Single-precision IEEE floating-point arithmetic directive Format .S_FLOATING floating-point-number-list
1 – Parameter
floating-point-number-list A list of IEEE single-precision floating-point constants separated by commas.
2 – Description
.S_FLOATING evaluates the specified floating-point constants and stores the results in the object module. .S_FLOATING generates 32-bit, single-precision, floating-point data (1 bit of sign, 8 bits of exponent, and 23 bits of fractional significance). See the description of .T_FLOATING for information on storing double- precision floating-point IEEE numbers and the descriptions of .D_FLOATING, .F_FLOATING, and .G_FLOATING for descriptions of other floating-point numbers.
3 – Notes
o You can only use this directive within data or mixed psects (psects that have either the NOEXE or MIX attributes). o If automatic data alignment is enabled, this directive aligns the current location counter to a longword (32-bit) boundary before allocating storage.
4 – Example
.S_FLOATING 2.0,3.0,4.405