine is defined within the module for not. The default is
    to store a linkage pair for a global routine. You must specify
    LOCAL=TRUE to store a linkage pair for a routine that is not
    globally visible.

13.2  –  Description

    You can invoke this macro to locate or define a linkage pair
    in the linkage psect. The linkage pair is added to a list for
    later use and retrieval by the $CALL and $LINKAGE_PAIR macros.
    Thus, only the first invocation of $LINKAGE_PAIR (or $CALL) for
    a given routine to be called results in a linkage pair being
    stored. $LINKAGE_PAIR and $CALL use the same list of linkage
    pairs. $LINKAGE_PAIR restores the current psect when it is done.

    $LINKAGE_PAIR defines the symbol $LP. This symbol value is the
    address within the linkage section of the linkage pair for the
    specified routine to call.

13.3  –  Notes

    o  Because the $CALL macro invokes the $LINKAGE_PAIR macro
       for you, you do not need to use $LINKAGE_PAIR when you are
       using $CALL. You may wish to use $LINKAGE_PAIR when you are
       not using $CALL or when you require a specific ordering or
       placement of linkage pairs within the linkage section.

13.4  –  Example

    $LINKAGE_PAIR SUB1  ; define linkage pair in linkage section
    LDQ R26, $LP
    LDQ R27, $LP+8
    JSR R26, R26


    $LINKAGE_SECTION switches control to the current routine's
    linkage section psect.



14.1  –  Description

    $LINKAGE_SECTION switches control to the current routine's
    linkage section psect.

14.2  –  Example


15  –  $OPDEF

    Used to define opcodes.



15.1  –  Parameters


    MNEMONIC is the mnemonic name by which the instruction is called.
    You may optionally specify a qualifier list separated from the
    name by a slash (/).  A qualifier list is a sequence of one or
    more letters or digits with no intervening spaces or separators.


    FORMAT is one of the following arguments:

    Format                      Description

    MEMORY                      Standard memory format instructions.
    MEMORY_FUNCTION             Memory format instructions with a
                                function code.
    JUMP                        Memory format instructions formatted
                                like jump instructions.
    BRANCH                      Standard branch format instructions.
    OPERATE                     Standard operate instructions.
    FLOATING_OPERATE            Standard floating-point operate
    PAL                         Standard PALcode instructions.
    <CUSTOM=operand_type_list>  Custom format.

    With the CUSTOM format, you may optionally specify a list of the
    types of operands the instruction is to accept. If you specify
    a list of operand types, you must enclose the entire FORMAT
    argument within angle brackets, and you must specify the operand
    types in the order they are to be used with the instruction.
    $OPDEF supports the following operand types:

    IREGISTER      Integer register, such as R5 or SP.
    FREGISTER      Floating-point register, such as F7.
    LITERAL        Integer literal, such as #123 or 32767.
    LIT_IREG       Integer literal, such as #123 or 32767, or integer
                   register, such as R5 or SP.
    INDIRECT       Indirect integer register notation such as (R7).
    DISPLACEMENT   Indirect integer register notation with an integer
                   literal displacement, such as FOO(R12).
    BRANCH_OFFSET  Label or address expression, such as L1.

    For example:


    The following example shows the definition of the ADDQ
    instruction, which takes either an integer register or literal
    as its second argument:

        $OPDEF ADDQ,                                      -
            ENCODING=<26:31=^x10,                         -
                21:25=%OP1,                               -
                12:20=%OP2,                               -
                5:11=^x20,                                -

    For a detailed description of instruction formats, see the Alpha
    Architecture Reference Manual.


    ENCODING is the numeric encoding for the instruction opcode.
    The default radix is decimal, as is the case for all assembler
    constants. Prefix the value with ^X for hexadecimal. Certain
    instruction formats allow multipart encoding:

    Format             Encoding Description

    MEMORY_FUNCTION    Specify the base opcode, followed by a dot,
                       followed by the function code. For example:

    JUMP               Specify the base opcode, optionally followed
                       by a dot, and the hardware-hint bits
                       optionally followed by a dot and the software-
                       hint bits. For example:

    OPERATE            Specify the base opcode, followed by a dot,
                       followed by the function code. For example:

    FLOATING_OPERATE   Specify the base opcode, followed by a dot and
                       the function code. For example:

    PAL                Specify the base opcode, optionally followed
                       by a dot and the function code. Omit the
                       function code for a generic PAL instruction
                       that accepts an integer-expression argument.
                       For example:

    CUSTOM             Specify a comma-separated list of bit ranges
                       and values to place in those bit ranges. For

                       ENCODING = < 26:31=^X14, 21:25=%OP1, -
                                    16:20=%OP2.REG, 0:15=%OP2.DISP >

    For CUSTOM format instructions, specify the ENCODING argument as
    a comma-separated list of bit ranges and values to place in those
    bit ranges. Enclose the list within angle brackets.

    Specify a bit range as start:end where start and end are integer
    constant expressions. For a 1-bit bit range, start and end are
    equal. Bit positions range from 0 to 31. Place an equal sign (=)
    after the bit-range specifier followed by the value you wish to
    put in the bit range. You can place either a constant integer
    expression or an operand into the bit range. Start and end
    expressions and integer constant expressions must not reference
    any external symbols or symbols not yet defined in the assembly.
    $OPDEF evaluates these expressions at the time that it defines
    the instruction as opposed to when the defined instruction is

    Operand names are of the form %OPn, where n is the ordinal number
    of the operand as specified from left to right with the FORMAT

    places the 5-bit register number into the bit positions you

    For LITERAL operands, $OPDEF places the literal value of the
    operand into the bit positions you specify. Operand literal
    values can be up to 32 bits long. The most significant bits
    are truncated if the size of the operand literal value exceeds
    the bit range you specify. Forward and external references are

    For LIT_IREG operands, $OPDEF places either a literal value or
    a 5-bit register number into the bit positions you specify. If a
    literal, the low bit is 1, and the literal value is placed in the
    upper bits. If an integer register, the low four bits are 0, and
    the high five bits contain the register number.

    For DISPLACEMENT operands, $OPDEF defines two parts: a 5-bit
    register number and a displacement value that can be up to 32
    bits long. The most significant bits are truncated from the
    displacement value if the size of the displacement value exceeds
    the bit range you specify. You can reference the register number
    by placing .REG after the operand name. For example: %OP2.REG.
    Similarly, you can reference the displacement value by placing
    .DISP after the operand name. For example: %OP2.DISP. Forward
    references are allowed. Relocatable expressions are not allowed.

    For BRANCH_OFFSET operands, $OPDEF stores the signed longword
    offset between the next instruction and the specified address in
    the bit positions you specify. The address expression specified
    for a BRANCH_OFFSET operand can be a backward or forward
    reference to a location within the current psect. It cannot
    be an external address or an address in a different psect. The
    resulting offset can be up to 32 bits in size. If the size of the
    offset exceeds the bit range you specify, the most significant
    bits are truncated.

    $OPDEF fills any bit positions you leave unspecified with zeros.


    DEFAULTS is an optional list of operand defaults of the form
    <%OPn=value, ...>, where n is the number of the operand to which
    the value is to apply as a default. Operand defaults may be
    specified in any order. If you specify a default for one or more
    operands, you need not specify a default for all operands.

    The following example specifies a default of R31 for the first
    instruction argument:

            ENCODING=<26:31=^x1A,                         -
                21:25=%OP1,                               -
                16:20:%OP2,                               -
                14;14=^x2,0:13=0>,                        -

15.2  –  Description

    You can use the $OPDEF macro to define your own opcodes.

    $OPDEF defines a macro using an unqualified version of the
    mnemonic name you specify. When this macro is invoked with the
    instruction qualifiers you specify when you define it with $OPDEF
    (if any), it expands to the instruction representation you have
    defined with $OPDEF. You can specify the qualifiers in any order
    as long as the combination of qualifiers you use is the same.

    Other uses of the mnemonic name remain valid provided you do not
    use the mnemonic name as a macro name in a .MACRO directive. For
    instance, you can use the same mnemonic name in the opcode field
    with different or no qualifiers. If the qualifiers (or absence
    thereof) do not match those specified in your $OPDEF instruction
    definition, the macro defined by $OPDEF processes as though you
    had not defined an instruction by that mnemonic name. To do
    so, it expands to a single statement. This expansion statement
    is identical to the mnemonic-name macro invocation statement,
    except it is processed in a context that prevents the mnemonic-
    name macro from expanding recursively. Instead, the statement
    is processed as a normal, MACRO-64 instruction statement. In
    this case, you may notice references to the mnemonic-name macro
    expansion in a MACAUXMSG diagnostic message if the instruction
    statement contains errors.

    For instance, if you define a STQ/P instruction using $OPDEF,
    you can still use the STQ instruction without the /P qualifier.
    If you do, and your STQ instruction statement contains an error,
    the assembler generates a MACAUXMSG message indicating that the
    error occurred during the expansion of macro STQ. Aside from
    the fact that the STQ instruction is processed in the context of
    the expansion of the STQ macro, $OPDEF's definition of the STQ/P
    instruction has no effect on your use of the STQ instruction.

15.3  –  Example


16  –  .PACKED

    Packed decimal string storage macro.


      .PACKED  decimal-string[,symbol]

16.1  –  Parameters


    A decimal number from 0 to 31 digits long with an optional sign.
    Digits can be in the range 0 to 9.


    An optional symbol that is assigned a value equivalent to the
    number of decimal digits in the string. The sign is not counted
    as a digit.

16.2  –  Description

    .PACKED generates packed decimal data with two digits per byte.
    Packed decimal data is useful in calculations requiring exact
    accuracy. It is operated on by the decimal string instructions.

    A packed decimal string is a contiguous sequence of bytes in
    memory. It is specified by two attributes: the address A of
    the first byte and a length L, which is the number of digits in
    the string and not the length of the string in bytes. The bytes
    of a packed decimal string are divided into two, 4-bit fields
    (nibbles). Each nibble except the low nibble (bits 3:0) of the
    last (highest-addressed) byte must contain a decimal digit. The
    low nibble of the highest-addressed byte must contain a sign. The
    representation for the digits and sign is indicated as follows:

    Sign  Decimal        Hexadecimal

    0     0              0
    1     1              1
    2     2              2
    3     3              3
    4     4              4
    5     5              5
    6     6              6
    7     7              7
    8     8              8
    9     9              9
    +     10,12,14, or   A,C,E, or F
    -     15             B or D
          11 or 13

    The preferred sign representation is 12 for plus (+)  and 13 for
    minus (-). The length L is the number of digits in the packed
    decimal string (not counting the sign); L must be in the range
    0 to 31. When the number of digits is odd, the digits and the
    sign fit into a string of bytes whose length is defined by the
    following equation: L/2(integer part only) + 1. When the number
    of digits is even, it is required that an extra 0 appear in the
    high nibble (bits 7:4) of the first byte of the string. Again,
    the length in bytes of the string is L/2 + 1.

    The address A of the string specifies the byte of the string
    containing the most-significant digit in its high nibble. Digits
    of decreasing significance are assigned to increasing byte
    addresses and from high nibble to low nibble within a byte.
    Thus, +123 has a length of 3. The packed decimal number -12
    has a length of 2.

16.3  –  Example

        .PACKED -12,PACKED_SIZED        ; PACKED_SIZE gets value of 2
        .PACKED +500
        .PACKED 0
        .PACKED -0,SUM_SIZE             ; SUM_SIZE gets value of 1


    Defines a procedure descriptor structure at the current psect and



17.1  –  Description

    The arguments for the $PROCEDURE_DESCRIPTOR macro are the same as
    the $ROUTINE macro, with the following exceptions:

    o  The ENTRY argument is required.


    o  There is an additional END_PROLOGUE argument. This argument
       must be a label that you define at the end of the routine's
       prologue sequence. This argument is required for stack and
       register procedure types.

17.2  –  Notes

    o  Because the $ROUTINE macro invokes the $PROCEDURE_DESCRIPTOR
       macro for you, you do not need to use the
       $PROCEDURE_DESCRIPTOR macro if you use $ROUTINE. You may wish
       to use $PROCEDURE_DESCRIPTOR when you are not using $ROUTINE.

17.3  –  Example

            $PROCEDURE_DESCRIPTOR p1,           -
                              KIND=NULL,        -


    Clears the list of linkage pairs maintained by the $LINKAGE_PAIR
    and $CALL macros.



18.1  –  Description

    The $LINKAGE_PAIR and $CALL macros maintain an assembly-time
    list of linkage pairs that the $LINKAGE_PAIR macro has stored in
    the linkage section. This list enables $LINKAGE_PAIR and $CALL
    to use the same linkage pair for multiple routine calls to the
    same routine. You can clear this list of linkage pairs with the
    $RESET_LP_LIST macro.

    Under normal circumstances, you do not need to clear the linkage-
    pair list. Some of the times when you do are as follows:

    o  When you change the psect assigned to the linkage section.

    o  If distance from the linkage section of your current routine
       falls more than 32K bytes beyond where the linkage pair has
       been stored.

18.2  –  Example

         ; Define the linkage section psect for routines A & B
         $LINK$ = "AB_LINK,NOEXE,OCTA"

         .BASE  R27, $LS
         $CALL D ; Linkage pair is stored in A's linkage
           ;  section and put on the assembly-time list
         $END_ROUTINE A

         .BASE  R27, $LS
         $CALL D ; Linkage pair is found on the list,
           ;  and used from A's linkage section
         $END_ROUTINE B

         ; Define a different linkage section for routine C
         $LINK$ = "C_LINK,NOEXE,OCTA"

         ; Linkage pairs that are on the list are in A & B's linkage
         ; section, which is not easily accessible by C.  Therefore,
         ; clear the list.

         .BASE  R27, $LS
         $CALL D ; Linkage pair is stored in C's linkage
           ;  section and put on the assembly-time list
         $END_ROUTINE B

19  –  $RETURN

    Generates a standard epilogue instruction sequence.



19.1  –  Description

    Generates a standard epilogue instruction sequence when used
    within a stack or register routine defined with the $ROUTINE
    macro. The epilogue sequence generated by $RETURN restores any
    registers you specify with the SAVED_REGS argument to $ROUTINE
    and performs stack frame management as necessary. You can use
    $RETURN whether or not you specify STANDARD_PROLOGUE as TRUE or
    accept the default.

    You can use $RETURN any number of times within a given stack or
    register routine to affect a return to the calling routine.

    You must not use the $BEGIN_EPILOGUE or $END_EPILOGUE macros
    for an epilogue sequence generated by $RETURN. $RETURN invokes

19.2  –  Example


20  –  $ROUTINE

    Defines the current routine and creates a context for the


      $ROUTINE  NAME=routine name -

                ALIASES=alias names -

                LOCAL=boolean value -

                STANDARD_PROLOGUE=boolean value -

                ENTRY=code entry point -

                CODE_SECTION=code section psect name -

                DATA_SECTION=data section psect name -

                DATA_SECTION_POINTER=boolean value -

                LINKAGE_SECTION=linkage section psect name -

                KIND=routine type-

                HANDLER_REINVOKABLE=boolean value -

                BASE_REG_IS_FP=boolean value-

                REI_RETURN=boolean value -

                STACK_RETURN_VALUE=boolean value -

                RSA_OFFSET=integer value -

                SAVE_FP=register name -

                SAVE_RA=return address register name -

                SIZE=numeric value -

                SAVED_REGS=list of registers -

                HANDLER=exception handler address -

                HANDLER_DATA=data address for exception handler -

                SYNCH_EXCEPTIONS=boolean value-

                PROC_VALUE=procedure value -

                ENVIRONMENT=environment value -

                FUNC_RETURN=function return type -

                ARGLIST=argument type list -

                USES_VAX_ARGLIST=boolean value -

                OVERRIDE_FLAGS=procedure descriptor flags -

                DEFAULT_SIGNATURE=boolean value -

                COMMON_BASE=list of registers -

                TARGET_INVO=boolean value -

                EXCEPTION_MODE=mode -

20.1  –  Parameters


    The name of the routine. This argument is required for all
    procedure kinds. There is no default. For example:



    List of alias names for the routine. This argument is optional
    for all procedure types. There is no default. For example:



    Boolean value indicating whether the routine is local (TRUE) or
    externally visible (FALSE). This argument is optional for all
    procedure kinds. The default is FALSE. For example:



    Specifies a Boolean value to indicate whether $ROUTINE should
    generate a standard instruction prologue sequence at the
    beginning of the routine's code section. This argument is
    optional and valid only with REGISTER and STACK procedures. If
    the procedure type is stack or register, the default is TRUE and
    $ROUTINE generates a standard prologue sequence. The prologue
    sequence generated by $ROUTINE saves the registers you specify
    with the SAVED_REGS argument and performs stack-frame management
    as necessary.

    If you also specify BASE_REG_IS_FP=FALSE, the standard prologue
    sequence generated by $ROUTINE makes a copy of the procedure
    descriptor address that is in R27 upon entry into R29 (FP). While
    you cannot change the value in R29 before the epilogue, you can
    use R29 as a working, linkage-section register. If you specify
    the STANDARD_PROLOGUE argument as FALSE, you must code your own
    prologue sequence and mark the end of the prologue with the $END_
    PROLOGUE macro. Whether or not you specify STANDARD_PROLOGUE as
    TRUE or accept the default, you can generate a standard epilogue
    sequence for stack and register procedures with the $RETURN
    macro. For example:



    The name of the code-entry point. This argument is the code
    entry-point label that $ROUTINE defines for you at the beginning
    of the code section for the routine. If this argument is omitted,
    $ROUTINE generates a label. For example:



    The psect name and attributes of the code section. This argument
    is optional for all procedure kinds. If omitted, the default
    is the name and attributes defined by the $CODE$ lexical string
    symbol. If you specify a name and attributes for the CODE_SECTION
    argument, $ROUTINE redefines the $CODE$ lexical string symbol
    such that the specified values become the new default. Initially,
    $CODE$ is defined as follows:


    Since you must delimit the psect name and attributes using
    commas, be sure to enclose this argument within angle brackets
    to avoid having the assembler interpret the name and attributes
    as different arguments to $ROUTINE. For example:



    The psect name and attributes of the data section. This argument
    is optional for all procedure kinds. If omitted, the default
    is the name and attributes defined by the $DATA$ lexical string
    symbol. If you specify a name and attributes for the DATA_SECTION
    argument, $ROUTINE redefines the $DATA$ lexical string symbol
    such that the specified values become the new default. Initially,
    $DATA$ is defined as follows:


    Since you must delimit the psect name and attributes using
    commas, be sure to enclose this argument within angle brackets
    to avoid having the assembler interpret the name and attributes
    as different arguments to $ROUTINE. For example:



    Boolean value indicating whether $ROUTINE should store a pointer
    to the data section in the linkage section and define $DP as
    the address of that pointer. This argument is optional for all
    procedure kinds. The default is FALSE. For example:


    You can use the DATA_SECTION_POINTER argument as follows:

     TALLY:  .QUAD 0
             .BASe       R27, $LS  ; Inform assembler that R27->$LS
             LDQ         R1, $DP   ; R1->$DS
             .BASE R1,$DS          ;Inform assembler that R1-$DS
             LDQ         R0, TALLY ; R0<-TALLY
             LDA         R0, 1(R0) ; R0<-R0++
             STQ         R0, TALLY ; TALLY<-R0
             RET         (R26)     ; Return
             $END_ROUTINE TALLY_HO

    In this example, the DATA_SECTION_POINTER argument is specified
    in order to obtain linkage to the data section. The first LDQ
    instruction loads R1 with the pointer to the data section
    that $ROUTINE stores in the linkage section. The next three
    instructions increment the value in the TALLY variable in the
    data section. Finally, the routine returns the incremented value
    to its caller in R0.


    The psect name and attributes of the linkage section. This
    argument is optional for all procedure kinds. If omitted, the
    default is the name and attributes defined by the $LINK$ lexical
    string symbol. If you specify a name and attributes for the
    LINKAGE_SECTION argument, $ROUTINE redefines the $LINK$ lexical
    string symbol such that the specified values become the new
    default. Initially, $LINK$ is defined as follows:


    Since you must delimit the psect name and attributes using
    commas, be sure to enclose this argument within angle brackets
    to avoid having the assembler interpret the name and attributes
    as different arguments to $ROUTINE. For example:



    Specifies the kind of routine being defined. This must be one
    of the following: STACK, REGISTER, NULL, or BOUND. This is an
    optional argument. The default is NULL. For example:



    Specifies a Boolean value to indicate whether the condition
    handler can be re-invoked. This argument is optional and valid
    only with STACK and REGISTER procedures. It defaults to FALSE
    if no value is specified and the procedure kind is STACK or
    REGISTER. Note that this argument is only valid if a value is
    also specified for the HANDLER argument. For example:



    Specifies a Boolean value to indicate whether register R29
    (FP) is used as the frame-pointer base register (TRUE) or not
    (FALSE). If specified as FALSE, R29 must be used to hold the
    address of the procedure descriptor (or the address of the
    address of the procedure descriptor-see the OpenVMS Calling
    Standard. You can use R29 to hold a working copy of the linkage-
    section address passed in R27. In addition, your prologue and
    epilogue instruction sequences can be shorter and more efficient.
    However, you cannot make standard calls to other routines if
    BASE_REG_IS_FP is specified as FALSE. This argument is optional
    and valid only with stack and register procedure kinds. It
    defaults to TRUE if the procedure type is stack or register.
    For example:



    Specifies a Boolean value to indicate whether this routine
    returns using an REI instruction. This argument is optional and
    valid only with STACK, REGISTER, and NULL procedure kinds. It
    defaults to FALSE if the procedure kind is STACK, REGISTER, or
    NULL. For example:



    This argument is obsolete. Do not specify this argument.


    An integer value specifying the stack offset (in bytes) of the
    register save area. This argument is optional and valid only
    for STACK procedures. If you specify BASE_REG_IS_FP as TRUE,
    the value you specify with RSA_OFFSET must be at least 8. RSA_
    OFFSET defaults to 8 if BASE_REG_IS_FP is specified as TRUE, 0
    otherwise. For example:



    The register that contains a copy of the value of FP (R29) upon
    entry to this routine. The prologue instruction sequence must
    copy FP to the register specified by SAVE_FP and the epilogue
    instruction sequence(s) must restore FP from the register
    specified by SAVE_FP. This argument is required and only valid
    for REGISTER procedures. There is no default. For example:



    The register that contains the return address. This argument
    is optional and only valid for REGISTER procedures. If SAVE_RA
    is not R26, the prologue instruction sequence must copy R26 to
    the register specified by SAVE_RA and the epilogue instruction
    sequence(s) must use the return address stored in the register
    specified by SAVE_FP to affect its return to caller. SAVE_RA
    defaults to R26 if the procedure kind is REGISTER. For example:



    A numeric value that must be a multiple of 16 specifying the
    size of the fixed-stack area in bytes. This parameter is valid
    only for REGISTER and STACK procedure kinds. It defaults to the
    minimum value possible given the other arguments you specify or
    default. $ROUTINE computes the amount of stack storage needed for
    the register save area (if any) and defines the $RSA_END symbol
    to be the offset of the first byte beyond the register save area.
    If you wish to allocate a fixed area of stack beyond the register
    save area, you can specify an expression with the SIZE argument
    that includes the term $RSA_END plus the amount of fixed-stack
    storage you need for your application. For example:



    A list of registers saved on the stack by the prologue code of
    this routine. It is valid only for STACK procedures and you must
    specify at least FP (R29) with this argument. It defaults to FP
    (R29) for STACK procedures. For example:


    The OpenVMS Calling Standard specifies that registers R0, R1,
    R28, R30 (SP), and R31 must never be saved and restored. If
    you specify these registers with the SAVED_REGS argument, the
    $ROUTINE macro issues a diagnostic warning message.


    The address of an exception handler. It is optional and valid
    only for STACK and REGISTER procedure kinds. By default, the
    procedure is defined not to have an exception handler. For



    The address of data for the specified handler, if any. This
    argument is optional and valid only for stack and register
    procedure kinds and has no default value. You cannot specify a
    HANDLER_DATA argument if you do not specify the HANDLER argument.
    For example:



    An argument to indicate whether exceptions must be synchronized
    or not. This argument is optional with STACK and REGISTER
    routines and is not allowed with other kinds of routines. This
    argument defaults to TRUE if you specify an exception handler
    with the HANDLER argument. Otherwise, it defaults to FALSE.
    When this argument is TRUE and you specify or accept the default
    STANDARD_PROLOGUE=TRUE, $ROUTINE generates a TRAPB instruction
    as part of the standard prologue sequence. In addition, when this
    argument is true, the $RETURN macro generates a TRAPB instruction
    as part of the standard epilogue sequence. When this argument is
    FALSE, neither $ROUTINE nor $RETURN generate TRAPB instructions.


    The procedure value of a bound procedure's parent. This argument
    is required for BOUND procedures and is invalid for all other
    procedure kinds. For example:



    Specifies an environment value. This parameter is optional and
    valid only for BOUND procedures. It has no default value. For



    Specifies the function return type. This argument is optional
    and valid for all procedure kinds. If specified, it must be one
    of the following: I64, D64, I32, U32, FF, FD, FG, FS, FT, FFC,
    FDC, FGC, FSC, or FTC. These values correspond to those listed in
    Table 3-7 of the OpenVMS Calling Standard that have an additional
    "RASE$K_FR_" prefix. There is no default. For example:



    Argument type list. This argument is optional and valid for
    all procedure kinds. If the argument list contains one or more
    elements, each of the first six elements must be one of the
    following: Q, I32, U32, FF, FD, FG, FS, or FT. The seventh and
    subsequent arguments (if any) must be either I32 or Q.

    These values correspond to the PSIG$K_RA_* and MASE$K_MA_*
    signature encodings in Table 3-6 of the OpenVMS Calling Standard.
    There is no default. If you specify this argument, $ROUTINE
    generates a procedure signature block. For example:



    Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the routine uses a
    VAX argument list. This argument is optional for all procedure
    kinds and defaults to FALSE. If you specify this argument,
    $ROUTINE generates a procedure signature block. For example:



    Specifies overriding flags for the PDSC$W_FLAGS field in the
    procedure descriptor. This argument is optional and valid for
    all procedure kinds. However, it is required for BOUND procedures
    when the parameter specified with the PROC_VALUE argument is an
    external or forward reference. There is no default. For example:



    Specifies a Boolean value to indicate whether the standard
    procedure signature is used. TRUE means to use the standard
    signature. It is optional and valid for all procedure kinds.
    The default is FALSE if you specify either the ARGLIST or USES_
    VAX_ARGLIST arguments. Otherwise, the default is TRUE. Note that
    this argument must be FALSE or blank if you specify either the
    ARGLIST or USES_VAX_ARGLIST arguments. For example:



    An argument to specify one or more base registers that are used
    in common with other routines. This argument is optional for
    all routine kinds. By default, $ROUTINE invalidates any previous
    .BASE directives that may be in effect when you invoke $ROUTINE.
    In this way, you are prevented from inadvertently processing the
    second or subsequent routines in a module with .BASE directives
    in effect that apply only to a previous routine. However, you
    may wish to share a common base register assignment between a
    number of routines. To do so, you can reissue the appropriate
    .BASE directive or directives after each invocation of $ROUTINE.
    Alternatively, you can specify one or more common base registers
    with the COMMON_BASE argument, and enter the appropriate .BASE
    directive or directives only once at the beginning of the module.
    Specify the value for the COMMON_BASE argument as a list of
    integer registers. For example:


    In this example, $ROUTINE invalidates any previous .BASE
    directives except those for registers R5 and R13. Previous .BASE
    directives for registers R5 and R13 are unaffected.


    Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether or not the exception
    handler for this procedure is invoked when this procedure is the
    target of an invocation unwind. (TARGET_INVO=TRUE) causes the
    exception handler to be invoked during an unwind. The default is


    An argument to specify one of the following exception modes with
    STACK and REGISTER procedures:

    o  SIGNAL-raise all exceptions except underflow.

    o  SIGNAL_ALL-raise all exceptions.

    o  SILENT-raise no exceptions.

    o  FULL_IEEE-only raise exceptions as per IEEE control bits.

    The default is EXCEPTION_MODE=SIGNAL.

20.2  –  Description

    $ROUTINE defines a routine, makes it the current routine, and
    performs the following actions:

    o  Creates and associates a linkage section, code section, and
       data section with the routine.

    o  Defines a procedure descriptor and optional signature block in
       accordance with the values of macro arguments.

    o  Optionally stores a pointer to the data section within the
       linkage section.

    o  Creates the following numeric and lexical symbols:

       Symbol      Description

       $CS         Address at start of the current routine's code
       $DS         Address at start of the current routine's data
       $DP         Optional address of a pointer to the current
                   routine's data section. This symbol has a value
                   that is an address in the current routine's
                   linkage section at which the $ROUTINE macro has
                   placed the address of the data section ($DS) as

                   $DP = .
                   .ADDRESS $DS

                   $DP enables you to access the data area of the
                   current routine from its linkage section.
       $LS         Address of the current routine's linkage section.
       $SIZE       Size of fixed area of stack frame of the current
                   routine. This symbol is valid only with STACK and
                   REGISTER routines.
       $RSA_       The offset within the fixed-stack area to the
       OFFSET      register save area. This symbol is valid only with
                   STACK routines.
       $RSA_END    The offset within the fixed-stack area to the the
                   first byte beyond the end of the register save
                   area (if any).
       $CODE$      A lexical string symbol that defines the routine's
                   code psect name and attributes.
       $DATA$      A lexical symbol that defines the routine's data
                   psect name and attributes.
       $LINK$      A lexical string symbol that defines the routine's
                   linkage psect name and attributes.

    o  Optionally generates a standard instruction prologue sequence
       at the beginning of the code section.

       If you specify /NAMES=AS_IS on the command line, all but
       the last three of these symbols are defined in both complete
       uppercase and complete lowercase. These symbols are intended
       for your use outside of the macros themselves. For example,
       the values of these numeric symbols may be useful as a
       mnemonic when coding an instruction with a register as in
       the following example:

        lda   SP,-$SIZE(SP)

       The last three symbols, $CODE$, $DATA$, and $LINK$, are only
       defined in uppercase. They are used by the $ROUTINE macro
       for the default code, data, and linkage section psect names
       and attributes. You can define these symbols before invoking
       $ROUTINE to alter the default program sections as follows:




       These statements cause $ROUTINE to use the previous psect
       names and attributes by default. If you specify any of the
       your invocation of $ROUTINE, $ROUTINE uses the psect name and
       attributes specified with the argument.

       In addition, $ROUTINE redefines the corresponding $CODE$,
       $DATA$, or $LINK$ lexical string symbol to the value
       you specify when you specify any of the CODE_SECTION,
       DATA_SECTION, or LINKAGE_SECTION arguments with $ROUTINE.

20.3  –  Example

                $ROUTINE MAIN1, KIND=NULL

                $ROUTINE MAIN1,         -
                    KIND=STACK,         -
                    SIZE=48,            -
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