VMS Help  —  MACRO  /ALPHA  Directives  .SIGNED BYTE
    Signed byte storage directive


      .SIGNED_BYTE  expression-list

1  –  Parameters


    An expression or list of expressions separated by commas. Each
    expression specifies a value to be stored. The value must be in
    the range of -128 through +127.

2  –  Description

    .SIGNED_BYTE generates successive bytes of binary data in the
    object module and performs signed range checking. Apart from
    the range check, .SIGNED_BYTE is equivalent to .BYTE for storage

3  –  Notes

    o  You can only use this directive within data or mixed psects
       (psects that have either the NOEXE or MIX attributes).

4  –  Example

        .SIGNED_BYTE   LABEL1-LABEL2  ;  Data must fit
        .SIGNED_BYTE   -126           ;     in a byte
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