VMS Help  —  MACRO  /ALPHA  Directives  .SUBTITLE
    Listing subtitle directive


      .SUBTITLE  quoted-literal

      .SBTTL  quoted-literal

1  –  Parameter


    An ASCII string enclosed in quotes from 1 to 31 characters long;
    excess characters are truncated.

2  –  Description

    .SUBTITLE causes the assembler to print the line of text as
    the subtitle on the second line of each assembly listing page.
    This subtitle text is printed on each page until altered by a
    subsequent .SUBTITLE directive in the program.

3  –  Notes

    o  The alternate form of .SUBTITLE is .SBTTL.

    o  This directive also accepts VAX MACRO syntax. See the
       VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual for details.

4  –  Example

        .SUBTITLE "Terminal Display Routines"
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